Christian Soldiers! - by Mrs. Brigadier Harold Smith |
The American Creed |
Miss B-26
Marauder - Ms. Betty Brockett |
Roy B.
Edge 322/452 * |
Historic Marauder
Firsts, by Jack Havener |
Gleason - Making them part of his family * |
397th Bombardment Group (M)
Distinguished Unit Citation, Silver Star and Distinguished Flying Cross
(DFC) Awards, Distinguished Unit Citation |
RAF/SAAF B-26 Martin Marauder Aircrew
Association |
Bomber Pilot's Memories by Curtis Miller |
James Michael Sweeney - 322nd BG, 451st BS |
B-26 Bombardment Groups and
Squadrons |
Martin B-26 Marauder
Posters - WW2 Era | B26.COM Marauder page |
Martin B-26 in South African Service-SAAF - Roger Best |
The 552nd Engineering Crew |
Richard Ainsworth - 387BG /558SQ Combat
Mission Record |
322 BG / 450 & 452 SQ- 17th May 1943 Mission Target Ijmuiden |
Capt. Darrell
Lindsey - Medal of Honor |
B-26 Box Formations |
Popular songs
during World War II |
Important Dates in Aviation
History |
B-26C 41-34765 |
Oboe by Warren
Butterfield |
A day at Pilot Flight school
- Dodge City |
Pilot to Pilot
- How about taking a crack B-26 pre-flight procedures? |
Brief History of 9th AF |
322nd Bomb Group Formation |
16th Tow Target Squadron -
I need
help gathering information about this squadron. |
Martin's Midway
Medium |
Capt. Glenn Rojohn - AAF, 100th
Bombardment Group |
TIME, by Alistair Cooke, BBC Broadcaster (he is ~95 years young) |
US Army Flight School,
1944, Class 44D. Lubbock Army Air Field, TX. |
37th Bomb Squadron |
386th BG,
554 BS - Officers of the 386th Bomb Group, 554th Bomb Squadron, World
War 2 |
Boreham Airfield, Essex (Station 161)
Earl Colne Airfield, Essex (Station
Rivenhall Airfield, Essex (Station 168) |
WWII Pilots
Pre-flight Class Photo |
Bomb Group - Roster |
Lubbock 44D -
Class Photo |
B26.com language translation -
here |
Arie D Bestebreurtje |
Iron Range World War II
Memorial, Australia |
Brief History of the 387th Bomb Group |
History of the 323rd Bomb Group |
Airplane category tree |
The Quiet Birdman by Vern Dallman |
United States Air
Force World War II Medals |
Production Flight Test Procedure For The Martin B-26 Marauder |
Elementary Physics for
Pilot Trainees
Technical Manual War Department
No. 1-233 Washington, April 22, 1942 |
Celestial Air Navigation Text,
Office of the Chief of the Air Corps, 1937 |
B26 - Bomb Strike bridge over River in Legnano in Northern
Italy |
Casalmaggiore Railroad Bridge
319 Bomb Group, 10 November 1944
57 Bomb Wing (M) |
Air Force
Case History Files, Martin B-26 Marauder |
History of the 69th
Bombardment Squadron
History of the 70th
Bombardment Squadron |
Truman Committee
(Archived) |
From a letter - Peyton Magruder to Bernard
Mallon, February 23, 1964 |
Testimony Of Glenn L. Martin, President Of The Glenn L. Martin Co.,
Baltimore, Md |
Missing Air Crew Reports |
No 38 Central Flying School, Trenton,
Canada, Royal Canadian Air Force |
How can I obtain copies of my military
records? |
Maisons-Laffitte railroad bridge bombardements 1944
By Claude Faix |
Martin B-26 Marauder - Parts Of The Plane |
Marauder, a book of the 22nd Bomb Group |
The Local Flying Regulations for Dodge City - Army Air Forces Pilot School,
dated May 15, 1944 >
Oxnard Crosswinds, Class 42-G, Primary Flight
Training; graduation class booklet |
Seems Depression, wars were
no sacrifice |
Mission to
Mayen bridge Germany 23 December 1944 by Paul “Robin” Priday |
Repatriate Personal Property,
Lost and Found, Return to Family |
The 557th Bombardment
Squadron, 387th Bombardment Group, member roster |
John Moench's
Veterans Day Speech November 11, 1981 |
Marauder Men Buried in
England, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, and Tunisia, 34th Bomb
Squadron, 17th Bomb Group |
Corps, Technical School, Chanute Field, Kansas, Airplane Mechanics Class
Number 2 May 22, 1931 |
martin.b26.marauder.plans.diagrams.pdf |
Responsible Citizenship Series by George Parker, author of "How To Win An
Impossible Election" |
454th Bomb Squadron
and 344th Bomb Group Martin B-26 Marauder (M), Marauder Men and their
Families, 2010 Reunion |
Remember the Marauder Men
by John O. Moench |
Boxted Airfield Museum
The Boxted
Airfield Museum is located on the South-East side of Langham
Lane. Address: Langham
Lane, Langham,
Essex, CO4 5NW |
Do you
know the names of the 394th Bomb Group crew
who flew in the Martin B-26 Marauder named "Spook" in WW2? |
The Martin Star, Glenn L.
Martin Company
Volume 1 February 1942 Number 1 |
Report To
Employees, The Glenn L. Martin Company Baltimore, March 31, 1943 |
Adrift At Sea - Fifty years haven't dimmed
Arcadian's memories |
Martin B-26 Marauder Crew |
The Last Known Roster of the 456 Bomb Squadron, 323 Bomb Group |
Elizabeth L. Gardner,
456th Bomb Squadron |
391st Bomb Group |
451st Bomb Squadron |
South African Air Force (SAAF) |
The Flying Wedge (456th Bomb Squadron) |
UK Marauder Bases
The Following Listed Names Are Those Personnel Known To Have Had Some
Involvement With Flak Bait, Either As Air Crew Or Ground Crew Personnel. |
Young British Schoolboy's Story of WWII by Doug Hopkins
'Lil'Lass' Carn Llidi Mountain, St. David's, Wales by Steve Jones |
List of Names, WW2 556th Bomb Squadron, 387th Bomb Group, Engineering
Section |
Deceased 320th Bomb Group Buried in Europe & North Africa
Index of Names for Accident Reports and Missing Air Crew Reports (MACR)
Compiled by Dave Kuhl |
Links: Would you like to exchange links with
b26.com? Please visit our
link to us page for details. |
About Face: The Odyssey of an American Warrior
by Col. David Hackworth [Web] |
Liberation Day |
Ode to Joe
- Memories of a WWII Aviator, by Bob Herklotz
www.319thbombgroup.com - 437, 438, 439, 440 Squadrons |
Squadron B26 Marauder Association |
USAAF/USAF Accident Report Monthly List |
William Lankford |
www.391stbombgroup.com |
The South African Air
Force Association is all-ranks meeting place, founded in 1945. |
www.323bg454bs.org |
Maj. Lewis Sheen |
A Crash in the Wilderness - 319BG /440SQ |
Boreham Field. |
Villacidro: a wartime
airbase in Sardinia by Ignazio Fanni |
Florida Aviation
Historical Society |
Chimney Rock,
Northern Ireland, Martin B-26 Marauder Crash Information |
Founded in 1994, the 1941
Historical Aircraft Group Museum www.1941HAG.org |
https://www.wartime-airfields.co.uk is dedicated to three local wartime airfields
in the UK. |
Martin B-26 Marauder Crew |
Lynn Redfern
- Aviation Artist |
416th Bomb Group Archive
P.O. Box 911, Gainesville, MO 65655 |
Musee de l'Air et de l'Espace Martin B-26 Marauder and the Wright-Patterson AFB
Martin B-26G Marauder are the sister ships seen
here - thank you Dominique Ottello
Static Martin B-26 Display
On loan from Musee de l'Air et de l'Espace
Martin B-26 Marauder to
Beach Musee |
Static Martin B-26 Display
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio Martin B-26G Marauder |
Static Martin B-26 Display
MAPS Air Museum where a
Martin B-26 Marauder |
The only flying Martin B-26 Marauder |
In honor and memory of those who served -
416th Bomb Group |
recit, Marauders Francais |