B26.COM Guest Book Pages & Links

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Privacy Guarantee. Because of spam, addresses are not added to the guestbook. If you wish to contact a person in the guestbook, simply cut and paste their post into a new email, provide your contact information and the reason for contact. Your email will be reviewed and forwarded. Sign the guestbook. Tell us something about your Marauder man :)

Send email to: contact at b26.com

12:01 AM
Happy New Year!

Marauder Men, family and friends are invited to add content to the web site. Send scanned pictures 300dpi or mail pictures via post. Tell a story about your Marauderman and include as much information as you can.

12:01 AM

We often receive emails asking if the site is still active. I clear my cookies, defrag my hard drive, refresh my browser, and yes, B26 .com is still up and running! :) While the Marauder men and women are no longer with us, they are not forgotten. We will ensure their memory lives on. And just in time, Ms. Deanna has helped another Marauderman's family.

9:18 AM


In your guestbook on 5/25/2020 there is a post regarding Corporal Francis J. Rizzi, who was my great uncle.

The post is asking for pictures of him, so I’ve attached what I have. If you have their contact information, can you please forward the pictures to Joseph & Nancy Rizzi, who must be distant cousins of mine.

Thank you.

Deanna S.

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