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WWII Deceased 320th Bomb Group Buried in Europe & North Africa

Index of Names for Accident Reports and Missing Air Crew Reports (MACR)

Compiled by Dave Kuhl

Explore the list of WWII deceased members of the 320th Bomb Group who are buried in Europe and North Africa. This comprehensive index includes information from Accident Reports and Missing Air Crew Reports (MACR), compiled by Dave Kuhl.

American Battle Monuments Commission

Listing of Deceased from WWII

320th Bomb Group Still Buried in Europe and North Africa

For more information, visit the official American Battle Monuments Commission Database.

320th Bomb Group - Bomb Squadron

Total for 320th Bomb Group: 136

A separate worksheet is displayed for each separate squadron. The worksheet labeled "rank" displays the rank of the deceased and a count of those holding those ranks.

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WWII Deceased 442nd Bomb Sqaudron Buried in Europe & North Africa

WWII Deceased 443rd Bomb Sqaudron Buried in Europe & North Africa

WWII Deceased 444th Bomb Sqaudron Buried in Europe & North Africa

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