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Cavarzere Liberation Day

It was 27 April 1945 at 19.00 o' clock exactly. The fighters has been only "GRUPPO DI COMBATTIMENTO CREMONA" (Combat Group Cremona) and 28th Partisan Brigade GARIBALDI
One the Officer of Combat Cremona was the Lt. Riccardo Bisogniero became General Chief of Italian Army. He will be present at Cavarzere Liberation commemoration ( born on 1922- 85 years old ). Gen. Bisogniero became on 1984 Honorary citizen of Cavarzere due his contribution to the Liberation of our Village. -Giancarlo Tagliati

Lt. and Gen. Riccardo Bisogniero

L-R: Enzo Salmaso, Councilor for Cultural and Sport Activity,
Giancarlo Tagliati, Mrs Laila Tosin, Secretary of the Cultural office

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