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Bibliography of Research Sources for the Martin B-26 Marauder by Esther Oyster & John Moench

Air Force Historical Research Agency, Maxwell AFB, Alabama Air Force Historical Research Agency. Give all details, plane number, date, name of pilot (crew), if available, USAF will send you a copy of the report. To save time, use the MARC locator Missing Air Crew Reports, then contact AFHRA and request specific MARC number.

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Onward, Christian Soldiers! - by Mrs. Brigadier Harold Smith The American Creed Miss B-26 Marauder - Ms. Betty Brockett

Roy B. Edge 322/452 *

Historic Marauder Firsts, by Jack Havener

David Gleason - Making them part of his family *
397th Bombardment Group (M)
Distinguished Unit Citation, Silver Star and Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) Awards, Distinguished Unit Citation
RAF/SAAF B-26 Martin Marauder Aircrew Association A Bomber Pilot's Memories by Curtis Miller

Lt. James Michael Sweeney - 322nd BG, 451st BS

B-26 Bombardment Groups and Squadrons

Martin B-26 Marauder Posters - WW2 Era | B26.COM Marauder page

The Martin B-26 in South African Service-SAAF - Roger Best

The 552nd Engineering Crew

Richard Ainsworth - 387BG /558SQ Combat Mission Record

322 BG / 450 & 452 SQ- 17th May 1943 Mission Target Ijmuiden

Capt. Darrell Lindsey - Medal of Honor

B-26 Box Formations

Popular songs during World War II

Important Dates in Aviation History

B-26C 41-34765

Oboe by Warren Butterfield

A day at Pilot Flight school - Dodge City

Pilot to Pilot - How about taking a crack B-26 pre-flight procedures?

Brief History of 9th AF

322nd Bomb Group Formation

16th Tow Target Squadron - I need help gathering information about this squadron.

Martin's Midway Medium

Capt. Glenn Rojohn - AAF, 100th Bombardment Group

PEACE FOR OUR TIME, by Alistair Cooke, BBC Broadcaster (he is ~95 years young)

US Army Flight School, 1944, Class 44D. Lubbock Army Air Field, TX.

37th Bomb Squadron

386th BG, 554 BS - Officers of the 386th Bomb Group, 554th Bomb Squadron, World War 2

Boreham Airfield, Essex (Station 161)
Earl Colne Airfield, Essex (Station 358)
Rivenhall Airfield, Essex (Station 168)

WWII Pilots Pre-flight Class Photo

320th Bomb Group - Roster

Lubbock 44D - Class Photo

B26.com language translation - here

Arie D Bestebreurtje

Iron Range World War II Memorial, Australia

Brief History of the 387th Bomb Group

History of the 323rd Bomb Group

Airplane category tree

The Quiet Birdman by Vern Dallman

United States Air Force World War II Medals

Production Flight Test Procedure For The Martin B-26 Marauder

Elementary Physics for Pilot Trainees
Technical Manual War Department
No. 1-233 Washington, April 22, 1942

Celestial Air Navigation Text, Office of the Chief of the Air Corps, 1937

B26 - Bomb Strike bridge over River in Legnano in Northern Italy

Casalmaggiore Railroad Bridge
319 Bomb Group, 10 November 1944
57 Bomb Wing (M)

Air Force Case History Files, Martin B-26 Marauder

History of the 69th Bombardment Squadron
History of the 70th Bombardment Squadron

Truman Committee (Archived)

From a letter - Peyton Magruder to Bernard Mallon, February 23, 1964

Testimony Of Glenn L. Martin, President Of The Glenn L. Martin Co., Baltimore, Md

Missing Air Crew Reports

No 38 Central Flying School, Trenton, Canada, Royal Canadian Air Force

How can I obtain copies of my military records?

Maisons-Laffitte railroad bridge bombardements 1944
By Claude Faix

Martin B-26 Marauder - Parts Of The Plane

The Marauder, a book of the 22nd Bomb Group

The Local Flying Regulations for Dodge City - Army Air Forces Pilot School, dated May 15, 1944 > PDF

Oxnard Crosswinds, Class 42-G, Primary Flight Training; graduation class booklet

Seems Depression, wars were no sacrifice

Mission to Mayen bridge Germany 23 December 1944 by Paul “Robin” Priday

Repatriate Personal Property, Lost and Found, Return to Family

The 557th Bombardment Squadron, 387th Bombardment Group, member roster
John Moench's Veterans Day Speech November 11, 1981 Marauder Men Buried in England, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, and Tunisia, 34th Bomb Squadron, 17th Bomb Group

Air Corps, Technical School, Chanute Field, Kansas, Airplane Mechanics Class Number 2 May 22, 1931
martin.b26.marauder.plans.diagrams.pdf Responsible Citizenship Series by George Parker, author of "How To Win An Impossible Election"

454th Bomb Squadron and 344th Bomb Group Martin B-26 Marauder (M), Marauder Men and their Families, 2010 Reunion
Remember the Marauder Men by John O. Moench
Boxted Airfield Museum The Boxted Airfield Museum is located on the South-East side of Langham Lane. Address: Langham Lane, Langham, Essex, CO4 5NW

Do you know the names of the 394th Bomb Group crew
who flew in the Martin B-26 Marauder named "Spook" in WW2?
The Martin Star, Glenn L. Martin Company
Volume 1 February 1942 Number 1
Report To Employees, The Glenn L. Martin Company Baltimore, March 31, 1943

Adrift At Sea - Fifty years haven't dimmed Arcadian's memories

Martin B-26 Marauder Crew
The Last Known Roster of the 456 Bomb Squadron, 323 Bomb Group

Elizabeth L. Gardner, WASP
456th Bomb Squadron

391st Bomb Group

451st Bomb Squadron

South African Air Force (SAAF)

The Flying Wedge (456th Bomb Squadron)
UK Marauder Bases

The Following Listed Names Are Those Personnel Known To Have Had Some
Involvement With Flak Bait, Either As Air Crew Or Ground Crew Personnel.
A Young British Schoolboy's Story of WWII by Doug Hopkins

B-26 'Lil'Lass' Carn Llidi Mountain, St. David's, Wales by Steve Jones List of Names, WW2 556th Bomb Squadron, 387th Bomb Group, Engineering Section WWII Deceased 320th Bomb Group Buried in Europe & North Africa
Index of Names for Accident Reports and Missing Air Crew Reports (MACR) Compiled by Dave Kuhl

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About Face: The Odyssey of an American Warrior
by Col. David Hackworth [Web]

Cavarzere Liberation Day

Ode to Joe - Memories of a WWII Aviator, by Bob Herklotz

www.319thbombgroup.com - 437, 438, 439, 440 Squadrons

39 Squadron B26 Marauder Association

USAAF/USAF Accident Report Monthly List

Lt. William Lankford


The South African Air Force Association is all-ranks meeting place, founded in 1945.


Maj. Lewis Sheen

A Crash in the Wilderness - 319BG /440SQ

Boreham Field.

Villacidro: a wartime airbase in Sardinia by Ignazio Fanni

Florida Aviation Historical Society

Chimney Rock, Northern Ireland, Martin B-26 Marauder Crash Information

Founded in 1994, the 1941 Historical Aircraft Group Museum www.1941HAG.org
https://www.wartime-airfields.co.uk is dedicated to three local wartime airfields in the UK.
Martin B-26 Marauder Crew

Lynn Redfern - Aviation Artist
416th Bomb Group Archive
P.O. Box 911, Gainesville, MO 65655


The Musee de l'Air et de l'Espace Martin B-26 Marauder and the Wright-Patterson AFB Martin B-26G Marauder are the sister ships seen here - thank you Dominique Ottello


Static Martin B-26 Display
On loan from Musee de l'Air et de l'Espace Martin B-26 Marauder to Utah Beach Musee
Static Martin B-26 Display
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio  Martin B-26G Marauder
Static Martin B-26 Display
MAPS Air Museum where a Martin B-26 Marauder

The only flying Martin B-26 Marauder


In honor and memory of those who served - 416th Bomb Group


Histoire, recit, Marauders Francais

The newly minted Army Air Corps went to the flight surgeon with a complaint. He said, "Doc, I'm constipated all the time, what can I do?" After examination, the Doc said, "I can give you a strong laxative, or assign you to a B-26 outfit!" Woolfden

Three military pilot retirees, each with a hearing loss, were taking a walk one fine March day. One remarked to the other, "Windy, ain't it?" "No," the second man replied, "It's Thursday." And the third man chimed in, "So am I. Let's have a beer."

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