Guest Book
Pages & Links
The B26.com Site Index, by John O. Moench
The Martin B-26 Marauder
This index includes those who touched or were touched by the B26 Marauder
and through postings now appear in the B26.COM guestbook.
Created in 1998 by Mike Smith in honor of his uncle, Bob Brockett, the b26.com
website became a central meeting ground for the U.S. and international B26
Marauder community. Trevor Allen, renowned Martin B-26 Historian, is the
historian on the site. Together Allen and Smith run the b26 site. Eventually,
the scope of b26.com advanced to the point that this finding index became
necessary. What is an index it is a doorway to historical knowledge. What
purposes have been served by b26.com why has it more than other websites
attracted an extensive number of users and viewers -- now numbering in the
millions? A basic answer is that, unlike too many websites, b26.com is a
friendly, uncomplicated environment no music, whistles and nonsense. Thanks to
Mike Smith, he runs a good ship, and as a better mousetrap, many do come.
As illustrated by the more than a decade of use of b26.com, this website has
fulfilled many needs:
A means to remember and memorialize Marauder Men and Women.
A means to communicate with the B26 Marauder associated community.
A means to find persons.
A means to seek historical information.
A means to provide select historical information to others.
A means for Marauder Men and Women to leave their mark in history.
A means to assemble and clarify B26 Marauder history.
A data and assistance source for researchers and authors.
The preparation of this index necessitated a degree of translation of the
postings included in b26.com. This included correction of posting errors, the
combining of separate entries into a single listing (often made difficult by
spelling errors and name shortenings), and the prioritizing of data for
inclusion in the index something that could not follow a standard format. The
index began with a guideline to limit each entry to a single line, but, in some
cases, it became necessary to extend the entry to two and, at times, three or
more lines.
In selecting the data to be included in each entry, no unique guideline,
priority or favoritism was employed. Should a reader find an error in an entry
or wish to add detail or clarification to an entry, comment should be directed
to b26.com.
To the maximum extent possible, the following index entries adhere to the data
contained in the original postings. This means that an error in a posting may
result in an error in the associated index entry. That there are errors in the
original postings is to be accepted in that military particulars are not
necessarily known by those making the posting, and the memory of the distant
past can be faulted.
For reader assistance, the more or less standard crew and other positions
relating to the B26 were: pilot; co-pilot (normally filled by a rated pilot, but
early in WW II some non-rated enlisted men flew as copilot); bombardier (may be
termed a togglier meaning that the bomb drop was toggled off the drop of the
lead bombardier rather than by use of a Norden or D-8 bombsight); engineer (who
may be termed a flight engineer and who would fill a turret or other gun
position, i.e. as engineer-gunner); navigator (who would fill a turret or other
gun position); the bombardier-navigator filling both positions; GEE navigator or
operator using the cited equipment; armorer (relating to a non-flying or flying
persons dealing with armaments: bombs & guns); radio operator or radioman (who
would fill a gun position, i.e. radio-gunner); waist gunner (a right and left
position in the B26), tail gunner, crew chief (a ground person);
photographer-gunner, and mechanic.
For identity, where known the names and serial numbers of B26s, the mission
count of the person, and personal factors such as killed, KIA, MIA and POW is
In that military grades are transient, they are usually omitted in the index
The relationship of a submitting persons to that of the primary persons is
depicted when known; for submitting persons having no relationship to the
primary person, the term advocate may be used.
First name only Guest Book entries normally are not indexed; when indexed they
may be under the designation of NLN (no last name).
Due to the volume, all but unusual compliments about or contributory data of
b26.com, Mike Smith, Trevor Allen, other historians & responders are not
individually referenced.
In most cases, the author of supplemental data is shown in brackets at the close
of an index entry.
The coverage of the index is but a small fraction of that which constitutes The
Marauder Community.
The interest in historical happenings tends to rise and fall in cycles with
the more dominant attention focused at the following 50 and 100 year points.
Circumstances surrounding a happening are, in the more immediate timeframe,
viewed mostly as current day news rather than as historical events. Typically,
those directly involved in a historical happening set aside the event and
proceed on to the next stage of life. But, as years go by, the typical
participant in the historical happening increasingly begins to reflect on that
event. Concurrently, as age begins to take its toll, those who participated in
the historical happening are driven to establish a record of what took place,
while those of a younger age begin to want to know what took place in the
past. Eventually, the participants in the historical happening wither and pass
on often leaving an inadequate or distorted record of what took place. As
George Santayana wrote, the reading of recorded history would be great if only
it were true.
In World War II a very significant historical happening was the introduction
of the B-26 Marauder, a product of the Martin Company of Baltimore, Maryland.
The general opinion of this aircraft was that it would not succeed later that
it was not supposed to succeed.
In war, one fights with the weapons one has. The result was that, while there
was hesitation, the B-26 was thrown into the battle, first in U.S. coastal
defense activity and then from bases in Australia and Alaska with notable
participation in The Battle of Midway. Following, the B-26 would be employed in
the North Africa/Mediterranean environment with progressive movement north
with the major elements employed in the Ninth Air Force operating out of England
and then France and Germany. Before the war ended, the B-26 would serve in RAF,
SAAF and FFAF units with, in Australia, RAAF personnel filling in to replace
lost USAF personnel.
While the performance of the B-26 Marauder turned out to be outstanding, it was
the dedication, initiative and positive participation of tens of thousands of
men and women, beginning from the factory floor, through training, and then
through combat, that took this often demeaned and discredited aircraft over and
beyond the wall of criticism and objection that had been erected mostly by the
uninformed and prejudiced. In the words of William B. Harwood as contained in
Raise Heaven and Earth, The History of Martin Mariettas People and Their
Pioneering Achievements, the performance of this aircraft and those surrounding
it formed the stuff of legends.
The B-26 Marauder story, however, did not take major form until those with pen
in hand placed it on paper and undertook to correct the embedded falsehoods of
the past. As this took place so did the growth of pride in being associated with
the B-26 Marauder take place and the term Marauder Men would become a
recognized mark of distinction.
In the immediate and following World War II timeframe, there were only a handful
of attempts to place the B-26 Marauder story in print most notable was the
early printing of a short history of the 22nd Bombardment Group and then Flak
Bait by Devon Francis. Finally, as the years advanced, others took on the task
of writing and publishing the unit and more personal histories of the Marauder
In coming years, with the growth of Internet, this new means of publishing and
reaching out began to take hold -- and both individuals and associations
undertook the development of websites. Due to lack of fundamental
understanding, planning and performance, most of these website undertakings
turned out to be minimum performers. In contrast, at the high end of performance
was the website b26.com established by Mike Smith in May 1998 43 years
following the end of World War II and at the approach of the 50-year point of
the history of that happening.
Mike Smith was not a World War II Marauder Man by definition, he was second
generation. Mikes motivation was simply to pay tribute to his Marauder Man
uncle Bob Brockett and his crew. Soon, however, his focus enlarged to encompass
the entire B-26 Marauder and associated community and a depth of Marauder
history. Mike was neither a historian or an academic he was simply a
committed person dedicated to do a job. In the next ten years, as measured by
use and service rendered, the work of Mike Smith would surpass that of all
others to include some that spent tens of thousands of dollars in an attempt to
develop a worthy and, theoretically, a professionally managed B-26 Marauder
website. As to b26.com and in the words of Mike Smith:
B26.com provided online community, research, documents and data that enable
people to build a deep and lasting understanding of historical events
surrounding those who served in the Martin B-26 Marauder. The veterans and their
descendants, historians, academia and the general public want an easily
accessible, historical correct representation of those who served to be open an
available to the general public.
In the decade since Mike Smith opened b26.com, truly a friendly, easy-to-use
website devoid of any need for membership, complex log in requirements,
access codes or passwords and other identification to include bells, music
and whistles, its monthly visitor totals have reached beyond 50,000 (with to
date visitor hits at the level of 4.5 million), while some of the
well-financed websites gather virtually no use at all.
In special support of b26.com has been Trevor Allen of England the worlds
most outstanding B-26 Marauder historian and one who has the answers. In
addition, others of the World War II timeframe and their descendents have joined
to make b26.com the best of the best.
As the scope of b26.com grew, so did its Guest Book. And now, to facilitate
search of this expanding Guest Book, this index has been prepared.
B26.com was established to serve not just the Marauder and associated community
but also the general public and to advance the assembly of correct historical
knowledge. There is a demand not just for information but for correct
information. Information, however, is never complete, and it is through the
sharing of information that a full and correct history can be developed.
Unfortunately, over the years much of the historical record has disappeared.
Thus, when a family member or historian seeks data, the service of b26.com is
there. Do help in adding to the scope of this web site, and feel free to employ
it above all, search this index for those you can assist and who can assist
Format & Clarification Notes
Following the close of WW II, the Martin B-26 Marauder was not retained in
inventory. The a redesignation of A or attack aircraft led to the Douglas
A-26 Invader being redesignated as B-26. In turn, the use of B-26 became
muddied in history. The largest confusion took place in the Korean Conflict
where the cited B-26 is actually the redesignated A-26. To clarify the
accounts set forth in this text, wherein the cited B-26_is actually the
redesignated A-26, the term B-26/A-26 may be used.
A minimum description of cited persons is provided. The term advocate is
applied to those persons having a supporting interest in the B-26 and/or its
operation, personnel, and history.
To assist in ready identification of aircraft names and assigned numbers, such
items are italicized.
French B-26 Marauder units are named, e.g. Bretange.
Military airfields are designated by alpha/number, e.g. K-9 is Pusan, Korea,
A-20 is Lessay, France.
The date sequence used to identify items in the b26.com Guestbook are
month/day/year. Classes, such a pilot training, are identified by year and alpha
sequence in the year, e.g. 44H.
The following abbreviations are employed: THIS LIST WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A
AAF Army Air Field
AB = Air Base
ABN =Airborne
a.k.a. = Also Known As
ATC = Air Transport Command
BG = Bomb Group
BS = Bomb Squadron
CO Commanding Officer
Cpl = Corporal
CILHI = U.S. Army Central Identification Laboratory (Hawaii)
KIA = Killed In Action
MBE = Order of the British Empire
P.E. = Professional Engineer
POW = Prisoner of War
RAAF Royal Australian Air Force
RAF = Royal Air Force
Recon = Reconnaissance
RTU = Replacement Training Unit
SAAF = South African Air Force
Sqdn = Squadron
Tac = Tactical
TFS = Tactical Fighter Squadron
TFW = Tactical Fighter Wing
WASP = Women Airforce Service Pilots
Abbott (pilot of B-26 #42-96040 H9-N shot down 2/21/45) see William J. Ampolos
Abel, Charles F. (co-pilot, Blind Date, B26 # 43-34139, shot down 12/23/44)
Ackerman, F. (tail gunner, B-26 1 K 3) 11/18/01
Ackerman, Nathan, 494BS, 344BG 4/13/04
Adamic, Mark (advocate) 4/25/02, 10/17/02
Adams, Bruce (son-in-law of Joe S. Long) 10/8/04
Adams, Frank (bombardier see Billy F. Williams) 6/1/01
Adams, Harvey Dale (pilot, bailed out near Metz, Apr 25, 194, B-26 #42-107538
WT-T) 456BS, 323BG 5/7/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Adams, Tom (family history search re R. L. Renι Broussard) 10/20/04
Agee, Sam W. (pilot, CO 319BG) 8/27/03
Ahrens, Henry Herman H. H. & Bob, Jr. (co-pilot) 456BS, 323BG, submit by
family member: Gregg Griffin 3/10/04 [A. Johannessen data]
Aguilar, Michael C. (turret gunner) 556BS, 387BG see Kennard L. Billington
Aguirre, Mark (grandson of Philip Samuel Walter) 1/10/04
Ahlborn, Fred (B-26 advocate re Walnut Ridge, Arkansas) 11/3/00
Aichele, Ted, 322BG 9/7/03
Aiken, Harold (pilot, Class 43J, Sexy Sal) 495BS, 344BG, see Frank P. Carozza)
344BG - 7/26/00, 2/5/01, 3/9/03
Ainsworth, Richard A. (diary, writer) 4/3/02, 6/11/02
Ainsworth, Richard Harold (advocate) 6/11/02
Airhart, Wallace (engineer-gunner, shot down 2/21/45) 585BS, 394G, see William
J. Ampols 5/28/02
Aldous (pilot) 391BG, see Dawson U. Kershaw 10/4/02
Alexander (pilot, crash @ Forest of Rullest, Belgian Province of Luxembourg) see
Gabriel Quoirin 7/10/01, 8/5/02 [Trevor Allen data, Clarks Little Pill]
Alexander, James L., 453BS, 323BG, advocate seeks 323BG data, see Grouped Data
Alexander, John A. (pilot) 556BS, 387BG, see Kennard L. Billington 6/30/04
Alford, Thomas (son of Thomas L. Alford) 9/1/02
Alford, Thomas L. (pilot, The Shady Lady) 9/1/02
Allen, Dave (son of Eugene Vaughn Allen) 4/21/01
Allen, Eugene Vaughn (33 missions, Big Red) 17BG -- 4/21/01
Allen, Jack Gordon (pilot) submit by Godson Tom Gately 1/14/03
Allen, Harvey (bombardier) 556BS, 387BG, see Kennard L. Billington 6/30/04
Allen, Kathy (daughter of Dan Hallowell) 9/26/03
Allen, Lloyd H. (radio-gunner, 76 missions) 556BS, 387BG 1/1/01
Allen, Trevor (B26 historian, English, cited throughout index) special subject
and compliments/coverage 8/5/02, 8/13/02, 8/23/02, 12/27/02, 3/22/03
(clarification of aircraft flown by 319BG), 4/18/03 (CILHI support), 5/27/03,
6/01/03, 8/12/03 (D-Day data), 8/24/03, 2/24/04 (NLN Mario)
Allyn, Webster B. (pilot, Coral Princess) 494BS, 344BG 12/6/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Ambrose, Stephen (author) 10/12/02
Ambroskiewicz, Henry (mechanic) 597BS, 397BG 7/17/00, 4/15/05
Ameen, Ernest S. (crew member, nose artist, Little Sirocco) 319BG 11/30/03
Ameen, Rusty (son of Ernest S. Ameen) 11/30/03
Amey, Roy E., 391BG, see Ernest C. Peterson 1/18/04
Amos, Jack T. (pilot, Class 43G) 37BS, 17BG 10/31/02
Ampolos, William J. (armorer-gunner, KIA 2/21/45) 585BS, 394BG 5/28/02 [Trevor
Allen Data]
Anderson, B/Gen (9AF) see Kenneth A. Schell 12/27/04
Anderson, Andy, 397BG 12/23/03, 2/29/04
Anderson, Betty (daughter of Diamond Hoover Anderson) 7/11/01
Anderson, Burton J. (pilot, Tabasco, B-26 # 131686) 556BS, 387BG 9/28/01
Anderson, Charles (84th Infantry during the Battle of the Bulge, brother of Max
Anderson) 10/1/04
Anderson, David P. (Wing Historian, 115 Fighter Wing) re gunnery school at Traux
Field 2/20/03
Anderson, Diamond Hoover Andy, 17BS? 7/11/01
Anderson, Ernest L. (KIA over Adriatic, April 1945) submit by niece: Dawn Hubhab
Anderson, Helen (daughter of John M. Perez) 10/23/02
Anderson, James E. (pilot) 556BS, 387BG 6/12/00
Anderson, James D. (friend of Carson Carrington) 676BS, 444BG (B-29) 5/7/01
Anderson, John (pilot) 449BS, 322BG, see James A. Keating 7/8/03
Anderson, Leonard M. (tail gunner, England & France) 12/24/00, 3/20/03, 8/2/03
Anderson, Lief (son of Burton J. Anderson) 9/28/01
Anderson, Max (radio-gunner, Mission Belle) 455BS, 323BG, submit by brother
Charles Anderson 10/1/04
Anderson, Robert L. Bob (bombardier-navigator, Class 44A) 555BS, 386BG
Anderson, Steve (son of Leonard Anderson) 12/24/00, 3/20/03, 8/2/03
Anderson, Wesley A. (gunner see Raul Pompa) 9/1/01
Anderson, Winfred W. (pilot) 597BS, 397BG 1/3/01
Anderson, Wynn (son of Winfred W. Anderson may be son of Andy Anderson
1/3/01, 12/23/03, 2/24/04, 12/23/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Anderton, Jo Carter (pilot) 323BG 12/20/02
Anderton, Wade (son of Jo Carter Anderton) 12/20/02
Andress, Jay L. (son of Spencer L. Andress) 5/17/03
Andress, Spencer L. (pilot) 5/17/03
Andrews, Truman C. (pilot, The Flying Dutchman) see John B. Perry 11/25/04
Anhalt, Bob, 37BS, 17BG 1/8/02
Annette, E. J. (Russell J. Calvert crew) 391BG, see Steve Bree 10/5/03 [D.
Donato data]
Annez, Alex (grandson of Jean Annez de Taboada, SAAF) 12/7/04
App, Howard, 599BS, 387BG 2/19/02
Appling, Wayne (B-26 advocate) 3/19/00, response at Jack Hanlon 7/28/01
Arbon, Lee (author: They Also Flew 11/9/03
Armstrong, Lt. (co-pilot) 444BS, 320BG, see George W. Gleason 11/29/03, 7/1/04
Armstrong, Gary (grandson of Lewis S. Caldwell) 10/30/02
Armstrong, John (pilot) 386BG 4/12/04
Armstrong, Joseph Newton Joe (gunner, KIA Dec 23, 1944) 95BS, 17BG, data
include family history 11/24/02
Arnold, Betsy Kershaw (daughter of Dawson U. Kershaw) 10/4/03
Arnold, Carl V. (radio-gunner, Happy Pappy, B26 #43-34143; Special Delivery;
Sack Queen III; The Passionate Witch; Slow Starter; Round Too; Fragile Lass;
Dragon Lady) 584BS, 394BG, submit by grandson: Casey Hale 1/28/03
Arnold, Eber (pilot KIA) 2/11/00
Arnold, Ellis, 437BS, 319BG, CILHI recovery, Tunisia, Arlington burial 4/24/03
4/18/03, 5/14/03
Arnold, Hap (Air Force Chief of Staff, five star) 4/1/03
Arnold, Red Dog, see Ted Pruitt 11/26/02
Arnoto, George (radio, mechanic, gunner) 386BG (data sought by Derek Hiscos,
son-in-law, from C. Klier) 4/8/03, 12/4/03
Ashby, Dennis L. (son of Jess L. Ashby) 10/14/01
Ashby, George Marion (tail gunner, 63 missions, New York Central II) 95BS, 17BG
Ashby, Jeffrey K. (son of George Marion Ashby) 9/08/01
Ashby, Jess L. (Air Flight Chief, Little Mary Gay) 449BS & possibly 36, 305 &
553 Squadrons 10/14/01
Ashley, James D. (engineer-gunner) see Robert R. Nehmer 2/9/04
Ashley, Walter D., 320BG Hq 8/3/02
Ashman, Donald, 597BS, 397BG 3/12/02
Atcheson, Benny (B26 advocate) 9/7/04
Aten, James B. (son of James Delmar Aten) 4/21/01
Aten, James Delmar a.k.a. Jim & Del (tail gunner) 441BS, 320BG 4/21/01
Atkinson, Neuburn (armorer-gunner) see Justin Lindquist [Trevor Allen data]
Audin, G. (war correspondent) see Gran Vernon Corder 8/11/02
Aukshun, Tim (USAF-retired) re find of B-26 ditched near Subic Bay Phiippines
Aure (Aune?), C. E. (O. E.?) (engineer-gunner) 322BG, see Chester F. Straika
Aurrens (MOROC) 11/21/01
Austin, Gordon H. Gordy (pilot, CO) 319BG 8/9/03
Austin, Lambert D. (author, 344th Bomb Group (M) Silver Streaks) 344BG
6/21/04 [Trevor Allen data]
AUTHEUX, TALMAN, BOURDON (French researcher of aircraft associated with the
attack of German HQ at Ribeaucurt) 12/7/04
Ayers, Richard Dick (nose artist) 586BS, 394BG 3/17/01
Aylward, Richard, 394BG, see Herchel E. Palmer 12/6/04
Bachert, Norman K. (gunner) 42BS 6/29/01
Bacon, J. E., 37BS, 17BG, see Leo Green 4/21/03
Badders, Willian (radio-gunner, shot down 2/21/45) 585BS, 394BG, see William J.
Ampolos 5/28/02
Badrι, Cl (CO, 2/52 Franche-Comtι, KIA 8/4/44, B26 #42-107726) 7/29/04
Baertsch, Orin, 319BG (Response by Trevor Allen) 12/08/01
Baesama?, John (pilot, Sky King 2) 8/23/02. A tragedy of memory. The actual
name is J. J. Bausano and there are other errors. See Trevor Allen data.
Bailey, Bernard (tail gunner) 572BS, 391BG, see Albert L. Luddeke 11/12/03,
12/5/03, 9/15/04
Bailey, Morris Woodrow (radio operator) 586BS, 394BG 4/25/02, 5/6/02 [Trevor
Bailey, Richard P., see Ray Harwood 1/7/03
Bailey, Sheila (daughter of Morris Woodrow Bailey) 4/25/02, 5/6/02
Bailey, Steve (advocate) 8/19/01 [Trevor Allen refers to Jack Havener as source]
Bailey, Walter Marshall (pilot, 65 missions) 6/21/01
Bair, George E. (bombardier, B26 #42-95981) see Colin Wingrave 9/25/04
Baker (pilot) 320BG, see James C. Wells, Sr. 9/17/04
Baker, David E. (USAF General, Vietnam, comment on B26) 7/15/00
Baker, Charles (engineer at Martin Company, radio operator in combat) 6/22/01
Baker, J. M. (pilot) 17BG, see Donald L. Gilbert 6/26/03
Baker, Max E. (armorer-gunner) 552BS, 386BG, see Robert G. Neville 6/14/04
Banicki, Jerome (navigator, POW) submit by Ms. Banicki 10/24/04
Baran, Ray (see Ray Morawczynski) 12/12/99
Barber, Doug (son of Louis Barber) 12/18/00
Barber, Louis Bud (gunner, 63 missions, North Africa) 95BS, 17BG 12/18/00
Barich, Louis, Jr. (turret gunner, BarFly & Question Mark) 554BS, 386BG 2/9/03
Barish, Michael (submit of Louis Barish, Jr.) 2/9/03
Barker, 585BS, 394BG, see Donald Short 11/2/02
Barker, Col. (pilot) 456BS, 323BG, see Benjamin Vaughan 9/16/02
Barnard, Scott (son-in-law of John Dibrell) 10/12/02 [Max Petrisek & Lis Pavlca
Barnes, J. W. (togglier) 397BG, see Maurice D. Norton 12/6/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Barnes, James (engineer) 17BG, see Don Wilson 8/11/04
Barr, Albert, Jr. (pilot) 559BS, 387BG 2/19/02
Barrows, T. H. (engineer-gunner) 494BS/ 344BG 12/6/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Bartels, Marcel & Jolanda adopted grave of Jack E. Vandegift 6/22/04
Barton, Chester (gunner, killed 7/20/44, brother of Lester E. Barton) 310BS,
397BG 7/10/03, 9/21/03
Barton, Emory D. (flight engineer, lost on night training mission, fatalities
listed separately) 478BS, 336BG 8/10/03
Barton, Lester E. (pilot, Class 41-42?, killed in three B-26 mishap, Great
Squadron Tragedy, possibly in Clarks Little Pills (an error) 451BS, 322BG
9/5/02 . Also see other posts by niece Judy 5/17/02, 8/8/02, 7/10/03,
9/21/03 [Trevor Allen data], 6/22/04, & 7/26/04 post from Sue Pearson
Barton, Steve (nephew of Emory D. Barton) 8/10/03
Bartz, John J. (pilot, Class 43 E) 573BS, 391BG (RTU, 474Ba, 335G & 3rd Tow
Target) 6/2/01
Batey, de Anna (daughter of Wayman Batey) 10/4/03
Batey, Wayman (tail gunner, bombardier-navigator, co-pilot, 73 missions) 432BS
Bath, William Bill (navigator Rum Runner) 22BG 12/24/00
Batjer (pilot) 397BG 4/24/01
Batty, Raymond Bud(bombardier-navigator) 574BS, 391BG, query by Jim Dorman
Bend, submit by niece: Gayle Renne 5/31/04, 7/1/04
Baumann, David (son-in-law of Normann J. Miller) 1/26/02
Baumann, Patrick (advocate re B26 #42-107792) 432BS, 17BG 2/23/03 [Trevor
data, crew listed separately]
Bausano, J. J. (bombardier-navigator) 8/23/02
Beach, John H. (nephew of James H. Skinner) 11/15/04, 11/24/04
Beadt, George, (pilot, Class 44E), 552BS, 386BG later A26. Flew with EATS.
Beal, Edgar A. (gunner KIA Apr 18, 1945) 443BS -- 7/15/00
Beaman, George E. (crew chief, Sweet Sue) 17G 4/21/01
Beamer, David J., 323BG 8/2303
Beamon, Walton (son of George E. Beamon) -- 4/21/01
Beaty, James T. (grandson of Sherman Beaty) 3/14/04
Beaty, S. R. (pilot) CO 386BG 1/19/04
Beaty, Sherman (later MIA in Korea), submit by grandson: James T. Beaty
Beckman, Milt, see Leo Sugerman [Trevor Allen data] 1/7/03
Beckman, Milton J. (engineer-gunner) 442BS, 320BG 1/7/03
Beckes, George B., 449/494BS, 322BG 12/25/02 [Trevor Allen response to Malcolm B. Enlow, Sr.]
Beckshaw, A. W. (togglier) 495BS, 344BG, see James E. Smith 7/20/02
Beeker, Alvin Gray Grady (top turret gunner, shot down 8/9/44, B26 #42-107686)
495BS, 344BG 3/14/03 [D. Enlow data]
Beeker, Ben (great nephew of Alvin Gran Beeker) 3/14/03
Beeson, R. L. (pilot, B26 #41-31946) 452BS, 322BG, see Gildas Saouzanet
12/5/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Begre, Olaf A. (bombardier, British DFC) 323 BG 11/11/04
Begwin, Oran (pilot) 453BS, 323BG 9/6/03
Bell, Rodney (F$D crew chief) friend of Robert L. Gridley 11/19/04
Bell, T. J. (KIA 12/23/44) 394BG, see Hermann Paul Brueggeman 2/14/04
Bellm, Ken (radio-gunner) 449BS, 322BG, see Robert F. Bouse 4/20/03
Bellman, Tim (advocate re James E. Fox) 10-9-02
Bend, Jim Dorman (query re Rayond Batty) -- 5/31/04
Benjamin, Lt. (pilot, 4F, shot down 2/16/45) 397BG, see Rubin Kitchen 2/9/03
Benner, R. G. (co-pilot, night mission to bomb Chateau de Ribaucourt Noball)
450BS, 322BG 1/25/05
Benson, George (USN, Breezy Point Naval Air Station, Norfolk, tow targt with
JM-1 and JM-2) 3/7/04
Bennett, Samuel H. (Worshipful Master, Solomon Lodge) re Henry S. Herr 3/20/04
Bentley, Delwin Dale (CO, see James Mecum) 4/24/04, 8/8/04
Bergand, Clarence E., see Kenneth A. Schell 12/27/04
Bergeron, Gerald G. (engineer, gunner, KIA 2/10/44) 554BS, 386BG, see Dayton
Mitstifer 2/20/03
Bergman, John (pilot) 598BS, 397BG, see Maurice D. Norton 7/14/02
Bernhard Gerald H. (son of John E. Bernhard) 12/19/03
Bernhard, John E. (armorer-gunner) 451BS, 322BG 12/19/03
Berstein, Murry R. (bombardier) 585BS, 395BG, see Harry Kelly, Jr. 7/17/03
Best, Rob (son of Thomas A. Best, Sr.) 6/24/01
Best, Sherman (advocate-speaker) 5/17/02, 5/19/04
Best, Sherman V. (pilot, Class 43J, 63 missions, Flak Bait) 449BS, 322BG
1/26/02, 6/4/02
Best, Thomas A. (pilot) 454BS, 323BG, submit by AFROTC, C1C Jason M. Robinson
Best, Thomas A, Sr. , 354BS, 322BG 6/24/01
Bestebreurtje, Dr. Arie (Holland, behind the lines, OSS) 10/06/04
Betmarik, Lee R. (radio-mechanic) 554BS, 386BG 9/28/00
Beukema, Warren (mechanic, crew chief) 432BS, 17BG 8/25/01
Bevan, Harry J., Jr. (son of Harry J. Bevan) 9/25/00
Bevan, Harry J., Sr. (Thumbs Up), 544BS, 386BG 9/25/00
Bickley, Glenn (nephew of John James Bickley) 3/9/01, 5/1/01, 2/23/03
Bickley, John James, 336BG, 478BG (B-17) 3/9/01, 5/1/01, 2/23/03
Bigelow, Richard (pilot, see Michael Joseph Donahoe) 584BS, 394BG 7/16/01
Billings, Sherrard H. (tail gunner) 496BS, 344G, see Michaёl Simon, see Anne
Evans 6/2/03, 9/6/04
Billington, Kennard L. (tail gunner, B26 #42-107606) 556BS, 387BG 6/30/04
Bingham, Jamie (search for data on Luther Danny Minyard) 5/16/04
Bird, Stan (19 year old pilot) 391BG 11/8/03
Birkencap (pilot) 397BG 4/24/01
Biscarini, Claudio (advocate re B26 crews in Italy) 4/23/03
Bishop, Ernest (POW, B26 #42-96224) see Trevor Allen data 3/21/03
Blackstone, Robert H., 451BS, 322BG, see James W. Lemmond 12/7/03 {Trevor
Blackwell (engineer-gunner) 320BG, see William Marshall OHara 9/17/04
Blair, Mark (son-in-law of Joseph Castoro) 1/3/01
Blair, Philip G. (co-pilot-pilot, Class 43B) 558BS, 387BG 5/15/00, 10/8/01
Blair, Robert E., 587BS, 394BG 5/20/02
Blangio, John (in POW camp with James D. Pascoe) 12/29/04
Blatchford, W. (bombardier-navigator) 597BS, 397BG, see William T. OBrien
Bleil, Godon (friend of Bob Brockett) -- 9/24/02
Block, David (Director, Aviation Hall of Fame of Illinois) 10/4/99
Bloomquist, Chuck (bombardier) 17BG, see Harold Dorsen 2/2/03
Blouch, Thomas (advocate re Gypsy Rose) 10/23/03
Blount, Deborah (daughter of Julian Blount) 9/15/02
Blount, Julian, 585BS, 394BG 9/15/02
Bockhahn, Richard J. (bailout Apr 16, 1945) 559BS, 387BG, see Johnnie F. Jones
10/14/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Bodard, J. (gunner, see Walter Greer) 557BS, 387BG 6/20/01
Bogle, Jack, compliment of Mike Smith 4/12/03
Bogle, John (radio operator, USN, JM-1s, tow target unit) 10/10/02
Boise (armorer-gunner, see Michael Joseph Donahoe) 7/16/01
Boisvert, Marcel (radioman-gunner) 2/15/00
Bollinger, C. M. Larry (pilot, 69 missions) 573BS, 391BG 8/15/01
Bolte, Paul (son of William H. Bolte) 4/20/04
Bolte, William H. (crew Chief) 2BS, 22BG, submit by son: Paul Bolte 4/20/04
Bond, Tom (72 missions, Georgia On My Mind), 494BS, 344BG, submit by Margaret De
Witt (Bond) 2/4/03, 12/24/03
Bonner, Patrick (son of Roland Boyd Bonner) 2/1/03
Bonner, Roland Boyd (bombardier) 574BS, 391BG, search for data 2/1/03 [Trevor
Allen response covering two Bonner missions crew persons listed separately]
Bonnett, Hoy (pilot) see Clifton R. Freeman 7/27/03
Boothe, Clinton, see Winnifred Dan Porter 5/30/03
Borden, Elmer R., see Mont Formore Stephenson 5/7/02
Border, Alfred A. (engineer-gunner, B26 #42-95981) see Colin Wingrave 9/25/04
Borresen, Bill (co-pilot, 22 missions, shot down 5/10/44, Fertile Mertile)
432BS, 17BG 2/1/03
Bosslet, Zack (grandson of William Wild Bill Moriarity) 1/14/01
Bost, Robert Bob (son-in-law of Joe Kurill) 1/10/04, 2/3/04
Bothwell, Vern, Sr. (pilot, 40 missions) 95BS, 17BG 10/19/00
Bothwell, Veron, Jr. (aviation buff, son of Vern Bothwell, Sr.) 10/19/00
Botsford, Robert (pilot, tow plane crash 4/7/44) 322BG, note by Jeff & Elizabeth
Botsford Sears 11/6/03
Bouse, Robert F. (co-pilot, Class 44H) 449BS, 322BG, crew listed separately
Bowell, Doug (engineer) 456BG, 323BG 8/16/02
Bowen, Larry, 356BS (submit by daughter: Janet Cardona) 10/21/02
Bower, William E. (Draggin Lady, KIA 12/23/44) 599BS, 397BG, see Mont Formore
Stephenson, see also Hermann-Josef Stolz 5/7/02, 12/17/03, 12/7/03 [Trevor
data], 12/15/04
Bowman, A. J. (G. L. Martin Company co-pilot) 11/5/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Bowman, Edward E. (tail gunner) 439BS, 319BG 6/15/02
Boyd (bombardier) see Victor D. Rader, 557BS, 387BG 7/6/02
Boyd, Billie, Jr. (engineer-gunner, The Bad Penny) 554BS, 386BG 4/3/04,
Boyd, George W. (radio-gunner) see Ray Harwood 1/7/03
Boylann, Clait H. (pilot, B26 #42-95755) see Clifton A. Collins 4/24/04
Bozack, E. K. (radio-gunner) 494BS, 344BG 12/6/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Bozych, Roy R. (454BS & 323BG historian, father was tail gunner in 454BS)
Braden, Grant (pilot) 597BS, 397BG 1/22/02
Bradfield, Jean Davis, advocate of Leslie N. Hood 11/29/04
Bradley, Bill (engineer) 449BS, 322BG, see James A. Keating 7/8/02
Brady, Paul (pilot) 387BG 3/20/02, 3/23/02
Brainard, see Nels Cassano 3/3/04
Brande, Michael (pilot, Class 43 I) 586BS, 394BG 7/3/01
Brandemihl, Dale (son of James K. Grandemihl) 4/18/02, 8/21/02
Brandemihl, James Kenneth (top turret gunner, flew on 100th mission of Mild and
Bitter, B26 #41-31819) 450, 451, 452BS, 322BG 4/18/02, 4/22/02, 8/21/02,
Brandemihl, James Keith (son of James Kenneth Brandeihl, father of Dale
Brandemihl) 2/2/44
Braden, William V. (tail gunner) 355BS, 386BG, submit by granddaughter: Tammy
Jenkins-Carr 4/24/04
Brandenburg, Verlin H., 574BS, see John W. Colsch 3/1/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Brandon, Donald (pilot) 574BS, 391BG, see Jay Troup 9/6/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Brannon, Robert Bob (tail gunner, Lucky Lady) 17BG 3/24/01
Brantley, James, (KIA Aug 1944) 5/21/02
Bratton, Mark Pritchard (pilot at 19 years, 43 missions) 497BS, 344BG 2/20/04
Breaux, Charles Z., Jr. (radio operator) 42nd Bomb Wing, 319BG?, submit by
daughter: Cathy Breaux 1/30/04
Breaux, Cathy (daughter of Charles Z. Breaux) 1/30/04
Bredja, John, 437BS, 319BG, CILHI recovery Tunisia, burial 4/24/03 4/18/03,
Bree, Steve (researcher re B26 #42-95802, Skeeter & B26 #42-95797, cites four
crew members listed separately: Hetric, Hume, Moscovic, Peters 10/5/03
(Extensive addition by D. Donato) 10/5/03
Breidenthal, John (sp?) story about brother and father 10/23/03
Brenan, A. G. (radio-gunner), 455BS, 323BG, see Paul J. Stach 5/31/02 [Trevor
Allen data]
Brenk, Anthony Tony (tail gunner, 65 missions), submit by David Kucera re his
dads uncle 2/3/04
Brennan, Ryan (grandson of Casmir Zagorski) 4/6/02
Briden, Ralph (bombardier) 449BS, 322BG, see Robert F. Bouse 4/20/03
Bridgewater, B. B. (radio-gunner) see Clarence Erickson 7/23/04
Bridwell, Emmett M. (pilot, Class 44C, Touch of Texas II, Bomb Boogie, Hard
Luck) 553BS, 386BG, later 327th Air Transport Group 6/30/03
Briedenthal, Robert, Jr. (son of Robert E. Briedenthal) 12/19/02
Briedenthal, Robert E. (pilot, Class 41A, instructor @ Barksdale) 1/23/01,
Brienza, George (crew chief, Ollie-I) 557BS, 387BG 11/12/00
Briggs, Arthur E. (navigator, Ole 33 & Gal) 456BS? 11/4/02
Brightman, Bernard (armorer-gunner) 391BG, see Lloyd B. Stanfield 4/24/04
Broadfoot, Albert Robert (bombardier, Maxwell House good to the last drop)
Broadfoot, Robin (son of Albert Robert Broadfoot) 6/26/01, 1/7/02
Brock, Fred, 455BS, 323BG, see Marvin Kuieck 3/14/03
Brockett, Robert Bob (pilot) 558BS, 387BG, see Grouped Data 7/4/99,
12/19/99, 5/30/02 (James W. Jones), 9/24/02, 11/27/02
Brockett, Don (nephew of Bob Brockett) 7/3/99
Brodsky, Herbert (armament-gunner) 598BS, 397BG, see Ronald F. Shepard
2/22/03, 7/22/04
Brooks, Tauno O. (search by Louis Salvati) 12/25/01
Brooks, Larry (USAF SMS) search, see Thomas Hall 12/17/03
Brooks, Linwood G. (co-pilot) see Colin Wingrave 9/25/04
Brothers, Harold J. (Master Sergeant, Chief Operations Officer) 323BG 3/31/01
Broussard, R. L. Renι (gunner in N. Africa) see Tom Adams 10/20/04
Brown, Adolph, 22BG, see Vernon R. Morris 4/30/04
Brown, Christopher (grandson of Robert Brannoon) 3/24/01
Brown, Harold (armorer-gunner) see Justin Lindquist [Trevor Allen data] 12/6/02
Brown, Grover C. (pilot. Group CO) 387BG 2/19/02
Brown, Kathy Lawton (along with husband David M. Brown, singing at annual
memorial for 481BG, seeks info) 9/26/03
Brown, Kelly (granddaughter/son? of John NMI Mac Macaluso) 6/28/01, 5/15/02
Brown, Kenneth Ken, 456BS, 323BG, see Philip R. Scheier 1/20/02
Brown, Webster (pilot) submit by son-in-law, Craig Lawson 5/29/03
Brown, William (Sgt) see Hulbert Hugh Robertson 6/4/04
Brown, William C. (B26 #41-34936) 319BG 6/30/03
Browne, F. (B-26?, Florida Crushed Stone, Brooksville, Florida) 12/30/03
Brownlee, Gordon (pilot, Class 43H, 71 missions), 596BS, 397BG 1/22/02,
8/8/02, 7/5/03, 3/26/04
Brubake, Rodney, 495BS, 344BG 2/22/01
Brude, Robert J. (co-pilot) 336BG, two aircraft collision, see Arthur Roy Kuntz
Brueggemann, Hermann Paul (toggelier, Heavens Above, B26 #42-96061) 584BS,
394BG, KIA 12/23/44, submit by descendant nephew: Steve Bachmann 2/14/04
Brush, John K. (MIA) see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Bryan, James N. (pilot) see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Bryan, Randy (son of Tommy Bryan) 2/14/03
Bryan, Tommy (tail gunner) 394BG 2/14/03
Buckley, Orrel R. (pilot, Innocence Abroad, B26 #42-96278) 597BS, 397BG
12/19/03 [Trevor Allen data], 9/15/04
Buckley, Robert D., 574BS, 391BG, see Ray Troup 9/6/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Budes, Ernest (internee) 17G, see Juan Carlos Salgado 3/18/03
Buela, Ramon B. (pilot) 336BG, two aircraft collision, see Arthur Roy Kuntz
Buhler, Warren Buzz (pilot, Class 42 J, 65 missions) 587Bs, 394BG, see Albert T.
Lively 7/13/01, 9/15/04
Bullard, James (engineer) 584BS, 394BG, see Dana Rogers 1/20/02
Bundy, James F. (crew member, shot down 6/13/44, brother is Roger H. Bundy)
330BS, 17BG 3/27/03
Bundy, Roger H. (instrument repairman, brother is James F. Bundy) 17BG 3/27/03
Bunes, Irving Israel (flight engineer & tail gunner) 391BG, a my
fathersubmission by unnamed child 2/3/04
Bunn, Henry Hank Carl (trained in B-26, transferred to boat recovery crew)
Burdette, Herman L. (pilot) 496BS, 344BG, crash of B26 #42-107574, see Michaёl
Simon memorial, crew listed separately, see Anne Evans 6/2/03, 9/6/04
Buret, Daniel (President De lAssociation Franco-Americaine de lAlsne)
Burford, D. L. (turret gunner) see Peter Matey 3/22/03
Burger, A. Doug (son of Christian Douglas Burger) 7/25/02
Burger, Albert C., Jr. (pilot, Rocks Off, B26 #41-34989, shot down 6/12/44)
555BS, 386BG 12/16/44 [Trevor Allen & C. Klier data]
Burger, Bob (Class 4453-N) 441BS, 320BG 10/20/00
Burger, Christian Douglas (KIA Jun 6, 1944) 584BS, 395BG 7/25/02
Burger, Robert (bombardier) 584BS, 394BG, see Dana Rogers 1/20/02
Burghardt, George (co-pilot, see Michael Joseph Donahoe) 584BS, 394BG 7/16/01
Burgman, Robert (bombardier-navigator) see Justin Lindqist [Trevor Allen data]
Burgmann, Joseph, submit by son-no name) 11/30/04 [A. Johannessen data]
Burgmeier, Frank (navigator, 65 missions) 456BS, 323BG 1/19/04
Burgmann, Joseph G., Jr., submit by Alf Egil Johannessen 11/30/04
Burk, Harold or Herold (B-26 advocate, simply says hello) 2/4/00
Burns, James J., see John G. Simpson 1/19/04
Burns, John H., 452BS, 322BG, see Jack E. Vandegift 6/22/04
Bush, President (Memorial Day, Arlington National Cemetery, among others the
extract cites Rob Jenkins) May 2003, comment re Senator John Kerry -- 10/11/04
Bussemer, Raymond M. (radio-gunner) 584BS, 394BG, see John L. McCabe -- 6/24/02
Bustard, Bill (co-pilot, Pugnacious Peggy) 558BS, 387BG 7/3/99
Butler, Abraham B., Jr. (engineer-gunner) se Colin Wingrae 9/25/04
Butler, C. B. (bombardier) 456BS, 323BG, see James F. Gray 8/16/04
Butler, Christine (Parker) (daughter of Frank Lloyd Butler 2/20/01
Butler, Frank Lloyd (clerk) 323BG 2/21/01
Butler, Fred (weapons mechanic, NKP, Thailand, B-26/A26) 1/1/01
Butterfield, Warren Scuffer H. (bombardier, 60 missions) 558BS, 387BG
7/3/99, 7/4/99, 11/19/01, 9/2/03, 6/30/04, 12/14/04
Buttoff, Mark A. (advocate re Dayton Mitstifer) 3/30/03
Buzzard, Robert Bob (tail gunner, wounded on 17th? mission) family search by
Jack Casell 10/17/04
Byers, James E. (M/Sgt) 449BS, 322BG, see Charles C. Grudnicki 12/10/04
Bylund, Torolf Cap, 17BG 5/18/00
Byrd, Andrew F., Jr. (pilot, 55 missions, Winnie Dee) 449BS, 322BG 7/28/03,
8/12/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Caezza, Anthony B. (bombardier-navigator) see Ray Harwood 1/7/03
Caffey, Denise (daughter of Richard W. Kelly) 9/20/03
Caldwell, Lewis S., 456BS, 323BG 10/30/02
Caldwell, Wilma T. (pilot, B-26 #41-34971) 386BS, 386BG 11/22/00, 12/31/03
Callahan, John (tail gunner) 336BS, 344BG 7/3/01
Callahan, John (son of John Callahan) 7/3/01
Callahan, William (bunk mate of Billie Boyd, Jr., 554BS, 386BG) 8/21/04 [C.
Klier data]
Callaway, Jack (Great squadron tragedy) 6/22/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Callery, James (A-26 gunner) 554BS, 386BG, see James B. Colvert 12/24/03 [C.
Klier data]
Calvert, Russell J. (bombardier, lone survivor of mid-air collision Aug 25,
1944, B26 # 42-95802) 573BS, 391BG 4/19/02, 10/5/03 [D. Donato data]
Cambier, Ike (pilot) 575BS, 391BG, see Raymond E. Hedstrom 2/23/04
Cammet, Tim (advocate) 3/11/02
Campbell, Blaine B. (pilot) 320BG 7/5/01
Campbell, James, 455BS, 323BG, see Marvin Kuieck 3/14/03
Caney, Albert (pilot Sqdn CO) 559BS, 387BG 2/19/02
Canfield, William E. (pilot) see John G. Simpson 1/19/04
Canonne, Phil (French researcher) 2/2/02, 5/31/02
Conlet, Robert R., 451BS, 322BG 6/3/02 [Responder Morey P. Dublier]
Capparo, Bruno (Bretange C135F Squadron, France) 7/8/01
Cappe, Roy R., Jr., 3rd CCRC, 3rd R & T Sqd 9/8/04
Caputo, John C. (tail gunner) 481BS, 336BG (query submit by Loretta Hooe)
Carbone, Ralph (flight surgeon) 34BS, 17BG 10/27/00
Cardona, Janet (daughter of Larry Bowen) 10/21/02
Carden, Robert Bob Leo (radio operator & other positions, Marauda, 36
missions, B-26 #41-34929 BN-30 crashed on T/O, 37BS, 17BG, see Grouped Data
8/13/02, 1/16/04, 2/2/04 (re Salahanskie?)
Carlson, H. L. (co-pilot) 17BG, see Donald L. Gilbert 6/26/03
Carlson, Norman (bombardier-navigator see Frank P. Carrozza) 344BG 7/26/00,
Carmichael, John Smart (pilot, RAF, Spitfire, shot down at age 21, escort of
B26s) 10/20/03
Carmichael, Mark V., 559BS, 387BG, see Roy Long 7/27/04
Carmichael-Timson, Steve (Director of Sub-Sea Operations Sea Tech Exploration)
query re B26 #41-17856 11/13/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Caron, Jean Franηois (researcher, France) 8/20/02 [Trevor Allen and C. Klier data]
Carr, George A. (tail gunner, MIA 1/29/44) 442BS, 320BG, see Howard W. Young
Carr, William Eddy (pilot) 589BS, 384BG, Available 7/30/02
Carrington, Carson W. (pilot, shot down in B26 #42-107679 K9-M) 494BS, 344BG
detail provided by Trevor Allen 7/22/01, 5/7/01, 7/26/03
Carrol, George, 554BS, 386BG 10/10/03
Carrozza, Carl (son of Frank P. Carozza) 6/18/01, 1/25/04
Carrozza, Frank P. Goomba (armorer-radio-gunner, 65 missions, Shopworn Angel)
495BS, 344BG, see Grouped Data 7/26/00, 2/5/01, 3/31/01/ 9/13/02, 1/25/04
Carter, Howard (pilot) 452BS, 322BG 12/25/00
Carter, James (co-pilot) 452BS, 322BG 12/25/00
Cassano, Nels (history of Trumans Folly, 177 missions) 453BS, 323BG 3/3/04
Cassell, Jack (family search re Robert Bob Cassell) 10/17/04
Cassiday, Clyde Hop (pilot, Little Pink Panties, B26 #42-107841) 573BS, 391BG,
see Walter Greer 10/12/03 [D. Donato data], 12/21/04
Cassidy, Harold J., see Stephen Steve Koven 7/26/02
Castillo, Pablo, 454BS, 323BG 5/6/02
Castle, Mark W. (co-pilot) 391BG, see Clark A. Tavener 6/1/04, 9/18/04
Castleberry, Clint, Jr. (ferry pilot, killed 11/7/44 12/5/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Castoro, Joseph (65 missions) 494BS, 344BG 1/3/01
Castrellon, Dan (son of David Castrelon) 9/18/02
Castrellon, David (engineer-gunner) 558BS, 387BG 9/18/02
Cates, David T. Bill (armorer-gunner) 478BS, 336BG 1/4/02
Cattell, Jack, 19BG 9/24/03
Cavallaro, John (MIA, B26 #42-96224) see Trevor Allen data 3/21/03
Cavillot, Olivier (Belgium) re Florennes/Juzaine airfield 6/3/04
Celio, Gove C. (pilot) 449BS, 322BG, see Boyd V. Hall 10/13/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Cerniglia, Joseph (bombardier-navigator) 554BS, 386BG 1/1/02
Chaney, Clyde Donald (pilot & co-pilot) 9AF 6/4/00
Chapaman, 391BG, see Ernest C. Peterson 1/18/04
Chapman, Robert O. (radio-gunner) 452BS, 322BG, see Gildas Saouzanet 12/5/02
[Trevor Allen data]
Chapman, W. O. (navigator) see Matteo LaMuraglia 7/9/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Charles, Tom (pilot) report by W. John Phillips 8/4/04
Charleston, Wilbur R., 323BG?, see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Charnley, John (inventor Artificial Hip Replacement) see George H. Lane
Charvat, Andreas (advocate) 12/29/02 see also 11/24/02 Andy Charvet
Chase, Lester B. (crew chief) 556BS, 387BG 11/12/03
Chatellier, John Larry (pilot) 391BG 4/19/02
Chatellier, Peter (son of John Larry Chatellier) 4/19/02
Chaumont, Loοc (French) searching for data on crash of B26 in village of
Sougι-le-Ganelon, 8/9/44 (595BS, 394BG, B26 #42-96080, crew listed separately)
2/27/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Cheatwood (323BG?) see Robert L. Goldstone 3/7/03
Cheek, Pat (niece of Robert Gerald Cheek) 9/7/03
Cheek, Robert Gerald (pilot, 7 missions) 9/7/03
Chiappeli, N., 386BG, see Charles J. Gese 6/21/02
Chidester, Jack H., see John G. Simpson 1/19/04
Chiozza, J. R. (bombardier) 494BS, 344BG 12/6/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Choate, Flournoy (ney?) L. Jr. (pilot in crash Sep 10, 1945, detail of crash
corrected by Trevor Allen 2/23/02
Chriesman, see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Chrisco, Everett, 323BG, submit by Cami-Sue (Chrisco) Webb 11/12/03, 3/29/04
Christian, Duner (advocate) Luzern, Switzerland 6/18/00
Christensen, Eric (KIA 23/12/44 on Arhweiler mission) 8/14/02
Christenson, F. J. (armorer-gunner) 574BS/391BG, may be same as Fred Christensen
12/31/02, 3/20/03 [Trevor Allen response to Domitilio Lucero]
Christenson, Fred (Bugs Bunny) 574BS, 391BG (may be same as Fred Christensen
12/23/03) 11/6/01
Christensen, Mike (son of Fred Christensen) 11/6/01
Christman, Luther (B26 instructor, crash in Texas) see Parker Smilie 7/25/03
Church, Curtis S. (pilot, shot down on 46th mission, Snuffy Smith, POW) 441BS,
320BG 10/6/04
Churchman, Bill (Class 42-2) 95BS, 17BG 7/28/02
Cilfone, Charles J. (bombardier-navigator, 72 missions) 386BG, submit by
daughter: Catherine McCarthy addendum includes crew names listed separately --
Cinnamon, Curtis E. (engineer-gunner, 47 missions) submit by nephew Ray
Citti, John J. (approx 38 - 40 missions) 443BS, 320BG see Grouped Data 6/6/02
Clair, Joseph (crew chief, Tondelayo) 95BS, 17BG 11/23/02, 9/5/03
Clair, Joseph, Jr. (son of Joseph Clair) 11/23/02
Clark, Channing (flight engineer for Charles Lindbergh) see Jon Underwood
Clark, Mark W., 391BG, see Clark A. Tavener 9/18/04
Clark, Stan (pilot, late AAL Captain, flew Mild & Bitter) see Harold Davey,
advocate 12/31/04
Clay, Lucius D., Jr. (pilot later four-star General) CO 344BG 7/26/00,
2/5/01, 5/27/02, 3/9/03
Cleaver E. C. (pilot, Gloria), see Joseph W. Hudson 4/29/04
Clear, Chester P. (386BG historian) cited throughout index
Clemens, Scott, advocate of Clint Castleberry, Jr. 12/5/04
Clements, Stanley (navigator-gunner, 75 missions) 322BG, submit by Marcy NLN
1/1/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Cline, Charles Chuck (pilot, Class 44B, 58 missions, Texas Queen) 599BS, 387BG
Clinton, M. Lee (pilot) 585BS, 394BG 9/5/02, 2/5/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Clouting, Paul, (provides extended list of B-26 names & numbers of 323BG) 323BG,
data on 25BG Liberty Run 11/9/01, 9/16/03
Coburn, John P. (bombardier) 558BS, 387BG, see Howard E. Miller, Jr. 6/27/02
[Trevor Allen data]
Cochran, Samuel Sam (co-pilot, shot down on 18/6/44) 555BS, 386BG, see Pete
Oliver 12/21/03 [C. Klier data]
Cockrum, Lowell (son of Richard B. Cockrum) 1/14/04
Cockrum, Richard B. (engineer-gunner, Front Burner, 70 missions) 559BS, 387BG,
submit by son:Lowell Cockrum, original aircrew listed separately 1/14/04 [Trevor
Allen data]
Coffman, Linden (engineer/tail gunner, Uncle Bills Flak House, mascot was goat
named Stinky) 596BS, 397BG 9/16/00, 10/4/00,
Coffman, Sandy (daughter of Linden Coffman) 9/16/00, 10/4/00
Coggins, Norman (co-pilot, crew of Albert F. Norman) 432BS, 17BG 12/7/01
Cohen, Gary (nephew of Maurice L. Cohen) 4/18/03
Cohen, Maurice L. (tail gunner, Horsefeathers, B26 #41-17759) 437BS, 319BG, shot
down over Lake Tunisia, CILHI recovery, burial 4/24/03, Arlington Cemetery
4/18/03, 5/14/03, 6/7/01
Coiner, Richad T., Jr. (pilot, Leapin Leana) 397BG 1/1/01, 7/7/01, 12//6/02
Coldiron, Charles (gunner?) 456BS, 323BG, great uncle of Joe Conrad 7/5/03
Cole, Melvin R. (crew member) 456BS, 323BG 8/13/03 [P. Scheier data]
Cole, Thomas C. (shot down 11/4/44, POW) 441BS?, 320BG 1/2/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Coleman, Hayne (artist) 10/4/01
Coleman, Lane (squadron bombardier, flew with Col. Wood, 597BS, 396BG) 3/23/01
Collard, Philippe (Mayor of Bastogne, France) 12/18/04
Colley, Thomas (Great squadron tragedy) 6/22/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Collier, J. T. (RAF pilot Sgt), see Freddie Parker 4/2/03
Collins, Albert L. (navigator) 496BS, 344BG, see Michaёl Simon, see Anne Evans
6/02/03, 9/6/04
Collins, Chief, see Ted Pruitt 11/26/02
Collins, Clifton A. (KIA 7/20/44, B26 #42-107554) 440BS, 319BG, submit by
nephew: Mark Collins 4/24/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Collins, Mark (nephew of Clifton A. Collins) 4/24/04
Collins, Richard E. (no further data) 2/4/01
Collins, William D. (co-pilot) 397BG, see James P. Negri 4/21/03
Collinsworth, James (397th SAC Bomb Wing (H)) 8/27/02
Colsch, John W. Smiley (pilot, San Antonio Rose, B 26 # 42-95800, lost
8/13/44) crew listed separately 3/1/03
Colton, Sidney (photographer, 65 missions) 442BS, 320BG
Colvert, James (pilot, Class 44D, also A-26) 554BS, 386BG 1/1/02, 12/24/03 [C.
Klier data]
Colvin, Dale F. (son of Floyd Dale Colvin) 12/4/01
Colvin, Floyd Dale (worked on B-26 electrical components) 585BS, 394BG 12/4/01
Colvin, Gregory Patrick (grandson of Benjamin Vaughan) 3/2/03
Colvin, Richard H., 451BS, 322BG, see James W. Lemmond 12/7/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Colwell, Arthur B. Art (pilot, 55 missions, A26/B26, Korea), submit by wife:
Joan (Colwell) Geary.
Combs, Ralph, 320BG?, see George W. Gleason 11/29/03
Cone, Martha (daughter of Willie Cone) 10/3/99
Cone, Willie (bombardier) 9AF 10/3/99
Coney, Kenneth (son of Winslow S. Coney) 12/27/01
Coney, Winslow S. (photographer-waist gunner) 443BS, 320BG 12/27/01
Conforte, Hugo E., see John G. Simpson 1/19/04
Conlen, Robert (Clarks Little Pill) see Maurice Neher [Ronald Conlen data]
Conlen, Ronald (son of Robert Conlen) 8/7/03
Conley, Donald R. (pilot, Class 44A, 51 missions, had been in glider training)
451BS, 322BG 9/6/02
Conley, Robert L. (co-pilot, MIA 1/29/44) 442BS, 320BG, see Howard W. Young
Conly, Glen (son of William S. Conly) 3/27/02
Conly, William S. (Bingo Buster, Cant Get Started, Rock Hill Special) 323BG?,
query by son 3/27/02
Connelley, Bob, 17BG, see Joe Kasper 3/8/03
Connor, Richard E. (bombardier, Class 43-30) 553BS, 386BG 5/7/02
Conrad, Clifford R. (witness of crash of B-26 #42-95763 off coast of Ladispoli,
Italy, see Howard W. Young) 12/14/02
Conrad, John, see Charles Coldiron 7/5/03
Corradetti, John (engineer-gunner) 17BG, see Harold Dorsen -- 2/2/03
Considine, William H. (Hell and Highwater) 319BG 3/20/01
Constable, George Edward Ed (submit by son: Steve constable) 10/4/03
Conz, Alred (crew of William C, Brown which see) 6/30/03
Cook, Claude T. Buddy (engineer-gunner, B26 #41-31817) 452BS, 322BG 6/18/03,
7/28/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Cook, Fred F., Jr. (bombardier, Class 44-6) 572BS, 391BG 7/18/03
Cook, H. B. (engineer-gunner) 494BS, 344BG 12/6/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Cook, Jim (son of Fred F. Cook., Jr.) 7/18/03
Cook, W. P. (pilot) 397BG 6/14/01
Cooke, T. P. (engineer-gunner) see Peter Matey 3/22/03
Cookson, Frank (pilot, 66 missions) 452BS, 322BG 7/3/99
Cookson, Frank (nephew of Frank Cookson) 7/3/99
Cooper, Donald (co-pilot, shot down 2/21/450) 585BS, 394BG, see Wiliam J.
Ampolos 5/28/02
Cooper, Eschel (friend of Richard E. Conner) 5/7/02
Copeland, Carson Nathan (navigator) 586BS, 394BG, submit by daughter: Debra
Corder, Gran Vernon (radio-gunner) 495BS, 344BG, mid-air collision on T/O, Aug
25, 1944 8/11/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Cordes, Lt. (pilot) 451BS, 322BG, see John E. Cernhard 12/19/02
Cordes, Alex O. (lone survivor of Mar 18, 45 three B-26 mishap) 451BS/ 322BG
5/17/02, 7/10/03, 9/21/03, 6/22/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Corner, F. Gordon (search for data on Donald N. Sharp) 4/30/04
Cornetta, Ron (advocate relates story of Eugene Wallace) 10/27/03
Corradetti, John J. (B26 #42-107792, shot down 2/22/45) 432BA, 17BG, see Patrick
Bauman 2/23/03
Corral, George (advocate) 2/4/02
Corsette, Kelly (nephew of Ralph W. Miller, seeks 1st Pathfinder Squadron data)
Coseo, Mathew Robert (grandson of Robert Coseo) 6/4/01
Coseo, Robert (pilot) 6/4/01
Costello, Benjamin IV (grandson of Benjamin Costello, Jr.) 6/13/04
Costello, Benjamin, Jr. (radio operator) 556BS, 387BG, submit by grandson:
Benjamin Costello IV 6/13/04
Cottone, George, 456BS, 323BG, see Martin R. Cole 8/13/03
Coursen, George H, (KIA 11/23/45) 454BS, 323BG, see Raymond Vignochi & Rainer
Kiemann 12/31/03, 9/28/04
Courtright, Douglas (nephew of Milton A. Courtright Uncle Milt) 9/27/00
Courtright, Milton A. (pilot) 495BS, 344BG 9/27/00
Cox, Curtis (engineer) 555BS, 386BG, see Roy Dale Voorhees 7/14/03
Cox, Danny (friend of Ben Hicks) 9/19/01
Cox, W. Fred, Jr. (pilot, KIA Sep 1944) 552BS, 386BG 11/18/04 [C. Kier data]
Cox, William Fred, Jr., 552BS, 386BG 12/1/04
Coyle, Ted (engineer) 555BS, 386BG, see Pete Oliver 12/21/03 [C. Klier data]
Coyne, Arthur E. (bombardier-navigator, KIA 12/23/44, Patti Kaye) 598BS, 397BG
2/24/03 [Trevor Allen data includes crew list of B26 #43-34221 on 12/23/44, listed
Craft, Larry (son of W. O. Craft) 10/18/02
Craft, W. O. (Class 40B) 22BS 10/18/02
Craig, Melvin W. (flight engineer, KIA Jan 11, 1944, flew in B26s (476BS) and
then B17s (419BS, 301BG), see entries for detail) 10/23/02, 1/6/03 [Trevor
Crain (323BG?) see Robert l. Goldstone 3/7/03
Crane, Matt (grandson of Robert L. Crane) 4/8/03
Crane, Robert L. (bombardier-navigator, Buss N Bitch) submit by grandson: Matt
Crane 4/8/03
Crane, Tom (Capital Airlines) 10-18-01
Cranstone, L. O. (friend of Richard E. Conner) 5/7/02
Craves, J. L., see Ray E. Pitre 4/1/03
Crawford, William M., Jr., see Ray E. Pitre 4/1/03
Crecelius, Charles Chris (41 missions) 587BS, 394BG 10/21/03
Creedon, Jim, 397BS, 386BG 7/21/01, 5/19/02 [very significant Trevor Allen data]
Crimm, C. A. (co-pilot), 397BG, see Maurice D. Norton 12/6/02
Crole-Rees, Anna (daughter of David George Crole-Rees) 3/18/04
Crole-Rees, David George (2nd pilot) 24 Squadron, Italy, submit by daughter:
Anna Crole-Rees 3/18/04
Croote, George H. (pilot, SAAF) 3rd wing, Balkan Air Force 11/25/03, 2/13/04
Crouch, William L. Bill (pilot) 597BS, 397BG, submit by grandson: Sammy Sikes
Crouchman, Alan (387BG historian/request for data: detail on B-26 #44-67889 KX-B,
B26 #41-31661) 11/ 19/01, 4/21/03
Crowley, Mark (559BS, 387BG, advocate) see Russ Neuman (Newman) 8/9/02,
Cruitt, Harold, 456BS, 323BG, see Melvin R. Cole 8/13/03
Crumal, Jack (pilot) 391BG, see George T. James, Jr. 10/9/03
Cubba, Louis J. (KIA 9/23/44, Little Jo, B26 #131622) 554BS, 386BG 5/28/03
Cubbam Louis J. (tail gunner, KIA 9-23-44) 554BS, 386BG 1/5/02
Cuchet, Bernard (advocate re 554BS, 396BG, Privy Donna B26 #41-31658 & Litljo
B-26 #41-31622) 1/10/03
Cuff, Craig (nephew of Denis Claude Cuff, SAAF) 10/10/04
Cuff, Denis Claude (shot down 4/21/45) 24 Sqdn, SAAF 10/30/04 [J. Millan data]
Curran, Thomas F. (nephew of Bill Red Flanagan) 5/19/01
Currie, Billy (grandsonof Robert Lee Currie) 2/17/04
Currie, Oscar S. (radio operator) 449BS, 322BG, see Boyd V. Hall 10-13-02 [Trevor
Allen data]
Currie, Robert Lee, submit by grandson: Billy Currie 2/17/04
Cusano, Angelo (brother of Frank Cusano) 7/3/99
Cusano, Ernie (gunner) 558BS, 387BG 7/3/99
Cutler, John M. Jack (pilot) 552BS, 386BG, see Robert G. Neville 6/24/04
Dahiot, Daniel (advocate re B26 #42-96224 of 394BG) 3/21/03 [Trevor Allen provides
crew data listed separately] 3/21/03
Dailey, Clyde Thomas. (navigator, Arkansas Traveler, Heavenly Body) 558BS,
387BG, see Howard E. Miller, Jr. 5/25/03, 6/27/02, 6/1/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Dailey, Paula (author, National Geographic School Publishing) 3/6/00
Dalbalcon, John V. (armorer-gunner) 585BS, 394BG, see Harry Kelly, Jr. 7/17/03
Dalco, Teri (son of Anthony Finegan) 9/16/02
Daley, Richard M. (Mayor of Chicago, Illinois) 9/27/04
Dalton, Joe B. (co-pilot) 452BS, 322BG, Ijmuiden mission 12/10/03
Daly, John D. (radio gunner) 432BS, 17BG, submit by grandson: Jeremy Wood
Dangler, David (pilot) 449BS, 322BG, see Robert F. Bouse 4/20/03
Daniels, Jim (top turret gunner) 438BS, 319BG, see Clyde Decker 3/27/03
Danner, David Divinity (radio-waist gunner, Dusty Devil) 441BS, 320BG 8/08/01
Danner, Sam (son of David Divinity Danner) 8/08/01
Darby, Jack C. Junior (radio-gunner) 553BS, 386BG, see Oiver Lee McCaskill
12/6/04 (dup of Jack Carter?)
Darby, Jack Carter (Hard Luck, B26 #41-31610) 5/1/03
Darling, Charles (co-pilot) 17BG, see Don Wilson 8/6/04, 8/11/04
Daszkiewicz, Bruno (tail gunner) 586BS, 397BG (see advocate Tom Draus) 6/18/02
Daugherty, Kenneth Paul (flew B-26 in WW II) 5/25/00
Davey, Harold, advocate 12/31/04
Davidson, James H. (pilot, Class 43J, 44 missions) 456BS, 323BG 12/24/02 [Trevor
Allen response on Davidson mission crew of Mar 21, 1945, B-26 #709 WT-B, cited
Davies, Gerald (pilot killed Sep 10, 1945) 495BS, 344BG, see Flourney L.
Choate, Jr. 2/23/02
Davis, Craig (nephew of Frederick C. Gedge) 1/15/01
Davis, Dale D. (pilot, B26 & B25) 22BG 11/27/03
Davis, Donald (wifes uncle is Valento Rivoli) 8/6/03
Davis, Edward W. (pilot, 76 missions, Barbara & Mary) 452BS, 322BG 6/4/01,
5/27/03, 12/22/04
Davis, Fred, 386BG, diary sent Phil Canonne 5/31/02 [C. Klier data], 2/29/04
Davis, Glen (son of Robert L. Davis) 8/13/03
Davis, Grier, Jr. (co-pilot) 552BS, 386BG, submit by daughters: Karen Engle &
Marilyn Davis Scitzer, submit by grandchild: Allison Weakley 4/5/04, 4/12/04,
Davis, Hershel D., comment on 17BG internee problem, see Juan Carlos Salgado
Davis, Michele (son of Arthur D. Johnson) 10/18/01
Davis, Mike (son of Dale D. Davis) 11/27/03
Davis, Philip (son of Edward W. Davis) 6/4-01, 12/22/04
Davis, Robert L. (pilot) 556BS, 387BG 8/13/03
Davison, Bill (advocate MOH Darrell R. Lindsey crew) 10/31/02
Dawkins, Earl G. 444BS, 320BG, crash of 11/13/44, see Sylvie Modin-Badey
De Groot, Kenneth F. (pilot - see Antonio Gandara) 10/20/01
De Loney, Donnie J. (nephew of David W. Webb) 12/6/02
de Poli, Jean-Charles (French, in charge of commemoration ceremonies in
Valdeblore, France 7/29/04
De Santis, Dave re Barrelhouse Bessie, 95BS, 17BG 11/25/03
De Santis, Pat J. (radio-gunner, 40 missions, B-26 + ATC-India-Hump, Red Hot)
444BS, 320BG 11/30/00, 7/1/01, 7/8/01
de Taboada, Jean Annez (pilot) SAAF, 12th Squadron, submit by grandson: Alex
Annex 12/7/04
Deam, Mark (son of William H. Deam) 11/6/01
Deam, William H. Bill (co-pilot/pilot) 587BS, 394BG, see Albert T Lively
11/6/01, 9/15/04
Dean, Jerry R. (friend of Norman Dudley) 7/20/01
Dean, T. L. (engineer-gunner) 574BS, 391BG 12/31/02 [Trevor Allen response to Domitilio Lucero]
Debell, John A. (bombardier-navigator, KIA) 587BG, 394BG, see Theodore Kubala
4/4/03, see James D. Pascoe 12/29/04
Deboer, Raymond (tail gunner) see Ray Harwood 1/7/03
Decker, Clyde (tail gunner, 64 missions) 3/28/03
DeCoursey, Lt. (pilot) 344BG, see Bill Morton 2/10/03
Decuypere, Dirk (Belgian teacher seeking data for C. Klier) 5/10/03
Deen, Joy M. (pilot) 450BS, 322BG, see James E. Fox 19-9-02
Deering, Thomas W. (flew WW II & Korea) 5/28/00
Deever, Russel R., see Stephen Steve Koven 7/26/02
Deford, James, 344BG, see Tom Bond 2/4/03
Delisso (waist gunner) 456BS, 323BG, see James F. Gray 8/15/04
Delridge, Ed (B-26 advocate) 7/3/99
Demeden, John (advocate re Luxemburg, Clarks Little Pill) 8/7/03
Demster, Kenneth C. (Atterbury AAF, Columbus, Indiana) 1/1/01
Demuyer, Albert (Belgium, father and uncle were underground fighters) a thank
you 1/11/03, 4/9/03
Dennen, Arch A. (bombardier, KIA 2/10/44) 554BS, 396BG, see Dayton Mitstifer
Denski (armorer-gunner) 320BG, see James C. Wells, Sr. 9/17/04
Derbyshire, Neil, Jr. (2nd Sqdn Tow, Korea) probably A26/B26 5/6/03 [Trevor
DeSauiniers, Arthur J. (co-pilot) 596BS, 397BG also 1st Pathfinder Sq. 11/9/04
[Trevor Allen data]
Deskewies, Hank, advocate of Albert M. Momenee 11/30/04
Destiche, Bob Desty (pilot, Class 44C) 559BS, 387BG 10/13/02, 3/4/03 [Trevor
Allen data]
Devenney, William J., 3rd CCRC, 3rd R & T Sqd, see Robin R. 9/8/04
Dewitt, Margaret (daughter of Tom Bond) 2/4/03
Dhein, Neil (ground crew, Gremlins Delight, 98 missions on B26) 587BG, 394BG
Di Giovanni, Mike (engineer-gunner) 584BS, 394BG, see John L. McCabe 6/24/02
Dibrell, John (pilot) 584BS, 395BG 10/12/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Dick, Frank G. (armorer-gunner) 391BG, see Clark A. Tavener 6/1/04, 9/18/04
Dickinson, Capt (pilot, A26) 554BS, 386BG, see James B. Colvert 12/24/03 [C.
Klier data]
Dietrich, Joel G. (nephew of Pual E. Gowey) 5/23/03
Diffee, Jim (nephew of James T. Ray) 584BS, 394BG 7/12/02
Dillman, John W. (Class 43A) 22BS (? BG) 7/11/01
DiLuzio, Albert J. (radio-waist gunner, Me Lei Fo) 586BS, 394BG 9/23/03
DiLuzio, Albert J., II (nephew of Albert J. DiLuzio) 9/2/03
Dinou, John C. (pilot, Class 43K, author) 496BS, 344BG 3/18/01, 11/13/02,
Dirickson, Conwell F. Dee (pilot, Class 43A, 75 missions, Impatient Virgin)
date missing
Dissy, Jim (pilot, see William A. Phillips) 456BS, 323BG 3/3/01
Disharoon, Norman (radio operator) submit by nephew: Kirk 7/16/02
Dixon, Jeff (son of Wilbur A. Dixon) 11/30/00
Dixon, Lawrence (submit by daughter: Julia Dixon Esposito) 2/22/02
Dixon, Wilbur A. (Class 44B) 574BS, 391BG 11/25/00
Dobda, Michael (pilot) 573BS, see Johnnie F. Jones 10/14/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Dodge, Susan (niece of Bill Felker) 3/28/03
Doering, Louis (discusses A-26 vs. B-26) 3/15/04
Doherty, Jim, 319BG 9/24/03
Dolan, John A., 585BS, 394BG, see Donald Short 11/2/02, 2/5/03
Dole, Minot (compliment on b26.com) 1/28/03
Donahoe, Michael Joseph (radio-gunner) 584BS, 394BG 7/16/01
Donato, Dave M. (391BG historian, cited throughout index) 10/5/03
Donato, Joe, 37BS, 17BG 9/12/02
Doran, Edward J. (engineer-gunner, shot down on 24th mission) 437BS, 319BG
7/11/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Doran, Joseph M. (son of Edward J. Doran) 7/1/03
Dorr, Robert F. Bob (cooperating author) 4/3/03
Dorsen, Harold P. (radio-gunner) 432BS, 17BG, memory of Wallace D. Townsend,
432BS, 17BG 2/1/03, 2/2/03 (cites crew, listed separately), 3/8/03, 2/12/04
Dorson, Eddie (bombardier now lives in Gilleleje, Denmark) 4/8/01
Dorton, John L. (tail gunner, KIA 2/10/44) 554BS, 386BG, see Dayton Mitstifer
Douglas, Clay J. (internee) 17BG, see Juan Carlos Salago 3/18/03
Douglass, Robert T. (Class 43-10, 66 missions) 553BS, 391BG 9/11/03
Downie, Patrick (re wifes paternal grandfather: Robert M. Knowles) 10/7/03
Downing, A. M. (co-pilot) 386BG, see Charles J. Gese 6/21/02
Drago, Ugo (Italian Commander Odorico Tenello account) 3/2/04
Drake, C. T., 449/494BS, 322BG 12/25/02 [Trevor Allen response to Malcolm D. Enlow,
Draus, Tom (advocate) -- 6/18/02
Drιo, Jean (author) 12/5/02
Dressel, Joe L. (co-pilot) 584BS, 395BG, see John L. McCabe 6/24/02
Drummond, Amos A. (pilot) submit by daughter: Gayle Drummond 7/14/02
Drummond, Gayle (daughter of Amos A. Drummond) 7/14/02
Drvodelich (tail gunner) 557BS, 397BG, see Victor D. Rader 7/6/02
Dubblier, Bill (advocate) 6/22/02
Dubelier, Morey P. (son of Morton A. Dubelier) 5/23/02, 9/2/02
Dubelier, Morton A., 451BS, 322BG 5/23/02, 9/2/02
DuBois, James (navigator, see Wetzel Kimball, may be same as following entry)
6/22/01, 3/21/03
Dubois, James (navigator, 557BS, 387BG, crash B26 #334151 11/25/44) 9/1/01
Dudley, Jess (Sex Masheen) 387BG 12/24/00
Dudley, Norman (55 missions) 7/20/01
Dudley, Ray (pilot, B26 #42-95786, crash 23/3/45) 34BS, 17BG 12/29/02
Dumas, Albert (gunner) 386BG, see Charles J. Cilfone 2/11/03
Dunbury, Thomas H., 478BS, 336BG, fatality 10/29/42, see Emory D. Barton
Duncan, Mrs. Richard C. (a compliment) 8/26/02
Duncan, Sandra Tyler (a compliment) 8/26/02
Dundatscheck, Eric P. (engineer and author Sustineo Alas) 454BS, 323BG 6/6/01
Dunn, Becky (daughter of Don Rump) 12/21/02
Dunn, Donna (daughter-in-law of John E. Dunn, Jr.) 8/23/02
Dunn, John E., Jr., 453BS, 323BG 8/23/03
Dunn, Robert, 37BS, 17G, see Leo Green 4/21/03
Dupre, Wayne T. (pilot, 52 missions, Old Vet) 452BS, 322BG 10/28/01
Duran, Arthur A., 34BS, 17BG 5/24/02
Duran, John or Manuel?, see Ray Harwood 1/7/03
Duval, Brian (grandson of Herbert Christian Ritter) 1/31/03
Dye, Joe B. & Doris I. (Bundy) see James & Roger Bundy 3/27/03
Dykes, Ray, 336BG, two aircraft collision, see Arthur Roy Kuntz 4/12/02
Dysart, Bland (pilot) 481BS, 322BG 6/3/01
Earl, David W. (author-historian researching B-26G #43-34120, England)
10/18/00, 3/31/01
Easterling, Bill (advocate re Glynn T. Gilbert) 2/3/02
Eaton, Charles W. (pilot) see Theodor H. Mains Ted 2/1/02
Ebersbach, Richard, 572BS, 391BG, see Fred F. Cook, Jr. 7/18/03
Ebling, Franklyn E. (executive officer) Atterbury AAF, Columbus, Indiana
Eccles, Bill (son of Tom Eccles) 3/13/02
Eccles, Tom (flew B-26 out of England) 3/13/02
Echo, Salvatore E. (MIA) see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Eck, Warren (son of Warren Fred Eck) 5/12/03
Eck, Warren Fred (radio-waist gunner, Sexy Betsy, B26 #41-35358) 5/12/03
Eckert, John E. (pilot, B26 # 42-95981) see Colin Wingrave 9/25/04
Eckhardt, R. F. (co-pilot) 452BS, 322BG, see Gildas Saouzanet 12/5/02 [Trevor
Allen data]
Eckland, Adele Castillo Eckland (daughter of Pablo Castillo) 5/6/02
Eckrich, Lt. (pilot of B26 #43-34423) 322BG, excavation report recovery of
remains, post of AzelPaul & Frank Gόth 10/10/03
Edge, Jerry (son of Roy B. Edge) 12/1/01
Edge, Roy B. (Paper Doll, B-26 #41-34792 DR-G crash 8/31/44) 455BS, 322BG
12/1/01, 5/27/03, 6/4/04
Edwards, Dale W. (co-pilot) 496BS, 344BG, see Michaёl Simon, see Anne Evans
6/2/03, 9/6/04
Edwards, Mary Jo Morgan (brother of Harold W Bill Morgan) 11/9/02
Egan, Arthur W. (1Lt Adjutant, 9AF) see Kenneth S. Schell 12/27/04
Ehlert, James G. (tail gunner) see William Bill L. Keller 1/3/02
Ehoodin. Alexander (Flak Bait) 449BS, 322BG 3/12/01
Ehoodin, Peter S. (son of Alexander Ehoodin) 3/12/01
Eisenhower, Dwight Ike (Gen. & U.S. President) 4/26/04
Elgeston, Shorty (aircrew see Jack Sturges Jones) 391BG 8/26/00
Elhert, James G. (tail gunner) 496BS, 344BG, see Wilmoth Bill L. Keller
Ellinger, Richard, see William P. Morton 8/3/03
Ellington, Mitch (search for family member, Glenn Nye, 322BG) 8/20/01
Ellington, Nathan M., 572BS, 391BG, see Fred F. Cook, Jr. 5/25/03, 7/18/03
Ellington, Robert (son of Nathan M. Ellington) 5/25/03
Elliot, Andrew J. (flight engineer) 391BG, see Edward C. Jastemski 5/28/04
Elliot, Dana B. (lost on May 9, 1943 mission) 442/BS, 329BG 12/15/02 [Trevor
Allen response: mission to bomb Palermo Harbor, crashed at sea.)
Elliot, James (pilot) 1/9/01
Elliot, Richard B. Dana, 442BS, 320BG, shot down 5/9/43 in Palermo attack
7/28/04 [b26.com data on commanders in Grouped Data] 7/28/04
Elliot, T. B. (bombardier) 17BG, see Donald L. Gilbert 6/26/03
Ellis, Mike (nephew of Clay Mayberry) 5/14/04
Ellis, Todd A. (son of Harold Heimroth, Happy Hal) 10/21/01
Ellison, Ron (great nephew of Henry L. Hooper) 10/15/02
Ellman, Sgt (engineer-gunner) 391BG, see Roland Boyd Bonner, 2/1/03
Ellsworth, Sgt. (engineer-gunner) 444BS, 320BG, see George W. Gleason
11/29/03, 7/1/04
Ellsworth, Fred R. (pilot) 442BS, 320BG, submit by grandchild: Jill R. Scott
Ellzey, Michael (son of Paul C. Ellzey) 8/9/03
Ellzey, Paul C. (bombardier-navigator) 439BS, 319BG 8/9/03
Elyea, Chuck (radio-gunner) 584BS, 394BG 8/7/03
Emerson, Donald M. (pilot) 336BG two-aircraft collision, see Arthur Roy Kuntz
Emerson, Warren (son-in-law of Orrel R. Buckley) 12/19/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Emery, Jacky (La Chapelle, Saint Aubin, France) query re B26 #42-96080 crash,
vicinity of Fresnay, France, crew listed independently 3/2/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Endrizzi, Santo, 495BS, 344BG 6/12/02
Enlow, Darwin S. (nephew of Malcolm D. Enlow, Sr.) 12/24/02
Enlow, Malcolm D., Jr. (son of Malcolm D. Enlow, Sr., contributing historian)
12/25/02, 2/25/03, 3/24/04, 5/31/04
Enlow, Malcolm D., Sr. Don (engineer-gunner, 73 missions, Lights Out, B26
#41-34762 & We-Dood-It) 449/494BS, 322BG 12/25/02, 12/25/02, 2/25/03 [Trevor
response includes supplemental unit and aircraft data], 3/24/04
England, Charles D., 559BS, 387BG 2/19/02
Engle, Karen (daughter of Grier Davis) 4/5/04
Englehardt, Raymond Paul, Sr. (togglier, bombardier-navigator, 65 missions,
Bloody Mary) 587BS, 394BG 2/12/01
Ensminger (Clarks Little Pill) see Maurice Neher 8/7/03
Enyeart, Phil (crew chief) 449BS, 322BG, see Robert F. Bouse 4/21/03
Enzor, Simeon Snake (bombardier, Snakes Revenge, Jinx) 574BS, 391BG, see
Edward J. Kanthack 12/17/03, 1/14/04
Epperson, Harold, 559BS, 387BG, see Charles Chuck Cline 2/19/02
Epstein, James D. Jim (son of Donald M. Epstein) 7/4/03, 7/9/03
Epstein, Donald M. (pilot, Class 43J, shot down 7/12/44, POW Stalag Luft I)
555BS, 386BG 7/4/03, 7/9/03
Erbe, Arthur (co-pilot MOH Darrell R. Lindsey crew) 585BS, 395BG 10/31/02
Erickson, Clarence V. (co-pilot, 68 missions) 575BS, first mission crew cited
separately 7/23/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Erickson, Howard L. (navigator) 449B, 322BG, see Charles C. Grudnicki 12/10/04
Escamilla, Manuel (radio-gunner, Great squadron tragedy) 451BS, 322BG, see
Lester E. Barton 5/17/02, 6/22/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Eskenazi, Drew (nephew of Jack Eskenazi) 8/5/00
Eskenazi, Jack (bombardier, 65 missions, Dinah Might) 553BS, 386BG 8/5/00
Esposito, Julie Dixon (daughter of Lawrence Dixon) 2/22/02
Essink (co-pilot) 438BS, 319BG, see Clyde Decker 3/27/03
Estes (pilot, see Walter R. Walker) 9/14/01
Estes, Charles W. (pilot) 397BG, see James P. Negri 4/21/03
Ettinger, Gail (crew chief, Geronimo, B26 #131630) 386BG? 10/29/03 [C. Kier
Evans, Anne (attends gravesite of Joseph Gisavage, American Military Cemetery,
Colleville sur Mer) 9/6/04
Evans, Gina, (granddaughter of Kenneth Paul Dougherty) 5/25/00
Evans, H. C. (bombardier) 449BS, 322BG, see Boyd V. Hall 10/13/02 [Trevor
Evans, O. L. (Russell J. Calvert crew) 391BG, see Steve Bree 10/5/03 [D.
Donato data]
Everette, James R. (engineer-gunner, POW) 573BS, 391BG 3/7/03
Everette, James R., Jr. (son of James R. Everette) 3/7/03
Edwards (bombardier on Luke Hargroves crew) 456BS, 323BG 8/16/02
Faith, Richard R. (co-pilot, KIA 2/10/44) 554BS, 386BG, see Dayton Mitstifer
Falcone, Jonathan Rakolta, 3/75 Ranger Rgt 8/31/03
Faley, Michael (editor of Splasher Six) 5/6/01
Falkowski, George (father served in 322BG B-26 advocate) 5/5/00
Fanni, Potecariu Igazio (B-26 advocate) 10/27/00
Farese, Jessie J., see Romeo Farese 127/04
Farese, Romeo (killed in B-26 crash in France, 12/11/44) submit by Art
Napolitano, submit is associated with Jessie J. Farese, 83rd Infantry Division
Farmer, Leonard L. (crew chief) 11/10/99
Farr, Floyd (Queen of the Gremlins, B26 #41-31867) 556BS, 387BG 7/28/03 [Trevor
Allen data]
Farrell, Jim (pilot of Flak Bait) 449BS, 322BG, submit by son: Tom Farrel
Farrell, Tom (son of Jim Farrel) 1/30/04
Farrish, Tom (advocate re Leonard S. Lang) 4/23/04
Farrow, Donald Allen, 494BS 4/14/01
Favre (co-pilot) 397BG, see Guy F. Moody 2/24/02, 6/4/02
Fees, Perla R. (radio-gunner) 585BS, 394BG, see Darrell R. Lindsey 10/31/02
Felbriar, 391BG, see Roland Boyd Bonner 2/1/03
Feld, Dave (advocate - friend of Marvin Kellman) 3/16/01
Felker, Bill (pilot), submit by niece: Susan Dodge 3/28/03
Felt, Bob (pilot) see Parker Smilie 7/25/03
Feltman, Lois Townsend (niece of George E. Townsend) 8/18/02
Fenton (engineer-gunner) 320BG, see James C. Wells, Sr. 9/17/04
Ferland, N. R. (engineer-gunner) 452BS, 322BG, see Gildas Saouzanet 12/5/02
[Trevor Allen data]
Fernandez, Arthur NMI (engineer-gunner, 64 missions) 441BS, 320BG 1/4/02
Fernandez, Gary (family member of Arthur Fernandez) 1/4/02
Ferris, Allen, 454BS, 323BG, see Raymond Vignochi 12/31/03
Ferris, Lloyd Speed (pilot, Class 43B, Speeds Spook) 559BS, 387BG see Morgan
Ferris (grandson of Lloyd Ferris) & Donald L. Frisbie 2/17/04, 2/29/04 [Trevor
Allen data]
Ferris, Morgan, see Donald L. Frisbie 2/17/04, 2/29/04
Ferry, Bernard J. (killed Sep 10, 1945) 495BS, 344BG, see Flourney L. Choate,
Jr. 2/23/02
Festi, Jack H. (pilot, B26 #43-34410, shot down 2/22/45)see Jack D. Loftin
Fevold, Maurice (tail gunner, see Ward C. Swalewll) 599BS, 397BG 6/18/01
Fezayone, Carl M. (navigator) 573BS, 391BG, see Philip S. Walter 9/8/03
Figueroa, Michael (son of Robert Figueroa) 12/28/01
Figueroa, Robert (bombardier-navigator) 449BS, 322BG 12/28/01
Fidley, R. E. (photographer) 455BS, 323BG, see Paul J. Stach 5/31/02 [Trevor
Field, Paul (advocate, St. Albans, Herts, England) 9/22/03
Fields, Jack B., 444BS, 320BG, crash of 11/13/44, see Sylvie Monin-Badey
Figley, Erich Ferrell, see Michael M. Mikita, see Elwyn Farney Quinn 8/6/03,
Findley, Samuel M. Tex (engineer-tail gunner, 78 missions, Miss Chevious, Sad
Sack II,) 453BS, 323BG 8/5/02, 11/15/03M
Finegan, Anthony (records lost, flew in B-26s, see Teri Dalso) 9/16/02
Finnell, Donald Oliver, 598BS, 397BG (killed stateside in B29, 10/1/46) submit
by: Dawn Finnel Sherman 9/7/03, 11/2/03
Fischbach, Aaron (wifes grandfather is James Mecum) 8/8/04
Fischer, James (French?) 4/20/02
Fisher, Cheryl (daughter of Maurice D. Norton) 598BS, 397BG 7/7/01, 7/14/02
Fisher, Dion (searching Leapin Lena see also Cheryl Fisher) 101 ABN 7/7/01
Fisher, George L. (Roland Scott advocate) 11/28/02
Fisher, William Bill Royal (B-26/A-26 in Korean Conflict & Capital Airlines)
Fitzgerald, Jackie (daughter of Arthur Pakula) 10/20/04
Fitzhugh, John G. Pappy (navigator) 574BS, 391BG 11/8/03
Fitzhugh, John G., Jr. (son of John G. Fitzhugh) 11/8/03
Fitzwater, C. E. (pilot) 495BS, 344BG, see James E. Smith 7/20/02
Flaherty, Warren Lucky Delaney (armorer-tail gunner) 456BS, 323BG, see Richard
F. Tyson 5/17/03
Flanagan, Bill Red (pilot) 387BG 5/19/01
Fleck, N. E. (pilot) see Clarence Erickson 7/23/04
Flegel, Charles E. Wm. (class 43), 599BS, 397BG 4/29/01
Flemming, George A. (flight engineer) 555BS, 386BG, see Roland E. Wallace
Wally 7/26/00, 6/21/01
Fletcher, Ray (brother flew in B-26 as crew member, North Africa) 5/1/00
Flewharty (radio operator) 17BG, see Don Wilson 8/11/04
Flittie, Robert S. (pilot) 456BS, 323BG, see Richard F. Tyson 5/17/03
Flory, John W. (pilot, Class 43D) 555BS, 386BG 4/4/04
Flower, Alfred J. (bombardier) see Paul E. Gowey 5/23/03
Flowers, Lt. (pilot, see Linden Coffman) 596BS, 397BG 10/4/00
Fobes, George W. (armorer-tail gunner, shot down on D-day, B-26 #1-31861 YU-W,
POW) 455BS, 323BG 5/31/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Fobes, Tom (son of George W. Fobes) 5/31/02
Foldy, John (April 12, 1945 Kempton mission) 598BS, 397BG 5/13/03
Folkerth, Richard Dick (nephew of Edward F. Jefferies, Jr.) -- 9/15/04
Folwell, L. D., 394BG, see Hermann Paul Brueggeman 2/14/04
Forcella, Girard, 586BS, 394BG 5/23/02
Forcella, Robert (son of Girard Forcella) 5/23/02
Ford (pilot, My Shackin Cousin) 386BG, see Adelard Albert Rioux 6/14/02 [C.
Ford, Richard (relative of Dana B. Elliot) 12/15/02
Ford, Thomas R., 461 med bomb wing, postwar 7/2/02
Forsell (bombardier-navigator) 397BG, see Guy F. Moody 2/24/02, 6/4/02
Forsyth, Robert (author, Battle Over Bavaria) 1/22/02
Fosby, James N. (co-pilot, B26 #43-34410, shot down 2/22/45) see Jack D. Loftin
Foster, Harry C. (pilot, Sniffles, Shady Lady) 432BS, 17BG 11/27/03
Foster, Millard, 451BS, submit by: Don Kaiser 2/3/03
Fox, Jack (Great squadron tragedy) 6/22/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Fox, James E. (tail gunner, shot down Jul 19, 1944, B-26 #41-31974 ER-R, POW)
344BG & 322BG 10/9/02
Fox, John Weldon (shot down 1/26/44, B26 #41-34955) 455BS, 323BG 6/25/03 [Trevor
Allen data]
Fox, Ryan (nephew of John Weldon Fox) 6/25/03
Fox, Tom (wife Shelia), see Leo Green 10/28/02, 10/2/03
Francis, Bill (son of Elwood Francis) 2/23/04
Francis, Elwood (armorer) 556BS, 387BG, submit by son: Bill Francis 2/23/04
Francisco, Bernard N. (tail gunner cited also as flight engineer) 572BS, 391BG,
see Albert L. Luddeke 11/12/03, 12/5/03, 9/15/04
Frank, Armin J. (tail-gunner, KIA, B-26 # 44-68076 BN 98) 432BS, 17BG, see
Willard O. Wales 12/6/02 [Trevor Allen data], 7/11/03
Franks, Tommy (Army General, Central Command, mid-east conflict) 10/11/04
Fraser, Charles G. (pilot, The Flyng Dutchman) see John B. Perry 11/25/04
Frazier, Chuck, 387BS, 394BG, see Albert T. Lively 9/15/04
Frazier, Margaret Rose Margie Schell (daughter of Kenneth A. Schell)
Frederick, Albert C. (killed, Sep 10, 1945), 495BS, 344BG, see Flourney L.
Choate, Jr. 2/23/02
Freed, Donald R. (Class 44-6) 554BS, 386BG 1/14/03
Freeman, Clifton R. (pilot, Denallis Cheekako B26 # 41-34856 &Sarah E) 451BS,
322BG 7/27/03 [Trevor Allen data], 10/5/04
Freeman, Keith (pilot, artist) Mediterranean? 10/28/00
Freeman, Roger A. (author) 12-99, 8/15/01, 11/28/02
Freiberger, Cassandra J. (Gese) (advocate and daughter of Charles J. Gese
6/21/02, 3/17/04
Freiburger, Alfred (pilot, Class 42K, 65 missions, Rum Buggy), 495BS, 344BG
2/4/04 (see Tom Bond), 3/10/03, 5/7/03
Frey, Ernest (pilot, 30 missions allegedly B26 pilot, Milk Run), submit by
Linda Robertson, see note by Trevor Allen 8/3/03
Fried, A., 386BG, see Charles J. Gese 6/21/02
Friedman, David (Cpl) 555BS, 386BG 7/20/00, 7/21/00
Friedman, Terry L. (son of David Friedman) 7/20/00, 7/21/00
Frierson, Sgt (crew chief and author) see Steve Bailey 1/9/03
Frisbie, Donald L (pilot, Class 43B) 586BS, 394BG 2/29/04
Fritza, Larry (brother of Marvin A. Fritza) 1/25/03
Fritza, Marvin A. (killed 9/1/42) 122nd Observation Squadron, submit by brother:
Larry Fritza 1/25/03 (Trevor Allen data]
Frost, Francis (bombardier) 386BG 4/6/03
Frye, Mike R. (researcher) 3/26/02
Fubal, F. H (co-pilot) 494BS, 344BG 12/6/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Fuhrmann, Norbert (Snakes Revenge) 391BG, see Edward J. Kanthack 1/14/04
Fuller, Larry (nephew of William F. Bower) 12/7/03
Fuller, Theodore B. (pilot, A-26/B-26 #s 3-4291 & 2-4290 co-pilots on missions
to Omura & Kurume are Bienhart & Reinhart) 440BS, 319BG 5/27/02
Fullingin, Jerrid (advocate) 8/17/02
Funk, Pres, 558BS, 387BG (advocate re Perry L. Pete Peterson 11/1/03
Furman, David, 478BS, 336BG, fatality 10/29/42, see Emory D. Barton 8/10/03
Gainer, Elroy A. (flight engineer) see Arthur Roy Kuntz 4/12/02
Gagdon, Dick (son of Joseph Robert Gagnon) 11/22/01
Gagnon, Joseph Robert (crew chief) B-26 Sweet Cecilla named after his mother
Gagnon, Sherri (advocate re Samuel Golden) 10/20/02
Galati, James B., see Mont Fermore Stephensen 5/7/02
Galligan, Bill (son of Thomas H. Galligan) 4/18/04
Galligan, Michael (son of Thomas H. Galligan) 7/28/02
Galligan, Thomas H. (pilot, Available) 589BS, 386BG 7/28/02, 4/18/04
Gallman, Dorothy (advocate, see Claude T. Buddy Cook 7/28/03
Galmish, Elvin J., 558BS, 387BG, see Michaёl 4/21/03
Gandara, Antonio (gunner) 17BG, 95BS, Korea (K-9) and WW II, lives in Mexico
2/13/00, 2/19/00, 10/20/01
Gann, Newton N. (bombardier-navigator) 584BS, 394BG, see John L. McCabe
Gannister, George (in POW camp with James D. Pascoe) 12/29/04
Garcia, Al (advocate?) see Richard F. Smith 9/20/03
Garcia, Al (photographer, Three Bears, B26 #295810), 391BG, submit by: Gary
Garcia 1/2/03
Garcia, Gary (advocate re Al Garcia) 1/2/03
Gardiner, Herbert G. (G. L. Martin plant &civilian A & E Mechanic in Hawaii)
Garland, Joseph T. (pilot 65 missions in Europe) 7/15/00
Garrambone, Vincent S. (Ijmuiden mission, B26 #41-18052) see Leonard S. Lang
Garrant, William B., Jr. (pilot) see Ray Harwood 1/7/03
Garret, Huert James (gunner) 440BS, 319BG 1/20/02
Garton, Merlin (pilot) 596BS, 397BG, submit by grandson: Kelly Lowman 7/20/04
Garwick, Guy W. (son of Robert W. Garwick) 6/30/03
Garwick, Robert W. (68 missions) 391BG 6/30/03
Gasperich, Rudolph (Lounge Lizard, Speedy, Widow Maker) 17BG -- Grouped Data:
Furnace, crew chief; McGuire, copilot; Brown, gunner 3/5/01
Gately, Tom (Godson of John Gordon Allen) 1/14/03
Gatewood, R. Medly (related to Moses J. Gatewood) 2/11/04, 2/24/04
Gatewood, Moses J. Holy Moses (pilot) 597BS, 397BG, see Wiliam T. Obrien
1/12/02, 2/11/04, 2/24/04
Gault, Johnny C. (photographer) 95BS, 17BG, see Joseph Newton Armstrong
Gauther, Paul D. (armorer-gunner) see Paul E. Gowey 5/23/03
Gearing, David L. B., (bombardier-navigator, Class 43-10, 65 missions) 336BG &
497BS, 344BG 10/3/02
Geary, Joan (Colwell), wife of Arthur B. Colwell 10/22/04
Geba, John (North Africa & Sardinia) 437BS, 319BG 5/25/01
Geba, Paul (son of John Geba) 5/25/01
Gedge, Frederick A. (pilot) 440BS/319BG 1/15/01
Georgin, Renι (French crash of Yankee Guerilla 555BS, 386BG) 12/29/01,
Gerlach, Anthony J. (co-pilot) see Paul E Gowey 5/23/03
Germand (bombardier) 320BG, see James C. Wells, Sr. 9/17/04
Gese, Charles J. Bud (pilot, Vivian, Hells Belle II, Perkatory II) 555BS,
386BG, submit by daughter: Cassandra J. (Gese) Freiberger 6/21/02 [C. Klier
data], 3/17/04
Getchell, James (nephew of Egar A. Beal) 7/15/00
Ghent, Dwight (pilot) 444BS, 320BG 8/8/02
Gibbens, George H., Jr. (pilot, North Africa, two tours) 10/17/03
Gibson, Richard W. (bombardier see C. M. Larry Bollinger) 573BS, 391BG
Gilberg, Michael (Godson/grandson of Edward Nielsen) 6/4/03, 3/17/04
Gilbert, Alfred R. (radio operator, MIA 1/29/44, see Howard W. Young) 442BS,
320BG 9/30/02
Gilbert, Donald L. (pilot, CO 17BG, B26 #42-96201), 17BG, crew listed separately
2/27/03, 6/26/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Gilbert, Glynn T. (engineer-gunner) 391BG, mixed telegrams re lost in action and
POW, see Bill Easterling -- 2/3/03
Gilbert Richard (cousin of Donald L. Gilbert) 6/26/03
Gileno, G. F. (bombardier) 455BS, 323BG, see Paul J. Stach 5/11/02 [Trevor
Gilliam, Tom (son-in-law of Francis Gutrich) 10/25/02
Gillies, George (ground crew, killed setting runway flares) 452BS, 322BG
9/25/03 [R. Johnson data, see AFHRA ID)
Gillmore, Eddie (son of George Gillmore) 6/4/03
Gillmore, George (tail gunner, SAAF?) query from son: Eddie Gillmore 6/4/03
Gilsdorf, Larry (advocate re B26 #42-96254) 3/24/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Ginther, Dean (son of Ogden Bud Dean Ginther) 11/19/01
Ginther, Ogden Bud Dean (pilot, 68 missions) 22BG (initially) 11/19/01
Girz, Joseph (radio-waist gunner) 95BS, 17BG 4/20/03
Girz, Mark (grandson of Joseph Girz) 4/20/03
Gisavage, Joseph G. (engineer, KIA 6/10/44) 496BS, 344BG, crew listed
separately, submit by: Anne Evans, see Michaёl Simon 3/7/03, 6/2/03, 9/6/04
Glamish, Elvin J. (pilot) 387BG? 6/18/01
Glamish, Larry (son of Elvin J. Glamish) 6/18/01
Gleason, Dave (Class 64) re David Gleason, 456BS, 323BG [Trevor Allen data]
2/30/02, 8/8/03
Gleason, George W. Bill (tail gunner-bombardier) 444BS, 320BG 11/29/03,
Gleesner, Gary (son of Robert Glessner) 8/11/02
Gleinser, Jim (pilot) 496BS, 344BG, see William E. Heichel 1/7/02
Glessner, Robert, 573BS, 391BG 8/11/02
Glock, Bill, (see William A. Phillips) 456BS, 323BG 3/3/01
Glover, Lawrence D. (crew chief) 586BS, 394BG, submit by son-in-law: Ed Payne
Gobeil, Normand L. (engineer, MIA, 5/20/44) 454BS, 323BG, see Rainer Kliemann
Godziewcki, Eugene G. Gus (engineer-gunner) 553BS, 386BG, see Oliver Lee
McCaskill 12/6/04
Godziewski, E. G., see Jack C. Darby 5/1/03 (dup of Godziewski, E. G.?)
Goldberg, Fred (Operatons staff) 56BS, 397BG 3/4/04
Golden, Samuel (Dinah) 597BS, 397BG 10/20/02
Goldschlager, Carl (bombardier) 391BG, see Ernest C. Peterson 1/18/04
Goldstone, Robert L. Goldie (Sgt) 453BS, 323BG, submit by daughter: Heather
Goldstone Carter 3/7/03
Golladay, Tibbs (pilot, 50 B26 missions & 12 A26 missions) 552BS, 386BG, crew
listed separately 4/2/03, 4/16/03
Gomez, Art (historian, National Park Service, Santa Fe, son of Everardo R.
Gomez) 7/11/03
Gomez, Everardo R. Chico, 558BS, 387BG 2/11/03
Goodall, Dr. Henry N. (advocate, England, father was Henry N. Blanchard, Signals
Officer, 9th Infantry Div. 2/24/02
Goodman (co-pilot) 522BS, 386BG, see Tibbs Golladay 4/2/03
Goodman, Vic (17BG?) see John C. Melsheimer 4/4/03
Goodnell (pilot) see Linden Coffman 10/4/00
Goodwin, Lee, 454 & 456BS, 323BG 1/20/02, 12/15/03
Goodwin, Walter (cousin of Floyd Farr) 7/28/03
Goold, Michael G. (RAF, Ferry Command) 2/6/02, 2/9/04
Gordon, Jack, see Frank Tinelli 4/23/03
Gordon, Kyle (grandson of John C. Melsheimer) 4/4/03
Gorman, James E., submit by: Sean Gorman 2/4/02
Gorman, Jim (bombardier-navigator) 496BS, 344BG, see William E. Heichel 1/7/02
Goss, Leslie E, Les (pilot, 40 missions) 452BS, 322BG 8/17/02, 10/3/04
Gott, John G. (cousin of Keith C. Reed) 5/11/03
Gould, Geoge P. (pilot, British DFC) 323BG 11/11/04
Govostis, John G. (radio-gunner, Front Burner) see Richard B. Cockrum 1/14/04
Gow, James (Hells Angel) see Herbert Christian Ritter 1/31/03
Gowey, Paul E. (pilot, Lake Charles, B26 #41-31759, lost in Gulf of Mexico?)
crew listed separately 5/23/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Graham, James A., 494BS, 344BG 2/23/01
Grahn, Sidney (tail gunner) see Howard Wilmeth 3/18/03
Grant, Doyle K. (radio operator) 556BS, see Kenneth A. Schell 12/27/04
Grapes, John L., see Mont Fermore Stephensen 5/7/02
Grasso, Ron re Kellys Crusaders B-26 named Mempis Belle II) 11/17/03
Graves, Tom (son-in-law of John A Ingram) 1/20/02
Graw, Braden (pilot) 397BG?, see William L. Crouch 6/18/04
Gray, James F. J.F. (pilot, Kactus Kid) 456BS, 323BG, submit by: family
member) crew listed separately 8/16/04
Gray, Monte (tail gunner, see Linden Coffman) 596BS, 397BG 10/04/00
Graybill, Mae Eckley (G. L. Martin Company employee) 6/8/02
Green, Harry (pilot) 7/3/99
Green, L. C., Jr. (son of William S. Green) 7/4/03
Green, Lee R. (co-pilot) 585BS, 394BG, see Harry Kelly, Jr. 7/17/03
Green, Leo (tail gunner) 432BS, 17BG 4/21/03
Green, Leo (may be same as Leo R. Green) 10/28/02, 12/6/02
Green, Leo R. (tail gunner, 65 missions) 432BS, 17BG 9/5/02, 9/20/02, 5/27/03,
Green (Greene), Mike (nephew of George Gillies) 9/25/03
Green, William S. (assistant crew chief, Lieutenant Skeen and his Flying
Machine) 558BS, 387BG, see Hendrickson & Shelley 7/4/03
Greenfield, JuDee (submit of father Edward Peter Koep) 6/1/04
Greenway, George D., LCDR, USN (grandson of Herrick B. Pappy Ledbetter
Greer, Walter (tail gunner, Baby BumpsII (2), Little Pink Panties, Ruthless &
The Three Bears) 574BS, 391BG 6/20/01, 10/12/03 (post by Ken) [D. Donato data]
Gregg, John (pilot -- Class 44D) Dodge City 8/10/00
Grether, Daniel (tail gunner, Aint she a beaut) 95BS, 17BG 7/25/02
Grether, Douglas (son of Daniel Grether) 7/25/02
Gridley, Robert L. (pilot) 386BG 11/10/04
Griffin, Greeg (Henry Herman Ahrens family member) 3/10/04
Griffith, Arthur (pilot) 544Bs, 386BG 1/1/02
Griffke, Loris D. (navigator) 344BG lead on D-Day 8/15/04
Grillo, Joseph (bombardier-navigator) 456BS, 323BG, see Richard F. Tyson
Grimm, P. J. (author) The Netherlands 5/7/02
Grimmett, Jason (grandson of Gerald Howard) 11/10/02
Groeneveld, Hub (Historical Workgroup, Veno Airfield, The Netherlands) 6/7/02,
Gronezewski (tail gunner, see Albert F. Norman) 432BS, 17BG 12/7/01
Groom, Michael Farmer (pilot, Dragon Wagon) 455BS, 323BG response by Trevor
Allen 8/17/01, 7/25/03, 12/16/04
Groom, Michael, Jr. (son of Michael Farmer Groom) 8/17/01, 12/16/04
Groves, Larry (son of Loye A. Groves) 1/20/04
Groves, Loye A. (crew chief) 441BS, submit by son: Larry Groves 1/20/04
Grow, Joe, 572BS, 391BG, see Fred F. Cook, Jr. 7/18/03
Grudnicki, Charles C. (engineer, Tobacco Road) 444BS, 322BG 12/10/04 [Trevor
Grund, Charles K., Sr. (Glen Martin, Middle River Plant) 8/31/02
Grundman, Laverne F., see Mont Fermore Stephensen 5/7/02
Grunke, Donald (16/17 year old worker at 374th Sub Depot, Dodge City AAF)
Grymes, Warren M. (Glenn Martin Company employee) 4/22/01, 7/29/01, 12/27/01
Guerney, Lewis Red (tail gunner) 2/11/00
Guidry, Donna (daughter of George W. Gleason) 11/29/03
Guinan, Gwen (forensic anthropologist, CILHI, Tunisia investigation) 12/08/00,
Guinther, Harry P. (radio operator, Swamp Angel) Secretary of 386BG Assoc,
555BS, 386BG 7/9/02, 8/11/02, 11/13/03, 10/22/04
Guistwite, Stanley U. Gus (co-pilot, 65 missions, shot down on last mission,
Nov 18, 1944, POW, Dinah Might) 553BS, 386BG 5/1/01
Gulpen, Michel (Bastogne, Belgium walking club Jo Ne with walking club M3F from
Plombieres, Belgium) see De Limburger coverage herein 9/10/04
Gunnels (tail gunner) 95BS, 17BG, see Max Petrisek 6/28/02
Gutfinski, Ray (radio mechanic) 432BS, 17BG 11/18/03
Gutfinski, Roy C. (son of Ray Gutfinski) 11/18/03
Gutrich, Francis (Class 43B, Pray Donna?) 555BS, 386G 10/25/02
Guy, Walter G. (design engineer, G. L. Martin Company) 2/2/02
Gyovai, Jimmie, 3rd CCRC, 3rd R & T Sqd, see Robin R. 9/8/04
Hadley, Harold B. (The Deacon), submit by grandson: Russell B. Hadley 4/26/04
Hadley, Russell B. (grandson of Harold B. Hadley) 4/26/04
Hagee, John (quote from sermon) 12/19/02
Hajciar, Albert (MIA, B26 # 42-96224) see Trevor Allen data 3/21/03
Hale, Bill (pilot see Robert L. Saas) 1st Pathfinder Squadron data from
Trevor Allen 8/13/01
Hale, Casey (grandson of Carl V. Arnold) 1/28/03
Hale, Pam (daughter of Robert A. Hale) 7/19/01
Hale, Robert A. (flight instructor, KIA 2/21/45) 585BS, 394BG 7/19/01
Hales, Brad (B-26 advocate) 10/17/99
Haley, Orville (pilot) attack on German U-boat 7/15/02
Hall, Albert (gunner, Snakes Revenge) 391BG, see Edward J. Kanthack 1/14/04
Hall, Boyd V. (engineer, 65 missions, Ginger & Ginger II + several serial
numbers) 449 & 452BS, 322BG) 3/11/01, 10/13/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Hall, Donald D. (552BS? died Jun 3, 1943 during transfer to England, data
sought) see George Kudszus 8/29/02
Hall, Russell P. (bombardier-navigator) see Michael Farmer Groom 12/16/04
Hall, Thomas, 54th Air Dis Sqd, POW 12/17/03
Haller, Roscoe (pilot) 453BS, 323BG 8/5/02, 11/15/03
Halloran, John J., see Donald E. Proudfit 11/19/02
Hallowell, Dan (pilot, Class 42F, 40 missions) 444BS? 9/26/03
Halt, Jack, 386BG, see Charles J. Gese 6/21/02
Hamilton, Forrest E., 596BS, 397BG, submit by son: Terry Hamilton 4/8/04
Hamilton, Terry (son of Forrest E. Hamilton) 4/8/04
Hamm, Donald (engineer-gunner) 386BG, see Charles J. Cilfone 2/11/03
Hammel, Alan (Aaron), see Ray Harwood 1/7/03
Hammods (320BG) see William Marshall OHara 9/17/04
Hammonds (
Hammel, Alan
Hampton, Lt. (pilot) 444BS, 320BG, see George W. Gleason 11/29/03, 7/1/04
Hampton, Wilbur J., see John G. Simpson 1/19/04
Hancock, J. J. (radio-gunner) 574BS, 391BG, see Lucero Domitilio 12/31/02,
3/20/03, 12/23/03
Hancock, Jack L. 449/494BS, 322BG 12/25/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Hands, A. J. (radio-gunner) father of Jay Hands 2/12/03
Hands, Albert Al J. (radio-waist gunner) 451BS, 332?BG 10/27/00
Hands, James Jay A. (nephew of Albert Al J. Hands) -- 10/27/00
Hands, Jay (advocate re B26 #44-67813) possibly 451BS, 322BG 1/12/03
Hangren (bombardier) 22BG, see Vernon R. Morris 4/30/04
Hanish (pilot) 391BG, see Valento Rivoli 8/6/03
Hanlon (some record reads Halon), Jack (69 missions, Green Hornet, mid-air
collision 9/24/44) 3/19/00, 7/28/01
Hanlon, Tom A. (son of Jack Hanlon) 7/28/01
Hansard, Elmer (tail gunner, Lilly Commando, 69 missions) 572BS? [Trevor Allen data:
573BS, 391BG, B-26 #42- 95801 T6-G) 10/3/02, 12/10/04
Hansard, Greg (grandson of Elmer Hansard) 10/3/02, 12/10/04
Hansen, Dane (bombardier-navigator) see Arthur Roy Kuntz 4/12/02
Hansen, Raymond, see Jack D. Loftin 9/19/04
Hansen, Walter R. Bob (tail gunner, The Bird Dog Special) 455BS, 323BG
Hanson, Chester H., 906th Air Engineers Squadron, 486 Air Service Group
Hanson, H. L. (turret gunner) 456BS, 323BG, see James F. Gray 8/16/04
Hanson, Michael (query on 42BG, 69 & 70BS, response by Trevor Allen) 3/2/04
Hardin, Fred (advocate) 1/16/01
Harding, Wilber S., see Alan Crouchman 11-19-01; see Richard Kunne 2/3/02
Hargin, William D. (navigator) 22BG, pilot Herbert B. Mayes, Battle of Midway
6/1/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Hargrove, Robert G. (aircrew KIA Jun 17, 1944) 598BS, 397BG, submit by
daughter-in-law: Marlene Hargrove 1/10/00
Hargroves, Brad (son of Luther Luke Hargroves) 11/4/03
Hargroves, Luther Luke (pilot, Shirley Bee) 456BS, 323BG 1/20/02, 8/16/02,
3/19/03, 11/4/03, 11/6/03
Hargroves, Sally (daughter-in-law of Luther Luke Hargroves) 3/19/03
Harkins, Herschel S., see Clark A. Tavener 9/18/04
Harkins, Richard C. (brother of Walter C. Harkins Clyde ) 2/20/03
Harkins, Walter C. Clyde 558BS, 387BG 7/3/99, 9/16/00, 2/20/03, 6/30/04
Harmes, Thomas E. (armorer-tail gunner, 35 missions, Stud Duck) 34BS, 17BG
Harmon, Capt. (pilot) 387BG 7/3/99
Harmon, William (bombardier-navigator, POW 5/27/44) 555BS, 386BG, see Harry P.
Guinther 7/9/02
Harniman, Dick (son of Kenneth M. Harniman served in Vietnam) 7/22/02
Harniman, Kenneth M. (WW II POW, Harniman family history) 7/22/02
Harriman, A. W. Bob (turret gunner) 451BS, 332?BG 10/27/00
Harris, Arthur (flight engineer, see Linden Coffman) 10/4/00
Harris, Billie T., 323BG 8/23/03
Harris, C. E. (bombardier-navigator, see Albert F. Norman) 432BS, 17BG 12/7/01
Harris, James Irving, 556BS, 387BG, submit by Chris re her husbands uncle
Harris, Robert (pilot, Dinah Might) 386BG, see Adelard Albert Rioux 6/14/02
[C. Klier]
Harrison, Jim (nephew of Clark Tavener) 9/18/04
Harter, Martin (pilot, B26 # 43-34208) search by Justin Lindquist, extended data
by Trevor Allen) 12/6/02
Hartford, Bill, 587BS, see Stephen Steve Koven 7/26/02
Hartley, Carl (son of Mellville Hartley) 12/20/99 (but see: Army Air Corps
test pilot for B-26s, Herbert G. Gardiner 1/22/04)
Hartley, Melville (test pilot) 12/20/99
Hartman, J. M. (engineer-gunner) 553BS, 386BG, see Wesley G. Ling 11/10/03 [C.
Klier data]
Hartwell, Doc (possibly a Flight Surgeon) 17BG, see Harold P. Dorsen 2/1/03
Harves, Thomas O. (co-pilot) see Jay Harwood 1/7/03
Harvey, Normal L. (XO of Pathfinders) 10/10/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Harwell, Robert Bob (pilot) 497BS, 344BG, see William P. Morton 8/3/03,
Harwood (co-pilot) see Ray Harwood 1/7/03
Harwood, Ray (son of Ted Harwood) 456BS, 323BG, seeks contact with three Harwood
and Theodore V. Harwood crews names are listed herein with reference to Ray
Harwood 1/7/03
Harwood, Ted (see Arthur E. Briggs) 11/4/02
Harwood, Ted II (son of Theodore V. Harwood) 3/7/04, 12/24/04
Harwood, Theodore V. (pilot) 323BG, see Jay Harwood 1/7/03, see Ted Harwood II
3/7/04, 12/24/04
Hasey, Raymond Casey (Weary Lera) 1st Pathfinder Sqdn 1/10/04
Hastings, Frederick Lee (pilot, son of Jack Hastings) 460th Tac Recon Wing,
Vietnam, wife: Theresa 10/31/02, 12/27/02, 12/8/03
Hastings, Jack (engineer-top turret gunner, 70 missions) 449BS, 322BG
10/31/02, 12/27/02, 3/12/03, 12/8/03
Hatch, Robert (pilot, Dixie, B26 #40-1496) 22BG 3/22/04
Hatcher, Peter, 39 Sqdn, RAF Balkan air Force 5/7/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Hatton, Jay (bombardier-navigator), see Robert R. Nehmer 2/9/04
Haus, Bernard T. (engineer-gunner) 585BS, 394Bg, see Harry Kelly, Jr. 7/17/03
Havener, Jack (pilot & author, Terre Haute Tornado) 344BG, see William P. Morton
& Steve Bailey 8/19/02, 1/9/03, 8/3/03
Hawkes, Max E. (radio-gunner) 391BG, see Lloyd B. Stanfield 4/24/04
Hawpe, Alfred R. (engineer-gunner, B26 #43-34410, shot down 2/22/45) 9/19/04
Hawtnorn (pilot) see Guy F. Moody -- 2/24/02
Hawton (pilot) 397BG, see Guy F. Moody 6/4/02
Haymond, Dick (co-pilot) 597BS, 397BG, see Wiliam T. OBrien 1/12/02
Headstrom, Raymond E. (co-pilot) 575BS, 391BG, submit by son: William Hedstrom
Headstrom, William (son of Raymond E. Headstrom) 2/23/04
Heatwole, Carolyn (daughter of C. M. Larry Bollinger 8/15/01
Hecko, Joseph A. 444BS, 320BG, crash of 11/13/44, see Sylvie Monin-Badey
Hehl, Ralph V., see John G. Simpson 1/19/04
Heichel, William E. (radio-gunner) 496BS, 344BG 1/7/02
Heim, Vernon L. (engineer-crew chief, Pinks Lady) submit by grandson: Shawn NLN
Hejnar, J. (engineer-gunner) 598BS, 397BG, see Donald M. Stangle 2/24/03
Heliman (engineer-gunner) 456BS, 323BG 12/24/02
Heller, George H. (son of Herman C. Heller) 8/8/00
Heller, Herman C. (ground mechanic) 452BS 8/8/00
Heller, Tom (advocate) 4/8/01
Hembrough, Wallace (bombardier-navigator) see William J. Ampoles 5/28/02
Hemeter, Van B. (engineer-gunner) 595BS, 394BG, see Loοc Chaumont & Jacky Emery
2/27/04, 3/2/04
Henderson (armorer-gunner, B26 #41-31946) see Gilda Saouzanet 12/5/02 [Trevor
Allen data]
Hendricks, Lt. (navigator) 444BS, 320BG, see George W. Gleason 11/29/03,
Hendrickson, 387BG, see William S. Green 7/4/03
Hendrickson, William J. (MIS) see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Hengst, Louis R. Lou (bombardier-navigator) 552BS, 386BG, see Robert G.
Neville 6/24/04
Hιnoff, Frιdιrie (Bourges, France, Musιe de la Rιsistance 4/22/04
Henri-Chapelle (Belgium walking club member) see Michel Gulpen 9/10/04
Henry, William David (radar navigator-probably means GEE) 598BS, entry includes
extensive family history 3/3/03
Henst, Pvt (radio-gunner) 391BG, see Roland Boyd Bonner 2/1/03
Henzie, Pete (bombardier-navigator?) 552BS, 386BG, see Tibbs Golladay 4/2/03,
Heppe, Robert S. (bombardier-navigator, 54 missions) 454BS, 323BG, submit by
son: Robert S. Heppe, Jr. 8/5/04
Heppe, Robert S., Jr. (son of Robert S. Heppe) 8/5/04
Heppe, Adam (grandson of Robert S. Heppe) Apache pilot in Balad, Iraq 8/5/04
Herbst, Charles M. (bombardier) submit by son: Ray Herbst 6/1/03, 3/3/04
Herbst, Ray (son on Charles M. Herbst) 6/1/03, 3/3/04
Herr, Henry S. (bombardier, The Dream Queen) 572BS, 391BG, submit by: Samuel H.
Bennett, Worshipful Master, Solomen Lodge 3/20/04
Herring, Wade (pilot, Class 44E) 596BS, 397BG 8/8/02, 4/6/03
Herstel, Dick (foreign advocate) 1/11/03
Hetrick (E. Z. Rice crew) 391BG, see Steve Bree 10/5/03 [D. Donato data]
Hetrick, Don (tail gunner & musician) 4/8/01
Hicks, Ben W. (co-pilot, 63 missions) 558BS, 387BG tail gunner John Kim &
radioman Craig 7/4/99, 5/30/02
Hidalgo, Craig A. (son of Earl N. Hidalgo) 6/11/03
Hidalgo, Earl N. (crew chief?, Flak Bait?) 6/11/03
Hiemroth, Harold Happy Hal (service in Africa) 442BS, 320BG 10/21/01
Higgs, L. W. Bud or Buddy (68 missions, Hun Hunter, B26 #41-31649) 558BS,
387BG, response by Trevor Allen 11/21/01
Higgs, Michael (son of L. W. Higgs) 11/21/01
Higgins, Joseph P. (crewman lost in possible midair collision, Nov. 26, 1943)
Hijowski, J. F. (gunner) 553BS, 386BG, see Wesley G. Ling 11/10/03 [C. Klier
Hildebrand, W. R. (co-pilot) 386BG, see Charles J. Gese 6/21/02
Hill, Albert E. (bombardier, 45 missions) 553BS, 386BG 10/13/03
Hill, Herbert H, (Avon Park) see John James Hickley 2/23/03
Hill, Richard (flight engineer) 572BS, 391BG, see Albert L. Luddeke 11/12/03,
Hill, Richard E. (bombardier) 572BS, 391BG, may be same as same name flight
engineer, see Albert L. Luddeke 9/15/04
Hill, Robert E., 559BS, 3887BG, see Roy Long 7/27/04
Hill, Steven W. (museum specialist, Indiana War Memorial) see Earl J. Parrish
Hilton, W. Brue (brother-in-law of Edward E. Bowman) 6/15/02
Hincee, Warren B. (bombardier) 553BS, 386BG, see Oliver Lee McCaskill 12/6/04
Hindman, Melbourne D. (gunner) see Howard E. Miller, Jr. date missing [Trevor
Hines, Don (co-pilot, Five by Fives, B26 #41-31707, 30 missions) 557BS, 387BG
8/15/01, 8/17/03
Hines, John W. (turret gunner) 34BS, 17BG, see Frank A Morton, Jr. 9/3/02
Hines, Michael Mike (son of Don Hines) 8/15/01, 8/16/03
Hines, Ralph (B26 #42-107792, shot down 2/22/45) 432BS, 17BG, see Patrick
Baumann 2/23/03
Hinton, Charles (pilot, Ollie L., B26 #41-31717) 557BS, 387BG 9/25/04 [Trevor
Allen data]
Hinton, Chuck Jr. (son of Charles Hinton) 9/25/04
Hisey, Richard W. (pilot) 444BS, 320BG, crash 11/13/44, see Sylvie Monin-Badey
Hiscox, Derek (son-in-law of George Arnoto) 4/8/03
Hoagland, George (armament & nose artist, Shopworn Angel) 495BS, 344BG 5/27/02
Hoar, Jack (pilot) 391BG?, see Frank A. Parravani 12/14/03
Hobbs, Kenneth (engineer-gunner) 344BG lead on D-Day 8/15/04
Hobson, John Jack or Pajo Albert (co-pilot, Class 43H, KIA 6 (Jun)/7/44,
B-26 #42-95848, 08-N) 575BS, 391BG, response by Trevor Allen 7/24/01
Hobson, Mrs. William J., Sr. (sister-in-law) 7/24/01
Hoch, Sterling P. (pilot, approx 65 missions, B26 #42-96288) 596BS, 397BG
5/30/03, 3/28/04
Hocker, Cliff, 391BG, see Ralph C. Zuranski 1/11/03
Hodesh, J. A. (Mild & Bitter) Daily Hampshire Gazette, Jul 26, 1944 12/23/04
Hodge, Lt. (pilot) 386BG, see Paul Scott 12/17/03 [C. Klier data]
Hodival, Roy or Elmer (see Floyd R. Monroe & Karen Monroe) 11/18/01
Hodshon, Charles, 456BS, 323BG, see Melvin R. Cole 8/13/03
Hoel, Gil (son of Jim Hoel) 9/5/03
Hoel, Jim (bombardier, Ijmuiden mission, POW, Stalag Luft 3) 450BS, 322BG
Hoerr, Warren, 456BS, 323BG, see Philip R. Scheier 1/20/02, 11/6/03
Hoerst, Norbert (tail gunner) 391BG, see George L. Pratt 9/25/03
Hoff, Robert C. (pilot, Class 43F) 6/23/03
Hoffman, Wally (advocate re Robert C. Hoff) 6/23/03
Hofmeister, Hamilton J., see John G. Simpson 1/19/04
Hogg, Ian (RCAF pilot) 14 Sqdn RAF 12/27/03
Hohlaus, Lawrence M. Larry (co-pilot, Class 44B, 41 missions) 322BG & 1st
Pathfinder Squadron, see Grouped Data 6/27/01
Holland, John Robert Jack (9AF) search by grandson: Eric Jon Schneider
Hollekim, Norman J., 559BS, 387BG, see Roy Long 7/27/04
Hollenbeck, Stan (advocate re Lewis M. Kranz) 9/27/04
Holliday, Robert L. Hap (class 43F) 573BS, 391BG 3/13/01, 12/9/01
Hood, Leslie N. (50 missions, shot down 2/21/45) 587BG 11/29/04
Hollis, Bill,, 574BS, 391BG 3/7/01
Holmes, Christopher Robert (grandson of Gail Ettinger) 10/29/03
Holton, John A. (MIA) see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Holzapple, Joseph R. (pilot, CO 319BG) (response by Trevor Allen) 12/8/01,
Honsa, Victor T. (navigator) 322BG, see Chester F. Straika 5/31/04
Hook, William J. (MIA) see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Hooper, Harley R. (bombardier-navigator) see Darrell R. Lindsey 10/31/02
Hooper, Henry L. (bombardier) 444BS, 320BG 10/15/02
Hoots, J. A. (armorer-gunner) 598BS, 397BG, see Donald M. Stangle 2/24/03
Hope, Jack O. (brother of Robert O. Hope, tail gunner, B-24) -- 5/2/02
Hope, Robert O. (aircraft supply NCO) 322BG 5/2/02
Hopkins, Mark (aircrew see Jack Sturges Jones) 391BG 8-26-00
Hoppers, W. L. (copilot) 495BS, 344BG, see Flourney L. Choate, Jr. (Note Trevor
Allen date) 2/23/02
Hornbarger, Dave (son of Bill Hornbarger) 5/28/03, 9/25/03, 2/19/04
Hornbarger, Bill (navigator on Col. Kellers B26 Kellers Killer) 557BS, 387BG
5/28/03, 9/25/03, 2/19/04
Horton, Arthur S. (nephew of Clyde Dailey) 5/25/03
Hostetter, D. F. (nephew of George O. Isted) 8/15/01
Hotelin, Glen (Tough Shit, see Diamond H. Anderson) 7/11/01
Houston (bombardier - see Charles W. McKenna) 454BS, 323BG date missing
Houston, James C. (Class 42-I) 2nd & 19th BS, 22BG 7/9/01, 2/16/04
Houyoux, Fr. (French memorial) 6/1/02
Hove, Dave (author, American Warriors) 9/11/03
Howard, General (no further data) see Chester P. Klier 6/25/03
Howard, Gerald Gerry (pilot, 70 missions, The Howard Hurricane & The Howard
Hurricane II) 454BS, 323BG 11/10/02
Howard, Tom (pilot) 394BS, 586BG, see Orville Vaughan McDaniel 7/18/03
Howard, Thomas Craddock (pilot, Miss Manookie) 585BS, 394BG, see Grouped Names
Howard, Warren (pilot, Class 44C) 494BS, 344BG 1-19/02
Howe, Gilbert Doc (pilot) 553BS, 386BG, see Oliver Lee McCaskill 12/6/04
Howell, J. J. (pilot) 452BS, 322BG 12/13/99
Hoyer, W. F., 37BS, 17BG, see Leo Green 4/21/03
Hoyt, Douglas, 494BS, 344BG 1/19/02
Hubhab, Dawn (niece of Ernest L. Anderson) 2/3/03
Huber, Harry C., 449/494BS, 322BG 12/25/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Hudson, Donald J. (co-pilot, Fifinella, B26 # 42-95932, shot down 12/23/44),
submit by: Rick P. 1/19/04
Hudson, James A. (bombardier) see Colin Wingrave 9/25/04
Hudson, Joseph W. Bill (tail gunner, Gloria) 552BS, 386BG), submit by sister:
Marion (Jiggs) Hudson 3/31/04, 4/4/04, 4/29/04
Hudson, Marion (Jiggs) (sister of Joseph W. Hudson) 3/31/04, 4/4/04, 4/29/04
Huff, Jan, (niece of John W. Colsch) 3/1/03
Huff, Roland M. (Atterbury AAF, Columbus, Indiana) 1/1/01
Huffman, David (advocate re Robert Huffman entry) 4/22/03
Huffman, Robert (flight engineer, A26B #41-39230) 439BS, 319BG 4/22/03
Huffaker, Dustin (grandson of H. M. Preveitte) 4/30/02
Hughes, Hollice (co-pilot) 586BS, 394BG, see Orville Vaughan McDaniel 7/18/03
Hughes, Lee (tail gunner) 597BS, 397BG, see William T. OBrien 1/12/02
Hughes, Stanley M. (co-pilot, Front Burner) see Richard B. Cockrum 1/14/04
Hughes, Vernon W. (pilot) see John J. Latiolais 6/21/01
Hume, Thomas W. (tail gunner on E. Z. Rice B26), see Steve Bree 10/5/03 [D.
Donato data]
Humphreys, Andrew (grandson of Burton Rowe) 10/28/02
Humphreys, James Robert, P. E. (pilot, Class 44H, convert to
bombardier-navigator training) 2/3/01
Humphreys, Paul (pilot) 450BS, 322BG 7/9/02
Hunnicutt, George Kemper (pilot, Class 43J, Idiots Delight) 451BS, 322BG
Hunt, Fred (radio-gunner) see Howard Wilmeth 3/18/03
Hunt, James F. (pilot) 453BS, 323BG 8/5/03, 11/15/03
Hunter, Andy G. (pilot, Pickled Dilly, B-26 #118276) 451BS, 322BG 11/4/02
Hunter, Lawrence Jack (pilot, Class 43B, inspector claims more B26 time as
pilot than anyone) 450BS, 322BG also 645BS, 410BG in A26, A20 4/8/00, 3/2/03,
Hurley, Charles E. Buck (foreman at flight line at G. L. Martin Company)
Hurley, Chuck (son of Charles E. Buc Hurley) 2/10/02
Hursh, Edward (grandson of G. L. Martin employee: Orval Polsfuss) 1/3/04
Huskey, Venoy (radio-gunner) 386BG, see Charles J. Cilfone 2/11/03
Hutchinson, Jack E. (gunner) see Howard E. Miller, Jr. 6/22/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Hutton, Bud, 455BS, 323BG, Stars & Stripes writer 7/26/04, 8/13/04, 11/11/04
Hydes, Paul (internee) 17BG, see Juan Carlos Salgado 3/18/03
Hyre, David R. (gunner, Blind Date, B26 #43-34139, shot down 12/23/44)
Hyre, Norris C. (see Ogden Bud Dean Ginther) 11/19/01
Hyson, Gerald (GEE operator) 585BS, 394BG, see Darrell R. Lindsey 10/31/02
Ice, Howard (B-26 instructor) see George Lee 6/24/02
Ice, Lory F. (radio-gunner) 585BS, 394BG, see Harry Kelly, Jr. 7/17/03
Inglett, Thomas E. (engineer-gunner see Frank P. Carrozza) 344BG7/26/00
Ingram, John A. (engineer-gunner, Corsica) 1/20/02
Irwin, Mark (radio-gunner, KIA 9/13/44) MAAF, submit by niece: Joan Southworth
2/17/02, 4/3/03
Isenberg, Henry Hank (KIA) see William E. Heichel 1/7/02
Isted, George O. (photographer Africa, Sardinia, Corsica, France) 8/15/01
Ivory, Richard E., 391BG, submit by daughter: Kelly (Ivory) Mohney 4/8/03
Izdepski, Jan M., (search for Izdebski and brother Frank, spelling error) 454BS,
323BG, see Tony Vital 12/18/03
Jackson, George, 17BG?, see John C. Melsheimer 4/4/04
Jackson, Grady (flight officer) see Hulbert Hugh Robertson 6/4/04
Jackson, Leon R. (MIA) see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Jackson, Win (son of Winthrop A. Jackson, Jr.) 3/29/04
Jackson, Winthrop A., Jr. (B-17 pilot) 544BS, 38BG, B-26 Tondelayo airframe at
307th Station Hospital, England, submit by son: Win Jackson 3/29/04 [A.
Johannessen data]
Jacobs, Harvey (Class 43A) 456BS, 323BG 2/12/01, 1/20/02, 11/6/03, 3/10/04
Jacobson, Brian (grandson of George E. Johnson, Jr.) 2/8/04
James, George T., Jr. (co-pilot, Class 44D) 572BS, 391BG 10/9/03
James, Mike (son-in-law of John B. McGrath) 2/13/04
Jardine, William (engineer-gunner, see Michael Joseph Donahoe) 584BS, 394BG
Jaarman, Jack or John? (bombardier-navigator) 444BS, 320BG 3/21/04
Jarmer, Gervais (tail gunner, Hannibal Hoops) 4/17/01
Jasek, Frank (advocate re Roy Robertson) 7/15/04
Jasper, Wiliam W. (possible Doolittle Raiders connection) 5/13/01
Jastremski, Edward C. (co-pilot, B26 #43-67914) 574BS, 391BG, air crew listed
independently, submit by niece Lynlee Jastremski-Brock 5/28/44
Jastremski-Brock, Lnlee (niece of Edward C. Jastremski) 5/28/04
Jaworski, Henry (tail gunner) 452BS, 322BG 10/11/02
Jaycox, Howard (radio operator, attack of Japanese fleet off Dutch Harbor),
submit by nephew: Howard Jaycox 3/9/04
Jaycox, Howard (nephew of Howard Jaycox) 3/9/04
Jeffries, Edward F., Jr. (bombardier-navigator, 5/17/43 mission to Ijmuiden)
322BG, submit by nephew: Richard Dick Folkerth 9/15/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Jenkins, Robert Rob, 437BS, 319BG, see Bush, President May 2003, this is
CILHI recovery Tunisia, burial 4/24/03, Arlington Cemetery 4/18/03, 5/14/03
Jenkins-Carr, Tammy (granddaughter of William V. Braden) 4/24/04
Jenkinson, Joseph Douglas (radio-gunner, 44 missions) 443BS, 320BG 9/6/00
Jenkinson, Scott C. (son of Joseph Douglas Jenkinson) 9/6/00
Jimenez, James (pilot) 558BS, 387BG, submit by grandson Jerry Peterson 3/15/04
Johannes, Wendy Magneson (daughter of Elmer Magneso) 8/28/08
Johannessen, Alf Egil (Norway, advocate and historian with focus on Norwegians)
2/8/04, 3/29/04, 11/30/04
Johns, Douglas G., 478BS, 336BG, fatality 10/29/42, see Emory D. Barton 00
Johnson (pilot) 556BS, 387Bg, see Robert L. Davis 8/13/03
Johnson, Arthur D. Johnny or A. D. Dury (pilot Africa dog Beers)
Johnson, Charles B. (nephew of James Michael Mike Sweeney) 8/17/01, 12/23/01
Johnson, Frank A. (pilot, 26 missions) 454BS, 323BG 11/19/03
Johnson, Harvey (engineer-gunner) see Martin Harper 12/6/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Johnson, J (/tail gunner) 456BS, 323BG, see James F. Gray 8/16/04
Johnson, J. M. (crew of Shirley Glenn Richards) 438BS, 319BG 9/30/01
Johnson, Joseph, 437BS, 319BG, CILHI recovery, burial 4/24/03 Arlington Cemetery
4/18/03, 5/14/03
Johnson, George E., Jr. (co-pilot, Milk Run Special), submit by grandson: Brian
Jacobson 2/8/04
Johnson, R. M. (Chief Archives Branch, AFHRA) 9/25/03
Johnson, Rob (grandson of Harry Washburn) 10/14/02
Johnson, Walter, Jr. (co-pilot) 391BG, see Ben M. Martin 4/11/04
Johnston, Cliff (pilot) 69BS, 38BG, see Merv Neis 7/29/04
Johnston, Dan A. (radio-gunner) 494BS, 344BG 12/6/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Johnston, Dan W. (son of Dan A. Johnston) 12/6/02
Jolley, James (Great squadron tragedy) 6/22/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Jones, Dave & Mike (nephews of Wetzel Kimball) 3/21/03, 9/1/03
Jones, David M. (CO, 438BS, 319BG, USAF four star general, Doolittle Raider)
2/5/01, 5/13/01, 4/10/03, 8/27/03, 9/24/03
Jones, Dennis (co-pilot see Wetzel Kimball, may be same as following entry)
4-22-01, 3/21/03
Jones, Dennis O. (co-pilot, crash of B-26 #334-151, see Raul Popa) 9/1/01
Jones, Gene, (Missed Her Period II) 451BS see Gene Jones grouped names
Jones, James W. (engineer, 65 missions, Corky) 558BS, 387BG 5/30/02
Jones, Jack Sturges (65 missions, Smokys Coach & Righteous Jones, B-26 #334144)
391BG 8/26/00
Jones, Jeff (father served in 478BS, 336BG) 11/3/99
Jones, Johnnie F. (radio-gunner, LittlePink Panties & Little Gal, shot down on
27th mission, escaped to Switzerland) 391BG & 387BG, 559BS 10/14/02 [extensive
Trevor Allen data], 12/21/04
Jones, Michael Mike (nephew of Wetzel Kimball) 9/20/01, 6/1/02
Jones, Nancy (historian advocate seeks help on glider units) 10/14/00
Jones, Phillip W. (radio operator, B-26G # 43-34120) 10/18/00
Jones, Robby (son of James W. Jones) 5/30/02
Jones, Steve (compliment of Chester Klier) 12/30/03
Jones, Steve (Port Talbot, Wales may be same as above) see Hulbert Hugh
Robrtson 6/4/04
Jones, William (Lt. Col., USAF, Ret., son-in-law of Curtis S. Church) 10/6/04
Jones, William G. (co-pilot, KIA) 587BG, 394BG, see Theodore Kubala 4/4/03,
see James D. Pascoe 12/29/04
Jonsey, Timothy (advocate re Maurice D. Norton) 12/6/02
Jordan, Barbara Ann (daughter of Joseph T. Jordan) 9/8/04
Jordan, Joseph T. (Barbara Ann, B26 #42-96195) 585BS, 394BG 9/8/04
Jublin, Robert T. (armorer) possibly USN, submit by Terry Jublin, see Trevor
data 1/2/03
Jublin, Terry (advocate re Robert T. Jublin) 1/2/03
Jumper, Dean (son of Oliver Jumper) 1/28/01
Jumper, Dean (son of Oliver Jumper) 9/8/02
Jumper, Oliver (pilot, Class 43J) 555BS, 386BG 1/28/01
Jumper, Oliver Jump (pilot, 443BS, 320BG, may be same as above listing)
Kaiser, Don (advocate re Millard Foster) 2/3/03
Kalt, Bernie (test pilot at Glen L. Martin Company) 7/10/01
Kalt, Kenneth, 454BS, 323BG (one of the Kalt twins), submit by son: Ronald Kalt
Kalt, Norman, 454BS, 323BG (one of the Kalt twins) 2/7/04
Kalt, Ronald (son of Kenneth Kalt) 2//04
Kalt, Rithie (son of Bernie Kalt) 7/10/01
Kanthack, Edward J. Eddie (Jinx, Snakes Revenge, B26 #41-35010) 574BS, 391BG,
submit by Linda I. Kanthack, aircrew listed separately 1/14/04, 1/20/04
Kanthack, Linda. I. (daughter of Simon Enzor) 12/17/03
Karrid, M. (crew of Shirley Glenn Richards) 438BS, 319BG 9/10/01
Kasdorf, Bob (Do It Too a.k.a. Do It II, 559BS, 387BG, see Robert J. Destiche
Kasper, Joe (48 missions, flew with Marty Sidener & Bob Connelley) 34BS, 17BG
Kasprzykowski, Marion Stinky (344BS) posted by son: Charles Kasper a.k.a.
Kasprzykowski 10/14/03
Kasprzyzkowski (sp?), M. (armorer-gunner) 494BS, 344BG, see Dan W. Johnston
12/6/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Kaston, Victor (Great squadron tragedy) 6/22/04
Katzman, Adam (grandson of Norm Linder) 2/18/03
Keating, James A. (tail gunner, Flak Bait) 449BS, 322BG 7/8/03
Kee, Charles W. (pilot) 595BS, 394BG, see Loοc Chaumont & Jacky Emery 2/27/04,
Keehly, John F. (co-pilot) 336BG, see David L. B. Gearing 10/3/02
Keenan, Tom (nephew of Robert L. Saas) 8/13/01
Kellan, Marvin (tail gunner see Grouped Data) 586BS, 394BG 3/3/01, 3/16/01
Keller, Charles (cites his personal jeep) 557BS, 387BG 6/6/02
Keller, Gregg (son of Wilmoth Bill Lowell Keller) 12/17/01
Keller, Col. (pilot, CO Kellers Killers) 557BS, 387BG 11/12/00, 5/28/03
Keller, Wilmoth Bill Lowell (bombardier-navigator, Maxwell House & Queen of
Hearts) 496BS, 344BG 12/17/01, 1/3/02
Kelley, James (see Grouped Data, Wingless Victory) 584BS, 394BG 2/12/01
Kelley, James P., Jr., (son of James Kelley, see Grouped Data) 2/12/01
Kelley, William J., 574BS, see John W. Colsch 3/1/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Kellogg, Ralph M., 17BG re mission of 3/24/43 @ La Smala 4/1/03 [Trevor Allen
Kelly, Fred J. (waist gunner) 34BS, 17BG, see Frank A. Morton, Jr. 9/3/02
Kelly, Harry, Jr. (pilot, Class 44D) 585BS, 394BG, aircrew listed separately
Kelly, George (tail gunner) 17BG 12/6/03
Kelly, Richard W., 17BG, query by daughter: Denise Caffey 9/20/03
Kelly, Shawn M. (advocate of Arthur J. DeSauiniers) 11/9/04
Kemmer, Chris (son of Nicholas F. Walsh II) 3/26/02
Kemp, Mary, see William Kemp 5/29/02
Kemp, William (pilot) 95BS -- 5/29/02
Kendall, Robert (pilot, 65 missions, Spam Burger) 555BS, 386BG 11/8/03 [C.
Kier data]
Kennedy, Edward A. (bombardier, 32 missions, POW) 558BS, 387BG, see Robert
Taylor 5/30/00, 1/21/04
Kent, Bernard, see Leo J. Sugerman [Trevor Allen data] 1/7/03
Kepner, Harold R. 1/9/02
Kercher, Gerald Gerry (Europe & North Africa) 11/30/00
Kerley, Thomas W. (pilot & artist, Old Gruesome) 598BS, 397BG 12/4/00
Kerley, Mike (son of Thomas W. Kerley) 12/4/00
Kershaw, Dawson U. (tail gunner, Sleepy Time Gal, B26 # 42-95838) 574BS, 391BG
10/4/03 [D. Donato data]
Kerr, Grady (advocate) 10/6/01
Kerr, James (pilot, Little Jo) see Louis J. Cubba 5/28/03
Kerry, Senator John (President Bush comment) 10/11/04
Keyes, Jim (tail gunner, 52 missions, North Africa) 1/15/00
Kiball, Wetzel C. (gunner, Five by Fives) 577BS, 387BG 9/1/01, 9/20/01
Kichen, Rubin (tail gunner, 4F, shot down Feb. 16, 1945, POW Stalag VIIA) 598BS,
397BG (386G?) 8/9/01, 2/9/03
Kieschnick, Nancy Lindsey, see Chester Davis Lindsey 1/16/03
Kilpatrick, Elmer (radio-waist gunner, see Albert F. Norman) 432BS, 17BG
Kim, John, 558BS, 387BG 7/4/99, 5/30/02
Kimball, Wetzel (crashed on 71st mission, Nov. 25, 1944, near Sains-Richaumont,
Five by Fives) 557BS, 387BG 4/22/01, 6/1/02, 9/1/02
Kimball, William E. (acft #334-151) 557BS, 387BG, associated names listed
separately 3/21/03
Kincheloe, William L. Bill (radio mechanics instructor) friend: Palu NMI Scott
King, Deborah Salmon (niece of James Houston Salmon) 10/8/03
King, Earl K. (photographer-gunner) 444BS, 320BG 3/28/04
Kingsley, Robert (pilot, KIA 5/24/44) 555BS, 386BG, see Harry P. Guinther
Kinn, Eldon (flight engineer) see Arthur Roy Kunta 4/12/02
Kinney, Robert J., see Mont Fermore Stephensen 5/7/02
Kirby, Francis M. (pilot, shot down 6/12/44, B26 #296117 4T?, POW, Stalag Luft
III) 585BS, 394BG 6/1/02
Kirby, Scott M. (son of Francis M. Kirby) 6/1/02
Kirk, Leo (tail gunner) 555BS, 386BG, see Pete Oliver 12/21/03 [C. Klier data]
Kirkconnell, R. B. (Col) assisting son of John G. Simpson in locating data
Kisner, Lloyd E. (bombardier) 455BS, 323BG, C. Klier data 7/26/04, 8/13/04
Kiss, Ernie (pilot) 2/18/00
Kitchen, Rubin (tail gunner, 4F, shot down 23rd mission, 2/16/45) 598BS, 397BG
8/18/01 [Trevor Allen aircrew data listed separately]
Kithcart, Carrie (niece of Howard E. Kithcart) 11/22/04
Kithcart, Howard E. (pilot, Class 43K) 441 & 442BS, 320BG 9/18/03 [Trevor
data] 11/22/04
Kithcart, Ray (brother of Howard Kithcart) 9/18/03
Klacik, Edward, (KIA 2/24/45, B26 #43-34337) 572BS, 391BG 12/10/03
Klemz, Edward F. (radio-gunner) see Grouped Data 7/10/03
Klerk de Reus, Ron (submit re as a boy of 12 he was on receiving end of B-26
bombing, Goor, Overijsel, the Netherlands) 3/28/04
Kleysteuber, Edward J. (engineer-gunner, Hot Rock) 557BS, 387BG 9/3/01
Kliemann, Rainer (researcher, Bavaria, Germany seeks extensive data on 323BG
losses names are listed separately with reference to Rainer Kliemann)
Klier, Chester P. (Black Magic & Buzz-N-Bitch II, B26 #131953 RG-T, 386BG
historian separately cited for inquiry or data input & with repeat compliment)
552BS, 386BG 5/8/02, 5/27/02, 8/10/02, 8/11/02, 4/16/03, 5/10/03, 6/25/03,
8/17/03, 2/25/04, 8/13/04 large posting
Klingismith, Irl J. (B24 gunner seeking buddy Jay Lee Schoonover) 12/18/03
Klinkebief, Della (Linn county Historical Museum) compliment on b26.com
Knepper, Allen (co-pilot) 584BS, 394BG, see Dana Rogers 1/20/02
Knick (radio-gunner) 553BS, 386BG, see Wesley G. Ling 11/10/03 [C. Klier data]
Knight, Dan (advocate) 3/20/01 also see Wayne Warner re Dan Knight pilot of
Mary Alice) 6/4/04
Knight, J. K. (engineer) see Ray Harwood 1/7/03
Knight, Joseph E. (top turret gunner, 68 missions) 494BS, 344BG 7/26/03
Knoles, Robert M. Bob (gunner) 454BS, 323BG 10/7/03
Knox, Dan (son of Freal C. Knox) 7/30/01
Knox, Freal C. (pilot, POW) 597BS, 397BG 7/30/01
Koballa, Joseph A. (Tobacco Road) 1/19/01
Koep, Edward Peter, 558BS, 387BG, submit by JuDee Greenfield 6/1/04
Kohler, John P, 574BS, see John W. Colsch 3/1/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Koller(?), Allen (nephew of Francis Koller) 11/22/01
Koller, Francis (flew in Italy) 11/22/01
Koller, John, see Stephen Steve Koven 7/26/02
Konapacki, 22BG, see Alfred J. Mattacotti 5/26/04
Kondak, Stanley S. (bombardier) 386BG, see Albert G. Burger, Jr. 12/16/04
Konick, George, Jr., 397BG 7/6/03
Kopp, Bill (Sexy Sal or Sexy Sal II) 495BS, 344BG 1/21/02, 4/30/02, 8/26/02
Kopp, James Michael (advocate re William Bill Royal) 6/4/03
Kosky, Nathan (English author, advocate of 344BG) 6/6/02
Koven, Stephen Steve (navigator, Class 44-53N) 587BS, 394BG, see Grouped
Data/aircraft 7/26/02, 8/31/02
Kozlowski, E. T. Eddie, see Jack C. Darby 5/1/03 (dup of Edward T.?)
Kozlowski, Edward T. Eddie (tail gunner) 553, 386BG, see Oliver Lee McCaskill
Kramer, Arthur (Class 43) 494BS, 344BG 9/28/01
Kramer, Irving (radio operator, B17s, 31 missions) 96BG 2/6/03
Kranz, Lewis M. (prior entry) 9/27/04
Kraus, Alfred E. (engineer-gunner) see Paul E. Gowey 5/23/03
Kraus, Lawrence R. (tail gunner-photographer) 444BS, 320BG 9/20/02, see George
W. Bill Gleason 7/1/04 for possible match
Kraus, Lee (son of Lawrence R. Kraus) 9/20/02
Kraus, Mark R. (Col. 386th Air Expeditionary Wing) 3/9/04
Krause (Sgt) (radio operator) 444BS, 320BG, see George W. Gleason 11/29/03
Krause, Steve (speaks about but does not name his father) 1/31/04
Kreissler, Lawrence Lee (shot down in Africa)444BS, 320BG, submit by grandson:
Ken Nichols 11/9/04, 11/30/04
Kresan, Edward, 439BS, 319BG, analysis of 319BG & 320BG operations with
Trevor Allen
addition 2/27/03
Kretschmar, Delbert F. (engineer-gunner) 474BS, 335BG 12/4/01, 6/28/02
Kroner, William Henry (tail gunner served in Australia) submit by Bradley
Kroner? 3/12/00
Krueger, Ellen Forbes (companion to Donald E. Proudfit) 1/17/01, 11/19/02
Kruse, Dalton C. Dalt (son of Dalton Charles Kruse, American Airlines Captain)
Kruse, Dalton Charles Chuck (aircraft maintenance instructor) submit by
son:Dalton C. Kruse 1/24/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Kubala, Ted (son of Theodore Kubala) 4/4/03
Kubala, Theodore (pilot, Purgatory, KIA 4/21/44) 587BS, 394BG, aircrew listed
separately 4/4/03 [Trevor Allen data & query] see James D. Pascoe 12/29/04
Kucera, David (re his dads uncle: Anthony Brenk) 2/3/04
Kuczwara, John W. (navigator) see Ray Harwood 1/7/03
Kudszus, George (Oregon Dept. of Veterans Affairs) seeks information 8-29-02
Kuieck, Marvin Marv (engineer, Misbehaven) 455BS, 323BG, submit by son-in-law:
Philip Betz 3/14/03
Kunne, Richard, 558BS, 387BG, follow up on posting 2/3/02, 5/24/02
Kunne, Richard (adopted grave of Ralph A. Willett, Cemetery in Margarten,
Holland, see Ralph A. Willett) 11/19/01, 5/24/02
Kuntz, Arthur Roy (navigator, collision over Avon Park Bombing Range, B-26s #s
41-17619 & 41-17625, 2/28/43) 478BS, 336BG 4/13/02
Kuntz, Mike (son of Arthur Roy Kuntz) 4/13/02
Kurecke, Henry (engineer) 555BS, 386G, see Harry P. Guinther 7/9/02
Kurill, Joe (bombardier, 68 missions, Ruffels) 557BS, 387BG, submit from
son-in-law: Bob Bost, see Grouped Data for associates 2/3/04
Kurtenback (Stalag 17B) see Russel E. McClintok 11/24/02
Kuslach, Gerard, USN Ret (nephew of Gerard Kuslucha) 11/25/04
Kusluch, Ralph A., 450BS, 322BG (uncle of Gerard Kusluch, USN Ret) 11/25/04
Kuto, George R. (gunner) 391BG, see Edward C. Jastremski 5/28/04
Laarman, Maurice (advocate offers historical correction) 10/17/03
Ladd, Cindy (daughter of John Raymond Ladd) 12/7/99
Ladd, John Raymond (pilot, 75 missions) 12/7/99
Ladner, Oscar B. (author, U.S. infantryman attacked by B-26s, Pattons Army,
quote from A Test of Faith and Courage, Pattons Raiders) 8/6/01, 8/22/02,
LaFremmie (armorer-gunner) 320BG, see William Marshall O/Hara 9/17/04
Lagee, Jack (pilot) 455BS, 323BG, Misbehavin) see Marvin Kuieck 3/14/03
Lake, Gordon (Atterbury-Balakar Air Museum) 1/1/01
Lamb, Thomas E. (armorer-gunner, Great squadron tragedy) 451BS, 322BG, see
Lester E. Barton 5/17/02, 6/22/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Lamarque,Kevin (Reuters reporter covering Charles Phillips crew, Tunisia, CILHI
recovery and burial) 4/24/03 5/14/03
Lambert, Bud (pilot, 552BS CO, Black Magic B26 #131620 RG-R) see Gerard Lecaroz
8/10/02 [C. Klier]
Lambertson, Harry R. (engineer-gunner) see Howard E. Miller, Jr. 6/27/02 [Trevor
Allen data]
LaMuraglia, James B. (son of Maetto LaMuraglia) 8/13/02
LaMuraglia, Maetto (bombardier) 599BS, 397BG 7/9/02, 8/13/02
Landis, Donald A. (killed 3/3/44 @ Barksdale Field) 9/25/03
Lane, Frank E. (engineer see Ward C. Swalewll) 599BS, 397BG 6/18/01
Lane, George H. (pilot, Truman Committee) 449BS, 322BG 8/20/03
Lane, George V. (pilot, Coughin Coffin, flew earlier as fighter-pilot with
Canadians in England) 1/3/04
Lane, Robert (father of George V. Lane flew B26 prototype) 1/3/04
Lang, Leonard S. (co-pilot, B26 #41-17982, 5/17/43, Ijmuiden mission, POW)
450BS, 322BG 4/23/04 [Trevor Allen Data]
Lantos, Tom (Democrat Representative of California) comment 2/12/03
LaPlante, John F., 573BS, 391BG, gravesite visit by WW II veteran Johnny Scalf
Larini, Manuel H. (engineer) 336BG, see David L. B. Gearing 10/3/02
Larkin, Frank E., Jr. (Toid Boid) 453BS, 323BG 6/16/01
Larned, Elrod (engineer-gunner, Pugnacious Peggy) 558BS, 387BG 7/3/99
Larsen, Kenneth (Idiots Delight) 397BG 9/28/01
Larson, Aleron H. (pilot, Class 40) 22BG 4/17/02
Larson, Gregor J., see Flournoy L. Choate, Jr. 2/23/02
Larson, Jonathan H. (son of Aleron H. Larson) 4/17/02
Laskey, Walter D. (pilot) 344BG, see Thomas G. Harmes 7/25/03
Latiolais, Jerry (nephew of John Latiolais) 6/21/01
Latiolais, John, 336BG, Northern Ireland 6/21/01
Laughery, Carl Edward (C47 #42-24228) New guinea) 433 Sqdn 12/6/02
Lawrence, Robert (pilot) see Hulbert Hugh Robertson 6/4/04
Lawson, Albert P. (tail gunner) 585BS, 394BG, see Darrell R. Lindsey 10/31/02
Lawson, Bill (cousin of Walter Marshall Bailey ) 6/21/01
Lawson, Craig (soon-in-law of Webster Brown) 5/29/03
Lawton, Christopher A. (nephew of David Morgan Lawton) -- 1/31/02
Lawton, David, 394BG, see Herchel E. Palmer 12/6/04
Lawton, David Morgan, 479BS, 336BG then 585BS, 394BG, entire crew lost 1/31/02
Lay, Jack (radio-gunner) 456BS, 323BG, see Richard F. Tyson -- 5/17/03
Lazar, Joe (navigator, about 40 missions) 456BS, 323BG 3/21/04
Le Sueur, Raymond (pilot, RAAF) 22BG 12/24/00
Leach, Edwin (advocate assisting French history teacher re 386BG) 9/17/04
Leach, John (advocate re John R. Leach) 7/5/03
Leach, John R. (radio-waist gunner, Mary Jo) 495BS, 344BG lead on D-Day
7/5/03, 8/15/04
Leary, Jeanann (granddaughter of Leroy Richard Weaver) 10/6/00
Lebreau, Francis (petit fils or grandson of Lιon Lebreau 6/24/00
Lebreau, Lιon (adjudant chef or chief sergeant?) Bretagnes group, GB 11/20,
Bretagne, FFAF, radio operator in B26 n˚28 or 29 6/24/00, 10/29/04
Lecaroz, Gerard (tail gunner, Black Magic) 552BS, 386BG 8/10/02 [C. Klier
Leclercq, Joss (French historian re downing of the Darnell crew) 4/22/03
Ledbetter, Darwin, see Charles Chuck Kline 2/19/02
Ledbetter, Herrick B Pappy (pilot) 387BG, submit by grandson: George D.
Greenway 1/11/03
Ledbetter, Robert (319BG & other queries) 10/2/02, 11/20/02
Lee, Clinton M. (pilot) 585BS, 394BG 11/2/02
Lee, David (Assistant Director, Imperial War Museum, England) 6/4/04
Lee, Fred (brother of George Lee) 6/4/02
Lee, George R. L. C. (pilot) 554BS, 386BG 6/24/02
Lee, John F. (79 missions) 554BS, 386BG 10/10/01
Lee, Rex E., see Arthur Roy Kuntz 4/12/02
Lee, Robert (son of John F. Lee) 10/10/01
Lee, Terry (bombardier) 449BS, 322BG, see James A. Keating 7/8/03
Leezer, Sharon (daughter of Eckard Munsch, Jr.) 9/28/00, 8/15/04
Lehr, Steven (grandson of Lester B. Chase) 11/12/03
Leighty, Ralph (or Ralfsee) W. (see Warren Scuffer Butterfield, Alan Crouchman
& Ralph A. Willett) 11/19/01, 2/3/02
Lelokas, John B. (engineer-gunner) 391BG, see Lloyd B. Stanfield 4/24/04
Lemmond, James W. (pilot, Carrie B.) 451BS, 322BG entry includes family data
12/7/03, 11/27/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Lemmond, Sam W. (son of James W. Lemmond) 11/27/03
Lemmond, Vaughn R. (brother of James W. Lemmond) 12/7/03
Lemons, Bob (crew member in Korea in B-26/A26 @ Kunsan AB) 3/21/00
Lennox, Chris, 456S, 323BG, see Philip R. Sheier 1/20/02
Leonard, Davis B. (toggelier & lead navigator, 65 missions) 453BS, 323BG
Leonard, Edward A. (navigator - see Antonio Gandara) 10/20/01
Leonard, R. K. (USN author) 2/18/04
Leonard, Raymond (bombardier) 556BS, 387BG 1/14/02
Leone, Ralph N. (pilot, Jabo Sky King 2nd) see Dale Linebaugh 8/23/02
LeSauvage, Carol (nephew of Joe R. Ralph Sanchez) 6/3/01
Letzring, C. (co-pilot) 574BS, 391BG, see Lucero Domitilio 12/31/02 [Trevor
Lewis, Craig E. (bombardier) 397BG, see James P. Negri 4/21/03
Lewis, Roy (top turret gunner) 496BS, 344BG, see William E. Heichel 1/7/02
Lias, Harvey G., 441BS, 320BG 4/20/01
Libby, Clement P. (radio-gunner) see Paul E. Gowey 5/23/03
Limo, Leroy L. 495BS, 34BG, see Flournoy L. Choate 2/23/02
Lindbergh, Charles (pilot, B26 #117648) Spirit of St. Louis, data from John
Underwood, associated names listed separately 8/5/04
Linder, Norm (pilot) unit not stated, query by grandson: Adam Katzman 2/18/03
Lindquist, Justin (student researcher, response by Trevor Allen) 12/6/02
Lindsay, Andrew G. (copilot, Pay Off) 553BS, 386BG 11/22/00
Lindsay, Dan (son of Andrew G. Lindsay) 11/22/00, 5/21/02
Lindsey, Chester Davis (navigator-mechanic) 582BS, submit by: Nancy Lindsey
Kieschnick 1/16/03
Lindsey, Darrell R. (pilot, MOH) 585BS, 394BG 10/31/02
Linebaugh, Dale (tail gunner, shot down 4/23/44, Stalag 17B, grand daughter Jodi
I. Thore has photo of grandfathers crew [Trevor Allen succeeds in identification]
see Dale Linebaugh 8/23/02
Ling, Chris (son of Wesley G. Ling) 11/10/03
Ling, Wesley G. (pilot, POW) 553BS, 386BG 11/10/03 [C. Klier data]
Linger, Karl F. W. (ground crew, Barfly) 554BS, 386BG 3/31/03
Linger, Robert B. (pilot, Buzzin Hussy) 456BS, 323BG 2/24/04
Link, Kevin (grandson advocate) 10/1/02
Lipkis, Leon Lee (Squadron Adjutant, 451BS) 7/2/02
Lipscomb, John P. (pilot?) 453BS, 323BG, crash 7/31/43 7/8/03
Lishka, Ray, 456BS, 323BG, see Philip R. Scheier 1/20/02
Lisle, Steve (great nephew of Howard E. Miller, Jr. 6/27/02, 6/1/03
Listemann, Phil (query re Liberty Run, B26 #43-34226) 25BG 9/4/03, 9/16/03
Littenal, William R. (co-pilot) 598BS, 397BG 7/22/04
Littlehill (Littlehale), William (co-pilot) 598BS, 397BG, see Ronald F. Shepard
Lively, A. T., Jr. (son of Albert T. Lively) 9/15/04
Lively, Albert T. (pilot) 394BS, 587BG, crew mates listed separately 9/15/04
Lizak, John (possible son of Waldisiaus F. Lizak) 10-20-01
Lizak, Wladisiaus F. Wally & Lie (crew chief on B-Line) 46BS, 323BG
Locke, Edward (bombardier-navigator, see Michael Joseph Donahoe) 584BS, 394BG
Loder, George (pilot) 557BS, 387BG 4/29/04
Loder, Stephen Campbell (grandson of Blaine B. Campbell) 7/5/01
Lodge, Warren F. (co-pilot) 386BG, see Albert C. Burger, Jr. 12/16/04
Loftin, Jack D. (B26 #43-34410, shot down 2/22/45) 597BG, 397BG, aircrew listed
separately 4/8/04, 9/19/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Logsdon, James A. (pilot, shot down 11/5/44, B26 #42-107532) 444BS, 320BG,
submit by niece: Carol Long 6/26/03 [Trevor Allen data], 3/2/04 (added story by Oderico Tonello, North Italy)
Lombardo, Albert R. (bombsight & autopilot maintenance, B-17) 729BS, 452BG
Long, Carol (niece of James Logsdon) 6/26/03, 3/2/04
Long, Chuck (son of John Long) 8/14/02
Long, Joe S. (pilot, A26/B26, Korea) query from son-in-law: Bruce Adams
10/8/04 [H. Walker data]
Long, John (mechanic, Sniffles) 8/14/02
Long, Roy V. (killed in crash, 11/30/44, Old Crow) 559BS, 387BG, aircrew listed
separately, compliment re b26.com 7/27/04 [b26.com data]
Longo, Bob (aerial engineer, B26 #118232) 877PTTS, Laughlin Field, relates
training accidents 6/5/04, 7/15/04
Loop, Clarence E. (B26 #42-107792, shot down 2/22/45) 432BS, 17BG see Patrick
Bumann 2/23/03
Lopatin, Wiliam, 449/494BS, 322BG 12/25/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Lopez, Adolpho (radio operator) 555BS, 386BG, see Pete Oliver 12/21/03 [C.
Klier data]
Lopez, Johnny (Little Peedoff) 598BS, 397BG see E. P. Richardson 1/20/00
Lother, Ed (pilot) 557BS, 387G 7//02
Lotino, Leslie (daughter of Thomas J. Lotino Tom) 3/21/02
Lotino, Thomas J. Tom (pilot) 557BS/387BG 8/24/01, 11/6/01, 3/23/02
Louse, William, III (pilot) 391BG, see Elmer Hansard 12/10/04
Lowder, J. W. A. (14 Sqdn secretary and treasurer) Trevor Allen data 4/2/03
Lowe, Dan C. (flew submarine patrol, from England, and allegedly, in Russia,
instructed on B26) submit by brother: David Lowe 1/2/04
Lowe, David, brother of Dan C. Lowe 1/2/04
Lowe, Gene D. (navigator) 575BS, 391BG 1/24/01
Lowe, Kenneth (son of Gene D. Lowe) 1/24/01
Lowell, Benjamin Winget (pilot, MIA, B26 #42-56224) see Trevor Allen data & submit
by niece 3/21/03, 9/30/03
Lowery, Kenneth K. (Hells Belle II) 319BG 7/15/04
Lowery, Lanny (son of Kenneth K. Lowery) 7/15/04
Lowman, David (mechanic) 322BG, see Boyd V. Hall 10/13/02
Lowman, Kelly (grandson of Merlin Garton) 7/20/04
Lowthian, Susan (daughter of Frank A. Parravani ) 12/14/03
Lucero, Domitilio Dom (Dimetlio? see Mike Christensen 11/6/01 & Fred
Christiansen -- 12/23/03) (engineer-gunner tail gunner in 3/20/03, Scolded
Dog?, B26 #42-95818) 574BS, 391BG 12/31/02, 3/20/03, 12/23/03 [Trevor Allen crew
data listed separately], 10/7/04
Lucero, Gerald (father flew Scolded Dog) 1/9/03, 10/7/04
Lucero, Steve (submit of Domitilio Lucero data) 3/20/03
Lucas, Terry (advocate) 10/3/02
Lucero, Gerald (son of Domitilio Lucero) 12/31/02
Luck, Clarence A. (radio-gunner, B26 #43-34410, shot down 2/22/45), 597BS,
397BG, see Jack D. Loftin 12/6/01, 9/19/04
Lucy, Duane V. (co-pilot) 391BG, see Lloyd B. Stanfield 4/24/04
Luddeke, Albert Al L. (radio-waist gunner cited also as tail gunner) 572BS,
391BG 12/5/03, 11/12/03, 9/15/04
Luddeke, Bret (son of Albert Luddeke) 9/15/04
Luddeke, N. (wife of Albert Al L. Luddeke) 12/5/03
Lukenbill, Burl Leon (pilot, killed in crash at A-40, Chartres, France) 323BG,
see W. Odell Myers 4/10/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Luna, Gilbert (son of Gilbert C. Luna) 4/27/04
Luna, Gilbert C. (engineer-gunner, 65 missions), submit by son: Gilbert Luna
Luntey, Harold G., 587BS, 394BG, see William P. Morto 1/18/02, 7/26/02,
8/31/02, 8/3/03
Luterick, Hugh (bombardier) 569BS? (submit by son-in-law) 2/1/00
Lyle, Susannah (daughter of Jackson Reed) 6/16/00
Lynch, Andrew, Jr., 394BG, see Herchel E. Palmer 12/6/04
Lynch, Edward H., 555BS, 386BG 1/31/04
Lynd, J. B. (navigator) 17BG, see Donald L. Gilbert 6/26/03
Lyon, H. G. (nephew of H. M. Lyon) 10/7/99
Lyon, H. M. (T/Sgt served in 558BS, 387G) 10/7/99
Lyons, George E. (co-pilot) 344BG, submit by son: Mark C. Lyons 8/16/04
Lyons, Mark C. (son of George E. Lyons) 8/16/04
Macaluso, John Mac (tail gunner-photographer) 6/28/01, 5/15/02
Macdonald, Don (stepson of Jack Victor Porter) 12/9/01
Macfarland, Richard, 391BG 10/20/00
Mack Big (armorer) 322BG, see Boyd S. Hall 10/13/02
MacKamey, James B. (pilot) see David L. B. Gearing 10/3/02
MacKenzie (bombardier) 34BS, 17BG, see Frank A. Morton, Jr. 9/3/02
Macki, John (engineer-gunner) see W. E. Willie B Paine 1/19/01
Macklin, Ronald (claims 17BG with more missions than other units, cites 606
total) 34BS, 17Bg 12/30/03, 1/1/04, 2/8/04
MacMahon, Henric see Oderico Tonello account 3/2/04
MacLemore, Dan (advocate, visit grave of John P. Lipscomb) 7/8/03
Macumber, Becky (Cole) (daughter of Melvin R. Cole 8/13/03 [P. Scheier data]
Mael, Gibert, 456BS, 323BG, see Melvin R. Cole 8/13/03
Magella, Jay (son of John Magella) 2/19/03
Magella, John (crew chief , B26 #42-96298 & B26 #43-34392) 37BS, 17BG 2/19/03
[Trevor Allen data]
Magneson, Elmer (pilot?, Ollie L? 66 missions?) 557BS, 387BG 8/28/03
Magruder, Peyton (builder of B26} see Robert Bob Magruder 6/8/03
Magruder, Robert Bob (Class 1964, West Point) compliment of Michael Mike
Smith 6/8/03
Mahin, George J. (radio operator, POW) 587BG, 394BG, see Theodore Kubala
4/4/03, see James D. Pascoe 12/29/04
Mains, Ted H. Ted (tail gunner, 63 missions) 451BS, 322BG 2/19/02
Maitland, Lester (pilot) CO 386BG 1/19/04
Makita, Michael M. (Flight Surgeon, 20 missions) 554BS, 386BG 8/4/03
Malaney, Bob (pilot) -- see Mike Powers 1/28/00
Malcolm, John (pilot. Class 4E) 441BS, 320BG 8/2/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Malcolm, Kate (wife of Otho Pence) 34BS, 17BG 9/3/02
Malec, Chester J. 9/16/00
Malec, Steve (son of Chester J. Malec) 9/16/00
Maljers, John P. (English historian) 12/12/02, 12/5/03 ]Trevor Allen data]
Mallon, JoAnn (daughter of Joseph T. Garland) 7/15/00
Mandiberg, Arnod J. (pilot, POW) 453BS, 323BG, see Rainer Kliemann --- 9/28/04
Mann, Chester J. (radio operator) 386BG, see Adelard Albert Rioux 6/14/02
Manson, 22BG, see Alfred J. Mattacotti 5/28/04
Marble, DeCody Brad (advocate, see Joseph Newton Armstrong) 11/24/02
Marble, Ralph (pilot, Geronimo, B26 # 131630) 386BG 10/29/03 [C. Klier data]
Marcello, Paul (advocate) 4/19/02
Margolis, Nathan (B24 pilot @ Gowan Field) 12/10/03
Marinelli, A. B. (radio-gunner) 495BS, 344BG, see James E. Smith 7/20/02
Marines, Archibald R. (Scorpion & Little Pink Panties) 573BS, 391BG 11/20/02
Markey, Ted (radio operator) 584BS, 394BG, see Dana Rogers 1/20/02
Markharp, Bob (386BG?) record correction 12/31/03
Markley, Bill (radio operator) 449BS, 322BG, see James A. Keating -- 7/8/03
Marquardt, Alfred, 585BS, 394BG 11/30/03
Marquardt, Robert E. (son of Alfred Marquardt) 11/30/03
Marr, Dave (cousin of James Brantley) 5/21/02
Martin, Ben M. (pilot) 574BS, 386BG, submit by daughter: Mindy Martin 4/11/04
Martin, Cam (B-26 advocate) 7/3/99
Martin, E. L. (engineer-gunner) see Clarence Erickson 7/23/04
Martin, Emlen . (co-pilot) 496Bs, 344BG, see Wilmoth Bill L. Keller 1/3/02
Martin, Harry (pilot) 17BG, see John C. Melsheimer 4/4/03
Martin, John R. (MIA) see Rainer Kliemann 9-28/04
Martin, Mindy (daughter of Ben M. Martin) 4/11/04
Martin, Roger C. (son of Wayne L. Martin) 7/22/01
Martin, Tom (U.S. Army major, advocate re B26 accident near Dodge City, Kansas)
Martin, Wayne L. (60 missions, B-26 # 42-107679) 494BS, 344BG 7/17/01, 7/22/01
Martinez, John J. 441BS, 320BG 11/28/02
Martinez, Marty (pilot) 598BS, 397BG 1/22/02
Martinson, John P. (Operations Officer, 62 missions) see Max Petrisek, submit by
nephew: Jim Wilbur 6/28/02, 1/11/04
Mason, F. H. (RAF pilot Sgt) see Freddie Parker 4/2/03
Masten (radio operator) see Victor D. Rader, 557BS, 387BG 7/6/02
Mastrianni, Joseph (tail gunner), 558BS, 387BG 12/23/99
Mastrianni, Joseph J. (may be same as above item) 556, 558, 559 BS, 387BG see
Grouped Data 6/14/01
Matey, Peter (bombardier, 40 missions, Little Sirocco) North Africa, aircrew
listed separately 3/22/03
Mathews, Clinton B. (radio-gunner, Blind Date, B26 #43-34139, shot down
12/23/44) 11/17/03
Matlock (crew chief, Wine, Women & Song, B26 # 42-95752, 442BS, 320BG)
10/15/04 [Trevor Allen & Alf/Norway data]
Matson, Wilber G. (KIA 7/20/44) 391BG, see Clifton A. Collins 4/24/04
Mattacotti, Alfred H. (son of Alfred J. Mattacotti) 5/26/04
Mattacotti, Alfred J. (crew chief) 33BS, 22BG, submit by son: Alfred H.
Mattacotti 5/26/04
Mattern, Bob (nephew of Peter Matey) 3/22/03
Matthew, Frederick (pilot) 452BS, 322BG, see Joe B. Dalton 12/10/03
Matthews, Merrill, 19BS, 22BG 7/13/04
Mattox, Glenn R. (pilot) see Arthur Roy Kuntz 4/12/02
Matteson, Dave (B-26 advocate) 1/15/00
Mattison, J. E. (gunner, B-26G #43-34120) 10/18/00
Mauding, Carolyn (niece of Claude T. Cook) 6/18/03
May, Floyd (Little Pink Panties, B26 #42-107841) submit by brother: Herman J.
May 12/23/04 [Trevor Allen data]
May, Herman J. (brother of Floyd May) 12/21/04
Mayberry, Clay (tail gunner) 555BS, 386BG, submit by nephew: Mike Ellis
Mayes, Herbert B. (pilot) 22BG, Battle of Midway, 6/4/42, shot down 6/1/04
McAlpin, Mark Lee, 497BS, 344BG, submit by nephew: Michael T. McAplin 7/8/04
McAlpin, Michael T. (nephew of Mark Lee McAlpin) 7/9/04
Mcauley, Charles V, Jr. (see Donald E. Proudfit) 11/19/02
McAuley, John J. (see Ogden Bud Dean Ginther) 11/19/01
McBride, Frank C. (bombsight technician) 558BS, 387BG 2/2/03
McBride, John P. (23rd & 30th Depot Repair Sqdns) 8/26/02
McCabe, John L. (armorer-gunner) 584BS, 394Bg 6/24/02
McCann, Joseph E. (43E) 587BS, 394BG 11/17/01
McCarter, E. C. (armor-gunner) 495BS, 344BG, see James E. Smith 7/20/02
McCarthy, Bob (son of Robert E. McCarthy) 11/1/03
McCarthy, Catherine (daughter of Charles J. Clifton) 2/11/03
McCarthy, Robert E. (pilot, Blind Date, B26 #43-34139, shot down 12/23/44)
11/1/03, 11/17/03
McCaskill, Oliver Lee Runt (co-pilot) 553BS, 386BG & 1st Pathfinder Sqdn
12/6/04 [Trevor Allen and C. Klier data] 2nd-12/6/04
McClammy, Thomas (friend/advocate of Lee Goodwin) 12/15/03
McClelland, Johnnie V. (tail gunner) 456BS, 323BG 11/4/02 [Trevor Allen data]
McClintock, Russel E. (engineer-gunner, shot down over Sardinia, 4/7/43, Italian
POW, transferred to Germans, Stalag 17B) 437BS, 319BG 11/24/02
McClanahan, Harold R Red (pilot, 17 missions, POW) 559BS, 387BG 12/14/02
McComber, William A. (pilot, B26 #43-34258) 442BS, 320BG, see Howard Kithcart
9/18/03 [Trevor Allen data]
McConnell, John V. (engineer-gunner) 552BS, 386BG, see Robert G. Neville
McCrory, Marian Betmarik (daughter of Lee R. Betmarik) 9/28/00
McCulloch, Everett R., see Ray E. Pitre 4/1/02
McDaniel, Jan (uncle is Richard Schlosser) 3/21/04
McDaniel, Mary (wife of Orville Vaughan McDaniel) 7/18/03
McDaniel, Orville Vaughan (tail gunner, 44 missions, Miss Manookie) 586BS,
394BG, aircrew listed separately 7/18/03
McDonald, David B. (nephew of Albert G. Burger, Jr.) 12/16/04
McDonald, Gary (nephew of Lewis G. McDonald) 1/25/04
McDonald, J. (nephew of Frank M. Milliman) 10/26/03
McDonald, Kevin J. (767 pilot, advocate) 1/9/02
McDonald, Lewis G. (pilot) 37BS, 17BG, submit by nephew: Gary McDonald 1/25/04
McFadden, Walt C. (engineer, B-26G #43-34120) 10/18/00
McFarland (flight engineer) see Victor D. Rader, 557BS, 387BG 7/6/02
McGettigen (Mettigan?), John F. (radio-gunner) 391BG, see Clark A. Tavener
6/1/04, 9/18/04
McGonigle, Leon F. (tail gunner) 386BG, see Albert G. Burger, Jr. 12/16/04
McGrady, 2Lt (co-pilot, 4F, shot down 2/16/45) 386BG, see Rubin Kichen 2/9/03
McGrail, John J. (RAF Ferry unit, navigator-radio operator) RAF Transport
Command/RAF 45 Group 12/25/01
McGrath, John B. (pilot) North Africa, submit by son-in-law: Mike James
McGregor, P. M. (co-author: Per Noctem Per Diem, 24 Sqdn SAAF) 10/30/04
McGuire, J. C. (observer) 598S, 397BG, see Ronald F. Shepart 2/22/03, 7/22/04
McGuire, Todd (wifes grandfather was Kenneth Larsen) 9/28/01
McHenry, Jack (pilot B26B #41-31669, ditched Jun 15, 1944, see Grouped Data)
558BS, 387BG 3/2/00
McIvor (co-pilot) see Victor D. Rader, 557BS, 387BG 7/6/02
McKay, George (pilot) 95BS, 17BG, see Daniel Grther 7/25/02
McKenna, Charles W. (pilot, 65 missions) 454BS, 323BG 7/30/01
McKenna, Timothy (son of Charles W. McKenna) 7/30/01
McKeown, Frank (bombardier-navigator) Chipping Ongar, Feb. 1944 5/21/00
Response from: Pilot Earl Seagars.
McKenzie, Jack E. (B26 #42-107792, shot down 2/22/45 ) 432BS, 17BG, see Patrick
Baumann 2/23/03
McKim, Jim (advocate of Arthur Vermette) 11/16/04
Mckim, Roy S., 391BG, see Ralph C. Zuranski 10/11/02
McKinnon (pilot) 320BG, see William Marshall OHara 9/17/04
McKnight, Edward F., 455BS, 323BG 2/15/03
McKnight, Greg (son of Edward F. McKnight) 2/15/03
McLandish, Harry E. (MIA) 453BS, 323BG, see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
McLane, Mike (advocate of Irvin Sanow) 3/11/03
McLaren, Wiliam F. (MIA) see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Mclaughten, Ed (radio operator) 391BG, see Elmer Hansard 12/10/04
McLean, Malcolm E. (internee) 17BG, see Juan Carlos Salgado 3/18/03
McLeod, Robert K. (596BS CO, Dee Feater) Trevor Allen data 1/11/03
McLeod, Robert M. (Atterbury AAF, Columbus, Indiana) 1/1/01
McMakin, John b. (pilot, Class 44G) 441BS, 320Bg 3/8/02
McMannamy, George D. (radio-gunner) see Colin Wingrave 9/25/04
McMullen (co-pilot, KIA) 554BS, 386BG, see Harold Michelson 5/8/02, 5/13/03
McMullen, Craig (grandson of Harold R. Kepner) 1/9/02
McNamara, John K. Jack (51 missions) submit by son not named 3/10/04
McNamara, J. J. (bombardier-navigator) 574BS, 391BG, see Lucero Domitilio
12/31/02, 3/20/03
McNeil, Robert (engineer) 391BG, see Elmer Hansard 12/10/04
McPherson, G. T. (pilot, B26 #43-34334) 391BG [H. Walker data] 12/10/03
McShea, Lt. (copilot) 553BS, 386BG, see Wesley G. Ling 11/10/03 [C. Klier
McSwain, Bennie D., Jr. (pilot) 496BS, 344BG, see William Bill I. Keller
McVay, John (co-pilot?) 320BG, see William Howard Van Marter 7/13/03
Meany, John W. (pilot) 386BG, 387BG & 323BG 4/25/00
Meckes, R. S. (engineer) 495BS, 344BG, see Flourney L. Choate, Jr. (Note Trevor
Allen data] 2/21/02
Meckoll, Joseph S. (Class 44C) 557BS, 387BG 1/14/01
Mecum, James (radio operator, 52 missions, Hard to Get ) 497BS, 344G, submit by:
Aaron Fischbach 8/8/04
Medina, Larry, Waipahu High School, selects B26 Marauder as mascot 5/26/00
Mee, Robert (pilot) 386BG, see Charles J. Cilfone 2/11/03
Meier, Fred (bombardier) 386BG, see Chester P. Klier 2/25/04
Melberg, Arthur H. (B26 #42-107792, shot down 2/22/45) 432BS, 17BG, see Patrick
Baumann 2/23/03
Meldrum, Maj. (observer, 4F, lost 2/16/45) 386BG, see Rubin Kichen 2/9/03
Mell, Richard F. (Alderman, Chicago, Illinois) 9/27/04
Melloy, Tim (advocate, daughter writing about great uncle: Thomas M. Seymour)
Melsheimer, John C., 37BS, 17BG, submit by grandson: Kyle Gordon 4/4/03
Mendelsohn, J. H. (KIA 12/23/44) 394BG, see Hermann Paul Brueggeman 2/14/04
Menkin, Harry (bombardier) 17BG, see Don Wilson 8/11/04
Mercado, Robert L. (Apr 16/45 mission bail out, see Johnnie Jones) 10/14/02
Merrill, John Jake (pilot) see advocate Mark Crowley 8/28/02
Messel, Kenneth L., 391BG, see Jay Troup 9/6/03 {Trevor Allen data]
Messinger, Dan (grandson of Frank Diehl Messinger) 4/14/04
Messinger, Frank Diehl (pilot) 438BS, 319BG, see Clyde Decker, submit by
grandson: Dan Messinger 3/27/03, 4/14/04
Mestayer, Joseph L. (bombardier, MIA 1/29/44, see Howard W. Young) 442BS, 320BG
Metzger, George L., 558BS, 387BG, see Mickaёl 4/21/03
Meyer, John (English advocate) 13/31/03, 2/11/04
Meyer, R. H. (Russell J. Calvert crew) 391BG, see Steve Bree 10/5/03 [D.
Donato data]
Meyers, Charles R., 319BG? 9/24/03
Mickaёl (French advocate re crash of B26 #41-31661) 558BS, 387BG, aircrew listed
separately 4/21/03
Michelson, Harold (bombardier-navigator, Class 44A, 40 missions) 554BS, 386BG
5/8/02, 2/28/03, 5/13/03
Mickelson, Clarence E. (pilot) 391BG, see Jay Troup 9/6/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Mickelson, Jerome (tail gunner, North Africa, Stalag 17) see Leonard M. Anderson
12/24/00, 8/2/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Middleton, Brian D. (RAF) 11/12/01
Middleton, M. J. (co-pilot) 495BS, 344BG, see James E. Smith 7/20/02
Middleton, Omer Lee Buddy, 322BG 2/17/03, 10/25/03
Middleton, Omer Lee, Jr. (son of Omer Middleton) 2/17/03, 10/25/03
Milburn, Joe, 17BG, see Harold Dorson 2/12/04
Miles, Neill C. (bombardier) 454BS, 323BG 5/12/03
Milhelish, Peter A. (pilot) 34BS, 17BG & 340BS, 97BG B17s 10/8/03
Milhelish, Tim (son of Peter A. Milhelish) 1/8/03
Milioti, Charles (pilot, Africa & England) 10/2/02
Millan, Jack, Reunion Organizer, B26 Aircrew Association 10/30/04
Miller, (pilot) 439BS, 319BG, see Edward E. Bowman 6/15/02
Miller, Bob (son of Calvin Miller) 12/13/04
Miller, Calvin (tail gunner, 51 missions) 344BG & 397BG 12/13/04
Miller, Francis W. (flight engineer) 391BG, see Clark A. Tavener 6/1/04
Miller, Gerald L. (USN tail gunner, B26 ID U3), submit by Barbara Miller Porter
Miller, Henry A., 574BS, see John W. Colsch 3/1/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Miller, Howard E. (radio-gunner, The Arkansas Traveler) 558BS, 387BG 6/27/02
[Trevor Allen data]
Miller, Jack (B-26 Marauder family see entry) 2/19/01
Miller, Jack W. (pilot) see Colin Wingrave 9/25/04
Miller, John (pilot, Xterminator B26 #131678 VA-V, Sexy Betsy) 555BS, 386BG
2/25/02 [Trevor Allen & C. Klier data]
Miller, Norman J. (pilot) 449BS, 322BG 6/16/00, 1/26/02
Miller, Quincy T. (S/Sgt on J. J. Howell crew) 452BS, 322BG 12/13/99
Miller, Ralph W. (pilot) 1st Pathfinder Sqdn 6/7/02
Miller, Ron (B-26 advocate) 7/3/99
Miller, Ron (son of John Miller) 2/25/02
Miller, Rufus, 22BG, see Vernon R. Morris 4/30/04
Miller, Waide, 391BG, see Ralph C. Zuranski 10/11/03
Milliman, Frank M. (tail gunner) 456BS, 323BG 10/26/03
Mills, Dub (radio operator) friend of Maurice OReilly) 9/5/00
Mills, W. D. (Rhodesian Artillery) advocate 5/25/02
Mills, William G. (co-pilot)449BS, 322BG, see Charles C. Grudnicki 12/10/04
Miluski, P. T. (Stalag 17B) see Russel E. McClintok 11/24/02
Mims, Robert P. (pilot) see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Minyard, Luther Danny (aircrew) submit by: Jamie Bingham 5/16/04
Mitchell, Leo (flight engineer, B-26 Tow Target Unit @ Westover AFB, UT)
Mitchell, Ray (son of Leo Mitchell) 8/24/01
Mitstifer, Dayton (KIA 2/10/44, Lady Luck, B26 #134947) 554BS, 386BG, submit by:
Mike Munford & Mark A. Buttorff 2/20/03, 3/30/03 [C. Klier detail data on loss
& crew aircrew listed separately)
Miyo, Michael R. (MIA) see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Modrano (see John J. Pederson) 12/07/01
Moench, John O. (pilot) 454BS, 323BG, a compliment 8/26/02, 4/18/03 (CILHI
support), 2/24/04 (NLN Mario), 3/10/04, 3/21/04, 8/5/04, 8/16/04, 9/20/04,
9/28/04, 11/30/04, 12/2/04
Moffatt, Gavin J. (see Alan Crouchman) 11/19/01, see Richard Kunne 2/3/02
Moffitt, Ernest L. (co-pilot, Great Squadron tragedy) 451BS, 322BG, see Lester
E. Barton 5/17/02, 6/22/04
Mogel, Bob (researcher re Elmer Magnson) 8/28/03
Mohney, Kelly (Ivory) (daughter of Richard E. Ivory) 4/8/03
Mohr, Ralph (bombardier) 555BS, 386BG, see Roland E. Wallace Wally 6/21/01
Momenee, Albert W., 386BG Hq, submit by nephew: Hank Deskewies 11/30/04 [A,
Monin-Badey, Sylvie, PH.D (Lecturer, University Lyon, France) re Richard E.
Hisey crew, crash of 11/13/44 12/4/03
Monroe, Floyd R. (tail gunner, So Sorry II, nose LK3) 387BG 11/1/00, 11/18/01
Monroe, Karen (daughter of Floyd R. Monroe) 11/18/01
Montaruli, Marco R., 444BS, 320BG, crash of 11/13/44, see Sylvie Monin-Badey
Montgomery, Ken (pilot) 7/3/99
Montoya, John Frank (radio operator-mechanic-gunner) 558BS 6/3/00
Moody, Guy F. (engineer-gunner) 397BG 2/24/02, 6/4/02
Moody, Randal L. (son of Guy F. Moody) 2/24/02, 6/4/02
Moody, Van (B26 advocate) 5/24/00
Moonen, Brett (son of Donald F. Moonen) 1/4/01
Moonen, Donald F. (Class 44F) 1/4/01
Moore, Ballinger B. (Class 41E) 22BS 1/1/01
Moore, E. A. (son of Robert E. Wallace Wally) 6/21/01
Moore, Janet (advocate re Jim Thoms) 5/6/02
Moore, Jerry (pilot, see Walter Greer) 6/20/01
Moore, John F. (pilot) 449BS, 322BG 4/12/02
Moore, Skip (son of Ballinger B. Moore) 1/1/01
Moorhead, Elliot S. III (pilot) 452BS, 322BG, submit by son: Roland Moorhead,
see Chester F. Straika 5/31/04, 6/4/04
Moorhead, Roland (son of Elliot S. Moorhead III) 6/4/04
Mooring, Thomas F. (442BS, Class 45, France) 11/22/00
Moorman, Milton (navigator) 397BG 4/24/01
Moguot (navigator) 320BG, see James C. Wells, Sr. 9/17/04
Moran, John J. (pilot 63 missions, Ill Wind & The Passion Pit) 344BG, submit
by: D. Moran 1/1/00
Moranville, Bill (pilot) 439BS, 319BG, see Paul C. Ellzey 8/9/03
Morawczynski, Ray, a.k.a. Baran (Sweet Sue) 432BS, 17BG submit by daughter;
Susan 12/12/99
Moreau, Ron (nephew of Floyd Mouton) 4/20/04
Morgan, Harold W. Bill (pilot, 44-45 missions, postwar flew for Vierson-Cochran
Drilling, OK ) 589BS, 394BG 11/9/02
Morgan, James (tail gunner, 65 missions) 449BS, 322BG, flew on Flak Bait
6/25/44, aircrew listed in Grouped Data 2/17/44 [Trevor Allen data]
Morgan, Marion (pilot) 323BG 8/5/04
Morgan, L. D. (POW) 454BS, 323BG, see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Morgart, Jeff (son of William R. Morgart) 1/21/02, 21/11/03
Morgart, William (co-pilot) 386BG, see Charles J. Cilfone 2/21/03
Morgart, William R. (pilot, 72 missions, Buzz-N-Bitch II, Black Magic, Gamblers
Luck, Deacon) 552BS, 386BG 1/21/02
Morgenstern, Stan (pilot, Brinah) 444BS, 319BG -- 4/29/00, 4/17/02
Moriarity, William Wild Bill (pilot, Top Sarge) submit by grandson: Zack
Bosslet 1/14/01, see Kenneth A. Schell 12/27/04
Morin, Louis (engineer-gunner) FFAF, submit by niece: Jean I. Novel 5/31/44
Moritz, Lisa (daughter of Orvil Moritz) 12/14/03
Moritz, Orvil (crew chief) 320BG? 12/14/03
Morris, Vernone M. (mechanics helper & engineer), Glenn L. Martin company
employee 3/15/04
Morris, Vernon Ray (tail gunner Firin Fanny, 5 til Midnight, Dragn Fly, Sweet
Hooker, Blonde Bomber) 408BS, 22BG, select crew members listed separately,
submit by nephew: Larry Weber 11/9/02, 4/30/04
Morrison, Dwight, Jr. (son of Dwight L. Morrison) 2/21/03
Morrison, Dwight L. (pilot, Tobacco Road), 449BS, 322BG & 391BG plus 1st
Pathfinder Squadron, submit by son: Dwight Morrison, Jr. 2/21/03, see Charles
C. Grudnicki 12/10/04
Morse, Robert E., 559BS, 387BG, see Roy Long 7/27/04
Morson, Robert B. (accident 8/4/44, Lady Irene, B26 #41-31654) 556BS, 387BG
Morton, Frank A., Jr. (pilot, hit by flak, aircraft spun in, Tunisia) 34BS, 17BG
9/3/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Morton, William P. Bill (Class 44D) 494BS, 344BG 7/13/01, 1/23/02, 12/6/02,
2/10/03, 8/3/03
Mosby (pilot) 439BS, 319BG, see Edward E. Bowman 6/15/03
Moscovic (E. Z. Rice crew) 391BG, see Steve Bree 10/5/03 [D. Donato data]
Moser, Robert (grandson of Robert W. Moser) 5/9/02
Moser, Robert W. (pilot) 5/9/02
Mouton, Floyd (flight engineer, killed 8/21/44) 438BS, 319BG, submit by nephew:
Ron Moreau 4/20/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Moyer, Donald W. (KIA 7/20/44) 319BG, see Cl.ifton A Collins 4/24/04
Mozian, Jack (pilot, Class 44D) 391 or 394BG 7/6/04
Muddiman, Thomas E. (bombardier) 573BS, 391BG, see Philip S. Walter 9/8/03
Muise, Allen (son of Gordon J. Muise) 4/1/04, 6/21/04
Muise, Gordon J. (served in compliment unit of 344BG) see list provided by
Trevor Allen 4/1/04, 6/21/04
Mulacek, S. V. (bombardier) 495BS, 344BG, see Flourney L. Choate, Jr. (Note
Trevor Allen data] 2/23/02
Muller, Francis L. (pilot, Class 44B, 48 missions) 450BS, 322BG 7/9/02
Mulligan, William M. (Front Burner II) 387BG, see Mathew J. Pusateri 1/15/04
Multerer (buddy of James Vaughan) 1/18/04
Munford, Michael (advocate re Dayton Mitstifer) 2/20/03
Munge, Edward (pilot, 65 missions, Invictus & Mary) 450BS, 322BG 10/28/03
Munge, Ric (son of Edward Munge) 10/28/03
Munsch, Eckard Jr. Joey, (The Front Burner lost Dec 23, 1944) 559BS, 387BG
9/28/00, 8/15/04
Munson, Eckard (Front Burner II) 387BG, see Mathew J. Pusateri 1/15/04
Murphy, F. J. (bombardier-navigator) see Clarence Erickson 7/23/04
Murphy, Paul (nephew of Ronald F. Shepard) 12/16/02, 2/22/03
Murphy, Robert Edward (Dodge City & KIA France, Miss Kam) response by Trevor
Allen 12/10/00, 11/21/01
Murphy, Scott E. (grandson of Robert Edward Murphy) 12/10/00, 11/21/01
Murray, Doc, 394BG, see Albert T. Lively 9/15/04
Murray, Edward (bombardier) 555BS, 386BG, see Pete Oliver 12/21/02 [C. Klier
Muse, Charles A. (B26 #42-107792, shot down 2/22/45 ) see Patrick Baumann
Mustin, Linda C. (concerned advocate re Wesley M. Myers) 9/5/03, 9/25/03
Muszynski, Eugene T. (co-pilot) see Ted Harwood 1/7/03
Myers, Del (barracks mate of David Westheimer) 9/17/03
Myers, George F. (engineer-gunner) 432BS, 17BG, family search by Tim & Stephen
Myers 10/11/04
Myers, Jimmie (tail gunner) 456BS, 323BG, see Philip R. Scheier 8/16/02
Myers, Marvin, 444BS, 320BG, crash of 11/13/44, see Sylvie Monin-Badey 12/4/03
Myers, Robert C. (Curator Berrien County Historical Assn) re John J. Velthouse
Myers, Robert E. see Ward C. Swalewll 6/18/01
Myers, Tim & Stephen (sons of George F. Myers, family search) 10/11/04
Myers, Wendell Odell (pilot, Class 42G) 438BS, 319BG 8/27/08
Myers, Wesley M. (Great Squadron Tragedy) 451BS, 322BG 9/5/03, 9/25/03,
6/22/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Myers, W. Odell Del (co-pilot, shot down over Bizerte 12/4/42, POW, memoir
Thrice Caught) 438BS, 319BG 4/10/03
Myers, Windell O., 319BG? 9/24/03
Mynn, Bob (historian & English advocate) see E. Z. Rice 7/7/02
Myron, Bob (author) see Jay Troup 9/6/03
Mysicka, Ed, 440BS, 319BG 12/12/02
Mysicka, Mike (relative of Ed Mysicka) 12/12/03
Nabors, Jack I. (see Ogden Bud Dean Ginther) 11/19/01
Nackard, Ernest J., Jr. (pilot) 7/3/99
Naddor, Ed, 557BS, 387BG 7/3/01
Naguin, Edward E. (engineer-gunner) see Theodor H. Mains Ted 2/19/02
Napolitano, Art (advocate of Jessie J. Farese & Romeo S. Farese) 12/7/04
Nash, John L., 452BS, 322BG, see Jack E. Vandegift 6/22/04
Naugle, Dick (pilot, Class 44D) 442BS, 320BG 10/21/00
Nawman, Bob (MacDill AFB ground crew) 315BS 3/25/02
Needham, Bob (grandson of Floyd R. Monroe) 11/1/00
Neff (pilot, crash @ Forest of Rullest, Belgian Province of Luxembourg) see
Gabriel Quoirin 7/10/01, 8/5/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Negri, James P. (tail gunner, Bank Night Betty, B26 #42-96144) 596BS, 397BG
Neher, Maurice (pilot, Clarks Little Pill) crash 12/25/44 8/7/03
Nehmer, Richard, 559BS 387BG, submit by Russ Nehmer (possibly the son?)
8/19/04, 8/24/04
Nehmer, Robert R. possibly also cited as Richard? (radio-gunner, Booger Red
II, B26 # 41-31668) 559BS, 387BG 11/18/03, 2/9/04 [A. Thompson data], 8/24/04
Nehmer, Russ (see Richard Nehmer) 8/19/04
Neilsen, Edward (bombardier, Lorelei) 558BS, 387BG 6/4/03
Neilsen, Wally (see Karen Monroe) 11/18/01
Neinabor (armorer-gunner) 397BG, see Guy F. Moody 2/24/02, 6/4/02
Neis, Merv (radio operator-gunner) 69BS, 38BG, relates early history 7/29/04,
Nekervis, John H. (radio operator) 555BS, 386BG, see Roy Dale Voorhees
7/14/03, see Albert G. Burger, Jr. 12/16/04
Nelson, Cecil L. (pilot) 599BS, 397BG 11/26/04
Nelson, Mrs. Cecil L. (wife of Cecil L. Nelson) 11/26/04
Nelson, Ray (advocate of Tom Weeks) 1/6/03
Nelson, Scott (researcher) see George Orr 10/26/04
Nemer, Roscoe (pilot, B26 #41-34892) see Clifton A. Collins 4/24/04
Netecke, Michael R. (USMC) 1/9/03
Netecke, T. (radio-gunner) 574BS, 391BG, see Lucero Domitilio 12/31/02 [Trevor
Allen data] 1/9/03
Netecke, William Raymond (search by Cpl Michael R. Netecke, USMC) 1/9/03
Netti, Lawrence (B26 # 42-107792, shot down 2/22/45) 432BS, 17BG, see Patrick
Baumann 2/23/03
Neubert, Ernie (gunner) 555BS, 386BG, see Ro Dale Voorhes 7/14/03
Neuman, Russ (tail gunner, 2/24/45 shot down, POW, pilot was John Jake
Merrill, liberated 4/29/45) see advocate Mark Crowley 8/9/02 [Neuman spelled
Newman 8/28/02
Neville, Robert G. (pilot, Class 43J, Our Baby, B26 #41-31608) 552BS, 386BG
6/24/04 [S. Young data]
Neville, Robert P. (son of Robert G. Neville) 6/24/04
Newcomer, Henry (84 missions, group commander) 10/25/04
Newdome, William P. Bill (Class 44-D) 596BS, 397BG 10/5/00
Newhardt, Jimmy (Operations staff) 397BG, see Fred Goldberg 3/4/06
Newell, Tom?, (pilot) 387BG, see Everardo R. Gomez 7/11/03
Newlin, Walter Sumner (navigator, lost in Pacific, Coral Princess) 2/27/02
Newman, Richard (pilot, Snakes Revenge) 391BG, see Edward J. Kanthack 1/14/04
Newson, Glynn (advocate, compliment of C. Klier) 8/17/03
Newsome, J. G. (pilot, Stingray, lost 6/3/43 en route to Scotland) 12/21/03
[C. Kier data]
Nichols, Ken (grandson of Lawrence Lee Kreissler) 11/9/04
Nichols, Michele Pusateri (holding data on Edward Munsch) 8/15/04
Nickerson, Linda (daughter of Lynn Frederick Ochike) 3/8/02
Niehouse, Raymond (F-6 pilot, alleged B-26 group transport) 161TRS 7/21/02
Nielsen, Earl J. (maintenance control) 320BG, SAC, advocate 5/15/02
Nielsen, Edward, 558BS, 387BG, submit by grandson: Michael J. Gilberg, Jr
4/6/03, 3/17/04
Night, James N., see Ray Harwood 1/7/03
Nilsen, Greg (father worked in G. L. Martin Company) 11/8/00
Nimon, James R., see Willard O. Wales 7/11/03
Nix, William L (armorer-gunner) 595BS, 394BG, see Loοc Chaumont & Jacky Emery
2/27/04, 3/2/04
NLN, Ben (advocate of Joseph Gilsavge) 3/7/03
NLN, Dale H. (submit on B/Gen Henry Newcomer) -- 10/25/04
NLN, Dave, submit of Neill C. Miles, 454BS, 323BG 5/12/03
NLN, Del (advocate, Exterminator, B26 #41-34891) 437BS, 319BG 9/19/03 [Trevor
Allen data]
NLN, Emmett (grandson of Oliver Lee McCaskill) 12/6/04
NLN, Joanne (daughter of Frank Tinelli) 4/23/03
NLN, Kathy (father served in 394 Signal Company, 9th AFSC 11/9/00
NLN, Kim W. (resident near Earles Colne, England) 3/23/04
NLN, Leo (re Thumper, 432BS, 17BG) 10/2/04
NLN, Marcy (re Stanley Clements) 1/1/04
NLN, Marina (advocate, provides historical correction) 12/16/03
NLN, Mario (correspondent with Trevor Allen & J. Moench) 2/24/04
NLN, Mart (tail gunner) 586BS, 394BG, see Orville Vaughan McDaniel 7/18/03
NLN, Pete (remembrance from England) 5/12/03
NLN, Philip (re Wine, Women & Song, B26 #42-95752, 320BG, see Matlock)
NLN, Shawn (submit on grandfather: Vernon L. Heim) 12/22/04
NLN, Steve (seeks data on FFAF) 10/5/04
NLN, Vιronique et Michel (compliment from us during the second war) 7/8/03
NLN, William, see Bill Royal re Williams son 6/4/03
Noeth, Raymond F., 451BS, 322BG, see James W. Lemmond 12/7/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Noreland, C. E. (Russell J. Calvert crew) 391BG, see Steve Bree 10/5/03 [D.
Donato data]
Norgaard, Jens A. (pilot) 344BG lead on D-Day 2/8/04, 8/15/04
Norman, Albert F. (pilot, Class 44D) 432BS, 17BG (wife: Darlene M. Putnam
Norman) 12/7/01
Norman, Ken (nephew of Walter Greer) 6/20/01
Norman, Carl C. (tail gunner) 452BS, 322BG 5/6/01
Norman, Nicholas (grandson of Carl E. Norman) 5/6/01
Norris, Bill (Sexation) 553BS, 386BG 9/21/00
Norton, Maurice D. (pilot, Leapin Lena) 598BS, 397BG 7/7/01, 7/14/02, 12/6/02
[Trevor Allen data]
Norwood, Bob (tail gunner) 558BS, 387BG 7/3/99
Notestine, Robert (son of Robert E. Notestine) 8/17/01
Notestine, Robert E. (pilot, New Guinea, received MBE from King George 6th)
Novel, Jean L. (family of Louis Morin, FFAF) 5/31/44
Novis, Raymond T. (engineer) 496BS, 344BG, see Wilmoth Bill L. Keller 1/3/02
Nunally, Charles M. (pilot) 450BS, 322BG, submit by grandson: Charles M. Nunally,
III 8/19/04
Nunally, Charles M., III (grandson of Charles M. Nunally) 8/19/04
Nurt, John, 456BS, 323BG see Philip R. Scheier 1/20/02
Nye, Glenn (Nyes Annihilators 322BG family member of Mitch Ellington)
8/20/01, 8/21/02, 9/21/03, 6/22/04
Nylen, Hubert R. (passenger) see Robert R. Nehmer 2/9/04
Oates, Carl (pilot, A26) 554BS, 386BG, see James B. Colvert 12/24/03 [C. Klier
Ober, Si (roommate of Howard Kithcart) 9/18/03
Oberkrom, O. V., 586BS, 394BG, see Orville Vaughan McDaniel 7/18/03
OBrein, William T. (radio-operator, Mama Liz, B26 #42-96120 9F-R, shot down
6/24/44, bail out) 1/22/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Obzina, F. (tail gunner) see Peter Matey 3/22/03
Ochlke, Lynn Frederick (gunner, Hot Garters) 443BS, 320BG 3/8/02
OConnell, R. D. (bombardier) 495BS, 344BG, see Gran Vernon Corder 8/11/02 [Trevor
Allen data]
ODonovan, W. B. (POW) 17BG, see Donald L. Gilbert 6/26/03
Offenberg, Louis Lou (lead navigator on D-Day, Mary Jo) 495BS, 344BG
12/23/03, 8/15/04
Offenhiser, Nathan E. Nate (navigator) 553BS, 386BG, see Oliver Lee McCaskill
OHara, William Marshall (co-pilot) 443BS, 320BG 9/17/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Oholendt, Harry K. (bombardier, Sweet Sue, killed in crash 2/29/44) 432BS, 17BG,
submit by: Mark Oholendt 1/14/04
Oholendt, Mark (son? of Harry K. Oholendt) 1/14/04
Oldakowski, Richard C. (armorer-gunner, Front Burner) see Richard B. Cockrum
Oliver, Pete (search re 344BG data) 4/20/04
OMara, Susan (niece of Woodrow Wilson Owens) 11/4/04
ONeal, Velton Jay, Jr. (radio-gunner) 1/7/03
ONeill (CO of squadron) 22BG, see Vernon R. Morris 4/30/04
ONeill, Jerry (advocate re Sherman Best) 6/4/02
Ondra, Michael Mike (crew chief, Toms Tantalizer) 494BS, 344BG, submit by
wife 1/19/03
Opalka, Jim (son of Leo Opalka) 1/10/03
Opalka, Leo (pilot, The Vulgar Vulture), submit by son: Jim Opalka -- 1/10/03
OReilly, Dave (son of Maurice OReilly) 9/5/00
OReilly, Maurice (pilot) 9/5/00
ORourke, Frank (bombardier-navigator became Fr. Colin) 456BS, 323BG, see
Richard F. Tyson 5/17/03
Oliver, Pere (B26 fan) 11/21/03
Olsen, Eric (compliment to Mike Smith) 4/18/02
Olsen, Fred, see Albert T. Lively 9/15/04
Olson, Ole (T/Sgt waist gunner, Pugnacious Peggy) 558Bs, 387BG 7/3/99
Opalic, Nicholas (Army liaison officer) see Martin Harter 12/6/02 [Trevor
Orb, John A, Major, see Edward J. Doran 7/11/03
Orr, George (inquiry by Scott Nelson, history researcher response covers 17BG
with names of commanders listed in Grouped Data) 10/26/04
Orr, Roscoe D. (pilot, Bad Penny, B26 #41-17763) 443BS, 320BG 5/27/02,
11/13/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Osborne, Howell C. (3rd CCRC, 3rd R & T Sqd, see Robin R. 9/8/04
Osgood, George Everett (gunner, in France) 2/17/02
Osgood, J. G. (possible son of George Everett Osgood) 2/17/02
Oster, Henry, 586BS, 394BG 11/18/99
Oster, Allison (great nephew of Robert A. Reed) 7/28/02
Ottelle, Dominique (French, learned trade on B26 in France) 2/17/03
Owen, Capt. (pilot, Son of Satan) 555BS, 386BG, see Adelard Albert Rioux
Owen, Clyde W. (pilot) 319BG, see Edward J. Doran 7/11/03
Owens, Woodrow Wilson (pilot, KIA 1/21/44) 441BS, 320BG 11/4/04
P., Rick (see Donald J. Hudson) 1/19/04
Paden, Ralph (togglier-gunner, Pugnacious Peggy) 558BS, 387BG 7/3/99
Padgett, James F. (bombardier, see Raul Pompa) 9/1/01, 3/21/03
Pagano, John, 441BS, 320BG 11/28/02
Page, David J. (nephew of Walter Yahrmarkt) 3/3/04
Paine, Bob (nephew of Chuck Elyea) 8/7/03
Pakula, Arthur (pilot, 63 missions) 456BS, 323BG, see Richard F. Tyson
5/27/03, 10/20/04
Pallister, Barbara (advocate re Franklin E. Swanson) 12/1/03 [C. Klier data]
Palmer, Edward, 454BS, 323BG, see Raymond Vignochi 12/31/03
Palmer, Frank (tail gunner) 496BS, 344BG, submit by grandson: Mark Palmer
Palmer, Henry Clinton Clint, 584BS, 394BG 2/20/01, 4/6/01
Palmer, Herchel E. (pilot) 394BG, submit by daughter: Sylvia Work 12/6/04 [Trevor
Allen data]
Palmer, Leslie L. (Class 44-3) 440BS, 319BG 6/16/01
Palmer, Mark (grandson of Frank Palmer) 3/10/04
Panosian, Sgt (armorer-gunner) 391BG, see Roland Boyd Bonner (may be same as
Panosian, George) 2/1/03
Panosian, George, 574BS, 391BG 9/29/99, 11/11/00
Pariseau, Peggy (daughter of Fred C. Yost) 11/17/01
Parish, James P. (bombardier) 344BG lead on D-Day 8/15/05
Parish, John (relative advocate of John W. Short) 9/5/02
Parker, Alan (cousin of Freddy Parker, RAF data) 4/2/03
Parker, Bill (son of Willis Bill Parker) 11/08/01
Parker, Donald (bombardier-navigator) 456BS, 323BG, see Richard F. Tyson
Parker, Freddie (RAAF, B26 FK152, died in crash landing 7/10/43) 14 Sqdn, submit
by: Alan Parker 4/2/03
Parker, Willis Bill (flight engineer-top turret gunner, Liberty Run) 11/8/01
Parkinson, Merle (pilot, Mission Belle) 455BS, 323BG 10/1/04
Parks, Adrienne (daughter of Harold Parks) 11/12/02, 7/12/03
Parks, Harold (bombardier) 22BG 11/12/02, 7/12/03
Parks, Sandy (daughter of Robert Louis Shields) 2/1/03
Parks, W. H. (Russell J. Calvert crew) 391BG, see Steve Bree 10/5/03 [D.
Donato data]
Parnell, Frank (B26 advocate) 2/18/00
Parravani, Frank A. (bombardier-navigator) 575BS, 391BG 12/14/03
Parrish, Deanie (WASP B26 pilot) 6/29/01
Parrish, Nancy (daughter of Deanie Parrish) 6/29/01
Parrish, Earl J. (investigation of photo by Steven W. Hill) BG 44 7/6/01
Parry, Thomas I. (co-pilot, Class44D) 453BS, 323BG 8/29/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Pascoe, James D. (tail gunner, shot down 4/21/44, POW) 587BS, 394BG, see
Theodore Kubala 4/4/03, 12/29/04
Paskiewicz, Walter T. (ground person) 555BS, 386BG 7/22/03
Patterson (pilot, KIA) 386BG?, see Harold Michelson 5/8/02, 5/13/03
Patterson, Harry (pilot) 598BS, 397BG 12/4/00
Patterson, Robert (commercial pilot) 12/13/00
Patton, George S. (Gen) 8/6/01, 2/11/03, 5/29/03, 12/18/04
Paukert, Robert C. 1/22/00
Paulsen, Robert, 319BG 9/24/03
Pavletch, Martin J. (pilot, crash 5/21/43) see Walter Yahrmarkt 3/3/04
Pavlica, Lisa (in defense of father, a B26 pilot, 584BS, 394BG) see John Dibrell
Payne, Ed (son-in-law of Lawrence D. Gilbert) 4/12/04
Payne, Marion Bud (turret gunner) 17BG, see Harold Dorsen 2/2/03
Peale, Robert J., see Ray E. Pitre 4/1/03
Pearce, Paul C. (MIA) see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Pearson, Albin O. Al (co-pilot) 442BS 320BG, see Leo J. Sugerman 1/7/03
Pearson, James Durward (shot down over Germany, POW) 555BS, 386BG 7/6/01
Pearson, Katie (daughter of James Durward Pearson) 7/6/01
Pearson, R. S. (radio-gunner) 453BS, 323BG 8/29/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Pearson, Sue (her mother-in-law was husband of Roy Leaonard Rice, Jr. 7/26/04
Peck, Charles J. 444BS, 320BG, crash of 11/13/44, see Sylvie Monin-Badey
Pederson, John G. (bombardier, Class 43-6) 439BS, 19BG 12/7/01
Peebles, Lt. (pilot, More Span Burger) 555BS, 386BG 6/14/02 [C. Klier data]
Pence, Harry E. (pilot, 64 missions) 438BS, crash of 5/27/44 (Trevor Allen data)
11/22/01, 8/2/04
Pence, Otho V., 34BS, 17BG, see Kate Malcolm for first wife 9/3/02 [Trevor
Pendergrass, Sterling (engineer-turret gunner) 432BS, 17BG 12/7/01
Perez, John M. Johnny (radio-gunner) 10/23/02
Perkins H. (radio-gunner) 598BS, 397BG, see Donald M. Stangle 2/24/03
Perkins, Robert Bob (pilot, shot down 6/18/44) 555BS, 386BG, see Pete Oliver
12/21/03 [C. Klier data]
Perkoski, James H., 555BS, 386BG 1/30/01
Perrin, Elmer D. (test pilot, G. L. Martin Company) 11/5/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Perrin, Stuart Stub (pilot, Pugnacious Peggy, B26B-55 KX-Z) 558BS, 387BG
Perry, Carl A. (son of John B. Perry) 11/27/04
Perry, James W. (covers 696th CA Btry AAW & 693rd) 2/19/00
Perry, John B. (The Flying Dutchman) 587BS, 394BG 11/25/04, 11/27/04, 11/29/04
[Trevor Allen data]
Peters, Donald J. (bombardier, E. Z. Rice crew) 391BG, see Steve Bree 10/5/03
[D. Donato data]
Peters, James M., 554BS, 386BG, submit by nephew: Roy W. Peters 11/8/04 [C.
Klier data]
Peters, John R., 391BG, see Jay S. Troup 9/6/03 [Trevor Allen]
Peters, Roy W. (nephew of James M. Peters) 11/8/04
Peterson, Douglas, 574BS, 391BG 3/7/01
Peterson, Eric C. (aircrew, We Cant Miss Victory) submitted by grandson
Peterson, Ernest C. (pilot, Class 42G, Ruthless) 572BS, 391BG 1/18/04 [Trevor
Allen data]
Peterson, Jerry (grandson of James Jimenez) 3/15/04
Peterson, Perry L. Pete (navigator) see Pres Funk 11/1/03
Petit, Oliver A. (advocate) 11/5/02
Petren, Eric (son of Lucien Pertren) 2/11/04
Petren, Lucien (mechanic, 498 flight hours) 10th Tow Target, submit by son: Eric
Petran 2/11/04
Petrick, Dick (pilot) 7/3/99
Petrisek, Max (pilot, 65 missions) 95BS, 17BG, (Kicking Mule Squadron) response
to rumored assertion cited by Scott Barnard, see John Dibrell 6/28/02, 9/5/02,
10/12/02, 3/23/03, 7/27/04 compliment of b26.com
Phillip, Robert W. (Front Burner II) 387BG, see Mathew J. Pusateri 1/15/04
Phillips, C. J. (togglier) 456BS, 323BG 12/24/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Phillips, Charles, 437BS, 319BG, Tunisia recovery by CILHI, Arlington burial
4/24/03 4/18/03, 5/14/03
Phillips, David Dave (crash on Blueberry Mountain in Mourne Mountains, N.
Ireland, 4/10/44) 6/28/02, 5/21/04
Phillips, Mark T. (son of William A. Phillips) 3/3/01
Phillips, Raymond H. (pilot, B26 # 42-107686) see Alvin Gray Beeker 3/14/03
Phillips, W. John (gives eulogy re Tom Charles) 8/4/04
Phillips, William A. (bombardier-navigator) 456BS, 323BG 3/3/01
Pieterse, Herman (SAAF source) 12/24/02
Pietsmier, Chuck (pilot) 7/3/99
Piippo, Scott T. (grandson of Toivo W. Piippo) 2/28/04
Piippo, Toivo W. (pilot, 67 missions) 449BS, 322BG, submit by grandson: Scott T.
Piippo 2/28/04
Pikula, John (pilot) see George E. Lyons 8/16/04
Pine, Lt. (pilot, flight leader) 387BG 2/19/02
Pion, Louis, 558BS, 387BG, see Mickaёl 4/21/03
Piper, Clifford (pilot) 586BS, 394BG, see Moris Woodrow Riley 4/25/02 [Trevor
Allen data]
Pitre, Brian (nephew of Ray E. Pitre) 4/1/03
Pitre, Ray E. (B26 #41-32014, alleged shot down by German U-boat) aircrew listed
separately 4/1/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Pitts, Delbert, 6th Airdrome Squadron, 8AF & 9AF associated with 387BG, submit
by: Phil Pitts 3/20/03
Plunk, Patricia (daughter of Leonard L. Farmer) -- 11/10/99
Pocan, Bob, Jr. (son of Robert Lee Pocan) 12/12/04
Pocan, Robert Lee, 444BS, 320BG 12/12/04
Poker, Jerome (tail gunner) 555BS, 386BG, see Harry P. Guinther 7/9/02
Pollard, Ernest, 454BS, 323BG, see Rayond Vignochi 12/31/03
Polly (engineer) 52BS, 396BG, se Tibbs Golladay 4/2/04
Polsfuss, Orval (worked in G. L. Martin Baltimore plant) submit by grandson:
Edward Hursh 1/3/04
Pompa, Raul (engineer-gunner, B-26 #334-151, crash, France 11/25/44) 557BS,
387BG 9/1/01, 3/21/03
Poole, Mark (advocate re Wiliam C. Brown) 6/30/03
Porquet, Bernard (French advocate-researcher re 394BG and airfield A-13)
7/30/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Port. E. F. (radio-gunner) 495BS, 344BG, see Flourney L. Choate, Jr. 2/23/02
[Trevor Allen data]
Porter, Lt. (pilot) 386BG, see Ralph E. Wilson, C. Klier data 11/9/03
Porter, 2Lt. (pilot) 391BG, see Roland Boyd Bonner 2/1/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Porter, Barbara Miller, see brother Gerald L. Miller, -- 7/3/03
Porter, Jack Victor. (pilot, B-26 tail #01542, POW) 12/9/01
Porter, Jo (niece of Joe B. Dalton) 1/10/03
Porter, John (copilot) see Howard Wilmeth 3/18/03
Porter, Marshall H. (radio operator) 496BS, 344BG, see Michaёl Simon, see Anne
Evans 6/2/04, 9/6/04
Porter, Robert A. (pilot, commander 1st Pathfinder squadron, prior 452BS, 322BG)
response by Trevor Allen) 8/13/01
Potschmer, John T. (pilot, Holy Moses, B26 #42-9624 9F-M, crashed 2/26/45) see
William T. OBrien 1/12/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Potts, Charlie (son of Tommie Jack Potts) 5/8/03
Potts, Tommie Tommy Jack (pilot) 584BS, 394BG, see Christian Douglas Burger,
see Andy Saunders 7/25/02, 5/8/03 [Trevor Allen data], 1/12/04
Poulet, Ms. (France, advocate, b26.com web site) see Fr. Houyoux 6/1/02
Poulin, Gaston Gerard (armorer-gunner, Toid Boid) 9/15/03 [Trevor Allen data
includes Miss Sarfartus I & II]
POW/MIA Accounting Command, query on B26 crash site in Papua New Guinea 3/2/04
[Trevor Allen data]
Powell, Edward J. (arorer-gunner, B26 #4295981) see Colin Wingrave 9/25/04
Powell, T. G. (armorer, B-25, B-26, B-29) 2/6/02
Powers, Bill (son of William A. Powers) 12/26/00
Powers, J. F. (radio-gunner) 599BS, 397BG, see Matteo LaMuraglia 7/9/02
Powers, Mike (pilot) B-26 advocate, 497TFS, 8TFW Nite Owls 1/28/00
Powers, Susan Speed (daughter of Worth M. Speed) 6/15/01
Powers, Theresa (daughter of William A. Powers) 9/21/02
Powers, William A. (radio operator) 398BS, 387BG 12/26/00, 9/21/02
Poynter, Edward O. (armorer-gunner, 75 missions) 555BS, 386BG 3/6/04
Pratt, George L. (pilot, Class 44F) 574BS, 397BG 9/25/03 [D. Donato data]
Pratt, Joe (Great squadron tragedy) 6/22/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Pratt, Robert T. (pilot, Class 43J) 37BS, 17BG 2/7/04
Prejean, Preston I. (radio-gunner, see Wetzel Kimball & Raul Pompa) 9/1/01,
Prescott, John Jack 450BS, 322BG 10/24/00
Prescott, Kathy (daughter of John Jack Prescott) 10/24/00
Preston, Alan (father served in 24 Sqdn, SAAF) 11/9/99
Price, George R., 22BS 9/10/01
Price, John W., see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Price, Wade, 391BG, see Ralph C. Zuranski 10/11/03
Principe, Achilles A. (radio operator) 496BS, 344BG, see Wilmoth Bill L.
Keller 1/3/02
Pritchard, David C., 456BS, 323BG 12/22/03
Pritchard, Chris (father is David C. Pritchard) 12/22/03, 3/10/04
Pritchard, Christopher, 456BS, 323Bg 3/7/04
Pritchard, Dillon (student, grandson of William Pritchard) 3/27/01
Pritchard, William (pilot, Coughin Coffin) 17BG or 323BG 3/27/01
Privette, H. M., see John Huffaker, -- 4/20/02
Privette, John (son of John D. Privette) 3-18-01
Privette, John D. (bombardier-navigator, 52 missions) 449BS, 322BG 3/18/01
Prokopiak, Stephen A. (son of Stephen Chester Prokopiak) 3/19/01
Prokopiak, Stephen Chester, 559BS, (brothers Joseph & Stanley also fought in WW
II) 3/19/01
Proudfit, Donald E., 575BS, 391BG 1/17/01, 11/19/02
Pruble, James C. (pilot) 391BG, see Clark A. Tavener 6/1/04
Pruim, Dale (nephew of Gerritt Pruim) 1/25/04
Pruim, Gerritt (tail gunner) 432BS, 17BG, submit by nephew: Dale Pruim 1/25/04
Pruitt, Greg (nephew of Ted Pruitt) 11/26/02
Pruitt, Ted (tail gunner, North Africa) 11/26/02
Psomos, Mike (grandson of William J. Ampolos) 5/28/02
Ptaskiewicz, Harold I. (bombardier, Blind Date, B26 #43-34139, shot down
12/23/44) 11/17/03
Puckett, Zane (son of Orin Baerisch) response by Tevor Allen 12/8/01
Pullin, Brenda Hunter (advocate relative of Andy G. Hunter) 11/4/02
Pulvers, Walter L. (Front Burner) 559BS, 387BG, see Richard B. Cockrum
10/16/03, 1/14/04
Puriton (pilot, 5/17/43 mission to Ijmuiden) 322BG, see Edward J. Jeffries, Jr.
Pusateri, Matthew Buck (pilot, Front BurnerII, B26 #42-95869), 559BS, 387BG,
submit by neice: Michele Pusateri Nichols, aircrew listed separately 11/28/99,
1/15/04, 2/7/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Pusateri, Michele (Nichols) (daughter of Matthew Pusateri) 11/28/99, 1/15/04
Pyle, Ernie (WW II writer) 11/26/02
Queneau, Esther M. (advocate) 319BG 9/24/03
Quinian, John Wells. (flight mechanic, Old 876) 22 Tow Sqdn 12/17/00
Quinian, Tom (son of John Wells Quinian) 12/17/00
Quinn, Elwyn Farney, XO 386BG & 9BC Hq) 10/9/03
Quinn, Peter (386BG Hq) 10/23/04
Quinn, Susan (daughter of Thomas Quinn 222/03
Quinn, Thomas, 37BS, 17BG, data search by daughter: Susan Quinn 2/22/03 [Trevor
Allen data]
Quirk, John (Mild & Bitter) Daily Hampshire Gazette, Jul 26, 1944 12/23/04
Quoirin, Gabriel (advocate) 5/6/01, 7/10/01, 6/6/02, 10/25/02
Quong, Johnny (engineer-gunner) 494BS, 344BG, see Bill Morton 2/10/03
R., Robin (aviation enthusiast re 3rd CCRC B26 #41-18159) aircrew listed
separately 9/8/04
Rabinowitz, Arthur (bombardier-navigator) 597BS, 397BG 12/21/03
Rabinowitz, Barry M. (son of Arthur Rabinowitz) 12/21/03
Radar (Rader), Victor D. (crew chief, My Gal Friday, Ruffles) 557BS, 387BG
7/6/02, 1/24/04
Rader, Carl, 391BG, see Ralph C. Zuranski 10/11/03
Rader, Victor D. (crew chief) 557BS, 387BG, see Radar 7/6/02
Radlein, Robert M. (Ugly Duckling, B26 #42-96256) 454BS, 323BG 10/2/02
Rakiec, Frank, Sr. (records lost in fire) 323BG 5/9/02, 8/8/02
Rakiec, Frank, Jr. (son of Frank Rakiec) 5/9/02, 8/8/02
Rakolta, George, M.D. (brother of John Rakolta 1/29/03
Rakolta, John (bombardier-navigator, POW, Stalag # 1) submit by brother: George
Rakolta, M. D. 1/29/03
Ramsdell, Matt (great grandson of Roscoe D. Orr) 5/27/02
Ramsey, Donald (tail gunner see Frank P. Carrozza) 344BG 7/26/00
Ramsey, Frank W. (co-pilot) 595BS, 394BG, see Loοc Chaumont & Jacky Emery
2/27/04, 3/2/04
Randy (Col) Col. Randys Flying Circus 8/20/04
Ransom, William V. (bombardier) 391BG, see Edward C. Jastremski 5/28/04
Ratcliffe, Herbert C. (pilot, 80 missions, Jay-Walkin Molecule) Europe, 80
missions 10/21/00
Ratcliffe, Ryan (son of Herbert C. Ratcliffe) 8/6/02, 10/21/00
Ray, James T. Hotfoot, 584BS, 394BG 7/12/02
Ray, William Floyd. (pilot, see Raul Pompa) 557BS, 387BG 9/1/01, 3/21/03,
Raymond, Warren D., 574BS, see John W. Colsch 3/1/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Read, Charles W. Wick (brother of Jackson Jack Read, service in Vietnam)
Read, Jackson Jack (pilot? 38 missions) 9AF? Headed Red Horse in Vietnam
Read, Susannah Lyle (daughter of Jackson Jack Read) 6/16/00
Reagan, W. F. (armorer-gunner) see Clarence Erickson 7/23/04
Reames, Joe (grandson of Norman Wilson Reames) 4/25/02
Reames, Norman Wilson (tail gunner) 4/25/02
Rechter, Herman (bombardier, Jakes Jerks) 1/6/03
Rechter, Steve (son of Herman Rechter) 456BS, 323BG 1/6/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Rector, James Riley (bombardier) 599BS, 397BG initially assigned Nathan
Margolies B24 crew @ Gowan Field 12/10/03
Redden, Harry Gene (artist, son of Joe Douglas Redden) 11/1/00
Redden, Joe Douglas (engineer, tail gunner) North Africa, Sardinia, England
Redfern, Lynn (artist) see Roland B. Scott 8/16/02
Redmund, John W. (bombardier-navigator) 451BS, 322BG, see Lester E. Barton
Reed, Adam (grandson of Robert R. Nehmer) 11/18/03
Reed, B. D. (navigator) 494BS, 344BG 12/6/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Reed, Christie (granddaughter of Robert Eugene Reed) 6/9/04
Reed, John (pilot) 572BS, 391BG, see Albert L. Luddeke 11/12/03, 12/05/03
Reed, John Brice (pilot, Bum Steer, B26 #42-95835 & #41-34972) 572BS, 391BG,
possible repeat of John Reed 4/8/03, 4/29/04, 9/15/04
Reed, John Brice (son of John Brice Reed), possible error, see later posting re
Kurt Reed 4/8/03, 9/15/04
Reed, Kurt (4/29/04 posting cites Kurt Reed as son of John Brice Reed)
4/29/04, 9/15/04
Reed, Keith C. (pilot, KIA 3/13/45, B26 #44-67984) 597BS, 397BG 5/11/03
Reed, Robert A. (co-pilot) 552BS, 386BG 7/28/02
Reed, Robert Eugene Bob (co-pilot, 65 missions, Clarks Little Pill) 451BS,
322BG, submit by granddaughter: Christie Reed 6/9/04
Reed, W. R. (armorer-gunner) 495BS, 344BG, see Gran Vernon Corder 8/11/02
Rees, Danile (relative of Flt. Sgt Yarwood, 70 OTU, RAF) 3/7/02
Reeves, James (gunner, Snakes Revenge) 391BG, see Edward J. Kanthack 1/14/04
Reeves, Jim, 94th or 97th Squadron, 391BG, see Robert Wentz 12/31/01
Reeves, Melvin (co-pilot) 391BG, see Elmer Hansard 12/10/04
Reeves, Tom (diver) wreckage of B-26 #40-1438, Lautoka, Fiji 1/20/04 [Trevor
Regmund, John (Great squadron tragedy) 6/22/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Rehr, Carleton (wife of Louis Rehr, B26 pilot & author) 12/7/02, 2/14/04,
8/11/04, 10/8/04
Rehr, Louis S. (pilot, Class 42B, author: Marauder Memoir of a B-26 Pilot in
Europe in World War II) 456BS, 323BG 12/7/02, 1/18/04, 1/19/04, 2/14/04,
3/21/04, 8/11/04, 10/8/04
Reichert, Henry L. (The Liberty Run) 394BG 1/12/04
Reid (Reed?), Raymond (Switzerland internee, 4/16/45, B26 #44-67894 TQ-M, 573BS,
391BG 10/14/02 [Trevor Allen data note entry reference to Little Pink Panties]
Rein, Albert (Jezabelle) 452BS, 322BG, submit by grandson: Albert Rein, Jr.
Rein, Albert, Jr. (son on Albrt Rein) 1/22/03
Reinders, Philip (advocate 344BG) 9/26/10
Remmele, Frank (Class 2K), 449BS, 322BG, re Idiots Delight, see Richard H.
Whittle 8/2003, 10/5/03, 11/17/03
Renaldo, Joseph A. (engineer) 95BS, 17BG, see Joseph Newton Renaldo 11/24/02
Render, James R. (pilot) 557BS, 387BG 12/6/99
Renfroe, Thomas E. (radio-gunner) 451BS, 322BG, see Theodor B. Ted Mains
Renjѐre, Edouard (Belgium) compliment to Jack Hastings 3/12/03
Renne, Gayle (niece of Raymond Bud Batty 7/1/04
Resnick, Al (bombardier-navigator, Goatee Hell) 454BS, 323BG 11/8/01
Reusch, Sgt (squadron painter) 441BS, 320G 5/18/02
Reynolds, Jack A. (tail gunner) see Ray Harwood 1/7/03
Reynolds, Terry (son of William C. Reynolds) 12/20/04
Reynolds, William C. (pilot, shot down Apr 1944, Stalag Luft III) 555BS, 386BG
Reynolds, William S., 408BS, 22BG, re crash of two B26s at Newcastle, Australia,
1942 -- 10/9/02
Rhea, Ken (armorer) see Boyd V. Hall 10/13/02
Rhoads, John Dusty (pilot, 55 missions) submit by John E. Rhoads, Jr. 8/7/04
Rhoads, John E., Jr. (son of John Rhoads) 8/7/04
Rhudy, Ralph (Cmdr 410BG), family history search by Kent Rhudy acting for aunt
Rice, Elmer Z. (Little Pink Panties & TS Ticket) 391BG 7/7/02, 12/21/04
Rice, Lee W. (pilot, B26 #41-17856, ditch off Portugal) 452BS, 322BG 11/13/02
[Trevor Allen data]
Rice, Roger C. (son of E. Z. Rice) 7/7/02
Rice, Roy (Ray?) Leonard, Jr. (Great squadron tragedy) post by Sue Pearson cites
burial of Epinal, Vosges, France 9/25/03, 6/22/04, 7/26/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Richards, Katie (Thompson) (father, not named, served in 59BS, 387BG) 5/8/02
Richards, Robin (son of Shirley Glen Richards) 9/10/01
Richards, Shirley Glen, Rich, Pappy, & Ole Man (120 missions?, The Big Ass
Bird #134/939) 438BS 9/10/01
Richardson, E. P., grandson of Johnny Lopez 1/20/00
Richardson, Joseph H. (Pilot & Squadron CO, The Arkansas Travelier B26 #41-32013
TQ-P) shot down 2/25/44 in North Sea, crew listed separately 6/27/02, 6/1/03
[Trevor Allen]
Richardson, Stanley (co-pilot) 17BG, see Harold Dorsen 2/2/01
Richier, Michael Morris (son of Morris Richier) 1/29/03
Richier, Morris, 555BS 1/29/03
Richter, Leroy C. (pilot, 76 missions) 34BS, 17BG 10/17/03
Riegner, F. E. (KIA 12/23/44) 394BG, see Hermann Paul Brueggemann 2/14/04
Rieth, Jonathan (son of Paul Rieth) 9/23/00, 2/14/03
Rieth, Paul (crew chief), 397BG 9/23/00, 2/14/03
Rife, Elbert (armorer, Bad Penny) 596th Armament Section, 397BG 7/7/02
Rigg, Bill (Director of 8AF Museum, Barksdale AFB) 7/24/02
Riley, Merle (classmate of Leslie I. Palmer) 6/16/01
Rioux, Adelard Albert (radio-waist gunner) 555BS, 386BG 6/14/02 [C. Klier
Risk, Charles G. (gunner, see Grouped Data) 9/17/01
Risk, Michael (son or brother of Charles Risk) 9/3/01, 9/17/01
Ritchie, George R., 432BS, 17BG 3/6/03
Ritchie, Virgil W. (engineer-gunner, The Three Bears) see Richard F. Smith
Ritter, Curtis Arnold (son of Herbert C. Ritter) 4/27/03, 6/10/03
Ritter, Bob (brother of Herbert C. Ritter) 5/9/03
Ritter, Herbert Christian (pilot, Class 43G, True Love, B26 #296321 & True Love)
552BS, 386BG 1/31/03, 4/27/03, 5/9/03, 6/10/03
Riverbark, Thomas H. (pilot, B26 #41-3177) Trevor Allen data, 10/13/02
Rivoli, Valento Val (shot down 2/24/45, POW) 575BS, 391BG 8/6/03
Roberts, David (friend of John Meyer, England) 12/31/03
Roberts, Bernard (engineer, crew chief) 34BS, 17BG 10/23/00
Roberts, Bradford Rex (KIA 3/16/44) 477BS, 335BG? 9/11/02
Roberts, Bradford Rex III (son of Bradford Rex Roberts) 9/11/02
Roberts, Gary (nephew of Harold Roberts) 10/16/04
Roberts, Harold (gunner) 497BS, 344BG, submit by nephew: Gary Roberts 10/16/04
Roberts, William (does anyone know him) 417/02
Robertson, George B. (navigator) 588BS, 397BG, see Howard E. Miller, Jr.
Robertson, Hulbert Hugh (navigator-bombardier) 477BS 6/4/04
Robertson, Roy (KIA 7/8/44, Pickled Dilly) submit by Frank Jasek 7/15/04
Robertson, Sterling J. Robbie (pilot) 344BG 10/1/02
Robinson, Lt. (bombardier-navigator) 553BS, 386BG, see Wesley G. Ling 11/10/03
[C. Kier data]
Robinson, Jason M. (grandson of Thomas A. Best) 12/2/04
Robinson, John (Front Burner II) 387BG, see Mathew J. Pusateri 1/15/04
Robinson, Pat (CAF B26 Sq) may be Pat Robinson Frederick 7/20/03
Robinson, Richard Robbie (pilot, Liberty Lady) 455BS, 323BG, C. Klier data
11/11/04 [Trevor Allen data], 8/13/04
Robinson, Robert, 37BS, 17BG, see Leo Green 4/21/03
Robinson, Vicky (possible father is Hubert James Garrett) 1/20/02
Robison, George (radio operator for pilot Dysart Bland) 481BS, 322BG 6/3/01
Robison, George (son-in-law of George Robison) 6/03/01
Rocheleau, Larry (cited as B26 means old A26) 10th Tac Recon 3/20/01
Rodgers, Larry C., Jr. (pilot, Class 43B, cites flying on wing of Dan Lindsays
father) 554BS, 386BG 5/7/02, 5/21/02
Roemlein, George, 596BS, 397BG, see Gerald W. Vath 1/14/02
Rogers, Cpl (radio-gunner) see Guy F. Moody 6/4/02
Rogers, Charles, 586BS, 394BG, see Orville Vaughan McDaniel 7/18/03
Rogers, Dana (tail gunner) 584BS, 394BG 1/20/02
Rogers, Harry (pilot) see Dana Rogers 1/20/02
Rogers, Pugh G., see Flourney L. Choate, Jr. & Gerald Davies 2/23/02 [Trevor
Rogers, Terry Marines (pastor) see Archibald R. Marines 11/20/02, 12/21/04
Rooney, Andy (reporter, author of Air Gunner, Stars & Stripes Staff Writer)
Rooney, Bill (brother of Phil Rooney) 2/6/01
Rooney, Phil (pilot, 65 missions, killed while towing targets over Yakima firing
range, Mar. 27, 1945) 391BG 2/6/01
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (U.S. President) see Nels Cassano 3/3/04
Roper, Ted (classmate of Leslie I. Palmer) 6/16/01
Rose, James (pilot, 161st TRS) see Hub Groeneveld 7/21/02
Rose, Kathleen (daughter of David T. Cates) 1/4/02
Rose, Lynn E. Jr., see Mont Fermore Stehensen 5/7/02
Rosenbaum, Frank (gunner?) 558BS, 322BG 11/27/01
Rosenbaum, Glenn (grandson of Frank Rosenbaum) 11/27/01
Rosenberg, T. (gunner) 599BS, 397BG, see Matteo LaMuraglia 7/9/02
Rosenzweig, Evan (grandson of Torolf Cap Bylund 5/18/00
Roskuski, Bob (artist) 10/28/00
Rosseels, Alian (researcher, Belgium) 8/7/02
Rothbard, Cpl (waist gunner) 386BG?, see Harold Michelson 5/8/02, 5/13/03
Rothschild, Charles (co-pilot) 456BS, 323BG, see Richard F. Tyson 5/17/03
Round, Don, see Robert Lee Pocan 12/12/04
Round, Donald Wilson (pilot) 444BS, 320BG, may be same as Don Round 7/17/04
Rouse, B. L. (bombardier-navigator) 574BS, 391BG, see Domitilio Lucero 12/3102
[Trevor Allen data]
Rowe, Burton (pilot?) 456BS, 323BG 10/28/02 [Trevor Allen data includes history of
Half and Half]
Rowett, Harry (RAF 70 OTU, Kenya & Egypt) 7/28/02 [Trevor Allen data includes RAF
and SAAF detail]
Rowher, Les (pilot) 17BG, see John C. Melsheimer 4/4/03
Royal, Bill (armorer, Shopworn Angel) 495BS, 344BG 4/30/02, 5/27/02, 1/3/04
Royal, William Bill 6/4/03
Rucker, Joe (Capt. 384 ARS, 22 ARW) lineage issues re 584BS of 394BG 3/16/04
Rush, Dale (bombardier) see Arthur E. Briggs 11/4/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Rump, Don (tail gunner, 50 missions, Snafu, Big Ass Bird & ORileys Daughter)
319BG 12/21/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Russell, Jack L. (Avon Park) see John James Bickley 2/23/03
Russell, Matt (neighbor of William Roberts) 4/17/02
Russell, W. (POW) 17BG, see Donald L. Gilbert 6/26/03
Rust, Andrew (grandson of Robert Loring Rust) 11/11/03
Rust, Robert Loring (crew chief or radio operator, Schiedam) 553BS, 386BG
11/11/03 [C. Klier data]
Ryan, B. L. (pilot) 574BS, 391BG, see Domitilio Lucero 12/31/02 [Trevor Allen
Ryan, Tamer R. (radio operator) 336BG, see Arthur Roy Kuntz 4/12/02
Ryon, Andrea (daughter of John Sevens) 1/14/03
Saas, Robert L. (armorer) 1st Pathfinder Squadron, response by Trevor Allen
Sakaida, Henry (author) 9/11/03
Sakowski, Chris (City of Sherman, B26 #41-31787) 456BS, 323BG 2/16/04, 3/6/04
[Trevor Allen data]
Sabelsky, David (turret gunner, St. Peters Express), submit by son: Howard
Sabelsky 3/20/04
Sabelsky, Howard (son of David Sabelsky) 3/20/04
Salas, Charles F. (gunner) see Kenneth A. Schell 12/27/04
Salgado, Juan Carlos (possibly Spain or Portugal, interest on interred aircrew
of 17BG B26 #41-34916, aircrew names listed separately 3/18/03
Salmon, James Houston (pilot, killed 11/1/48, B26/A26 accident) 10/8/03 [Trevor
Allen data]
Saltzman, Jim (son of Milton Saltzman) 8/20/03
Saltzman, Milton (navigator, Rat Poison, 67 missions) 553BS, 386BG 8/20/03
Salvati, Louis, 443BS, 320BG 12/25/01
Salvinski, Joe (search for by advocate Mike R. Frye) 4/4/02
Samara, John, 344BG, see Tom Bond 2/4/03
Sammons, Sam, 319BG 7/3/99
Sammons, Mitch (son of Sam Sammons) 7/3/99
Samuelson, Morris L. (engineer) 386BG, see Albert G. Burger, Jr. 12/16/04
Sandell, Michael W. (advocate, model-maker, Valkyrie, pilot Witherbee)
9/29/03, 10/8/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Sanderson, Ed Sandy (engineer-tail gunner) 496BS, 344BG, see William E.
Heichel 1/7/02
Sanford, Capt (pilot, Hells Fury) 386BG 2/25/02 [C. Klier data]
Sanow, Irvin (navigator on Bluebird crew) 451BS, 322BG, see Mike McLane &
Whitey Sterngold 3/11/03, 5/27/03, 11/30/04
Saouzanet, Gildas (French researcher) 12/5/02
Satterwhite (pilot, Sqdn CO, Miss Sarfartus) 9/15/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Sauer, Cpl (top turret gunner) 386BG?, see Harold Michelson 5/8/02, 5/13/03
Saunders, Andy (advocate) 1/12/04
Saunders, Richard C. (B/Gen, Chief of Staff, 9AF) see Kenneth A. Schell
Sauser, Jeff (son of Jon J. Sauser) 7/3/99
Sauser, Jon J. (bombardier-navigator) 7/3/99
Sawtell, Ivor Charles (SAAF, Southern Rhodesia) submit by son Jeffery James
Sawtell 4/9/04
Sawtell, Jeffery James (son of Ivor Charles Sawtell) 4/9/04
Sax, Albert B. Al (9th Air Force Hq, Engineering Section) 386BG 1/27/01,
8/29/02, 3/15/03, 6/17/03
Scalf, Johnny (advocate, WW II veteran) 1/18/04
Scarborough, Robert C. (inherited Gene Jones materials) 3/31/00
Schafer, Frank (pilot) Laughlin Field, see Bob Longo 6/5/04, 7/15/04
Schaffer, Bob (son of Robert Shaffer, III) 9/30/02
Schaffer, Robert III (flew B26 out of N. Africa) 9/30/02
Schantz, Craig (son of Eugene Schantz) 11/19/00
Schantz, Eugene (30+ missions in Europe, see also John D. Privette) 449BS, 322BG
11/19/00, 3/18/01
Scheier, Philip R. Phil (radio-gunner, Shirley Bee) 456BS, 323BG, extensive
compliment to Trevor Allen & M. Smith 1/20/02, 8/16/02, 8/8/03, 11/4/03, 11/6/03,
Schell, Kenneth A. (engineer-gunner, 87 missions) 556BS 12/27/04
Scherer, N. S. (navigator) 598BS, 397BG, see Donald M. Stangle 2/24/03
Schierbrock, Robert (aarmorer-gunner) 449BS, 322BG, see Robert F. Bouse
Schiffbauer, Peter (bombardier-navigator) 453BS, 323BG 8/29/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Schilling, F. J. (B-26 advocate) 4/21/04
Schindelheim, Alexander Shindy (nose art artist) 451BS, 322BG 8/2/02
Schindelheim, Frank (son of Alexander Schindelheim) 8/2/02
Schletterbeck, R. L. (togglier) see Gildas Saouzanet 12/5/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Schloesser, Norman F. (pilot) 584BS, 394BG 6/24/02
Schlosser, Richard D. (pilot, 12 missions) 596BS, 397BG, submit by nephew: Jan
McDaniel 3/21/04, 5/28/04
Schmelig, Henry (pilot) 17BG, see John C. Melsheimer 4/4/03
Schmidt, Arthur (instructor pilot) 478BS, 336BG 4/26/03
Schmidt, David (historian, see P. J. Smith) 5/6/02
Schmidt, Ray, 319BG? 9/24/03
Schmidt, Robert (bombardier) 391BG, see Elmer Hansard 12/10/04
Schnepper, Francis A., see Willard O. Wales 7/11/03
Schoen, Burt (armorer409BS, 391BG 409BG?) 1/22/01
Schrader, Larry A. (bombardier-navigator) 432BS, 17BG, submit by brother: Bill
Schreiber, Sylvester W. (engineer, POW) 587BS, 394BG, see Theodore Kubala
4/4/03, see James D. Pascoe 12/29/04
Schricker, Oscar (bombardier, 18 missions, Class 44-13) 452BS, 322BG 12/25/00
Schultz, Bill (pilot, The Flying Dutchman) 394BG, crew listed in Grouped Data,
see John B. Perry 11/25/04
Schultz, Earl, 553BS, 386BG 4/3/03
Schwanbrg, Charles, 478BS, 336BG, fatality 10/29/42, see Emory D. Barton
Schwarz, Bernard (engineer-gunner) see Howard Wilmeth 3/18/03
Scranton, Edwin E. (navigator possible 21BG member) data search by Walter N.
Webb 2/20/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Scivally, Tom, see Whitey Sterngold 5/27/03
Scott, Bill (son of Malcolm Scott, Bills brother is John) 8/22/02
Scott, H. D, Jr. (co-pilot) 344BG, see Dale Linebaugh 8/23/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Scott, James E. Jim (gunner, 41 missions, Corky B26 #41-31652, Heavenly Body
B26 #41-31664, Heavenly Body II, B26 #42-107630) 7/17/02
Scott, Jill R. (grandchild of: Fred R. Ellsworth) 11/8/04
Scott, John L. (son of Malcolm Scott) 5/18/02 [Trevor Allen & M. Smith data]
Scott, Linda (daughter of Paul Scott) 12/17/03
Scott, Malcolm (pilot, Class 43F, 67 missions, My Gal, Missouri Mule & Bashful
Baby) 441BS, 320BG 5/18/02, 8/22/02 [Trevor Allen & M. Smith data]
Scott, Paul (bombardier, B26 #296116) 555BS, 386BG 12/17/03 [C. Klier data]
Scott, Paul NMI (Progress Check instructor) see William L. Bill Kincheloe
Scott, Roland B. (pilot, Gwaja Jerk first B26 low-level mission out of
England) 450BS, 322BG 8/6/00, 10/24/00, 8/16/02, 11/28/02
Scott, Winton (POW) 453BS, 323BG, see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Scutts, Jerry author, B-26 Marauder Units of the Eighth and Ninth Air Forces
Seager, Dick (B26/A26, K9, Pusan, Korea) 95BS, 17BG 1/27/01
Seagars, Earl (pilot) 5/21/00
Seagraves, R. K. (navigator) 455BS, 323BG, see Paul J. Stach 5/31/02 [Trevor
Segura, Raphael F. (engineer) 559BS, 387BG 7/4/00
Seifried (navigator) 69BS, 38BG, see Merv Neis 7/29/04
Seifried, Edward (advocate) 12/30/03
Seitz, Debbie (daughter-in-law to Donald A. Seitz) 1/4/01
Seitz, Donald A. (B25 gunner for pilot Kindig and later pilot Lint) 33BS, 22BG
Seiley, Joe (son of Robert Edward Seiley) 9/17/03
Seiley, Robert Edward (radio-gunner, Flying Flynn, Gotta Match, Kwitcher Bitchen,
Pennsylvania Special) 443BS, 320BG 9/17/03
Sellers, Lamar (aircrew see Jack Sturges Jones) 391BG 8/26/00
Serio, Raffaele (aeronautical engineer & historian, Italy) 8/31/04
Servais, Chris K. (son of Kenneth G. Servais) 10/29/03
Servais, Kenneth G. (bombardier) 456BS, 323BG 10/29/03
Settle, Norman R. (pilot, Front Burner) see Richard B. Cochrum 1/14/04
Severn, Pam Villines (daughter of Colin O. Villines) 12/6/02
Seymour, Roy, Jr. (son of Roy A. Seymour) 8/14/02
Seymour, Roy A. (69 missions) 440BS, 319BG 8/14/02
Seymour, Thomas M. (commander 387BG?) 10/25/01
Sgamboti, Carl (advocate of Tabasco & 416BG) 10/31/04
Shaler, Lewis H. (bombardier-navigator) 440BS, 319BG 8/20/04
Shapiro, Ace (tail gunner, see Jack Miller) 2/19/01
Sharp, Denis (refers reader to website of 391BG) 1/10/04
Sharp, Donald (pilot, lost 12/23/44, B26 #43-34440) 575BS, 391BG, submit by F.
Gordon Corner 1/18/03, 2/23/04 (Raymond E. Kedstrom), 4/30/04
Sharpe, Dean (son of John Sharpe) 7/3/99, 2/27/03
Sharpe, John (mechanic) 449BS, 322BG 7/3/99, 2/27/03
Shatto, Alf (pilot, B26 #44-68076 BN 98) 432BS, 17BG, see Willard O. Wales
12/6/02, 7/11/03
Shaw, George, 455BS, 323BG, see Marvin Kuieck 3/14/03
Sheen, Carl O. (co-pilot) see Andy G. Hunter 11/4/02
Sheen, Jim (cousin of Lewis B. Sheen III) 4/3/02
Sheen, Jonathan Andrew (Secksma Sheen) 558BS, 387BG 3/25/01
Sheen III, Lewis B. (Secksma Sheen) 558BS, 387BG 3/25/01, 4/3/02
Sheldon, Mike (advocate re Leonard Wisotsky) 6/1/03
Shelley, 387BG, see William S. Green 7/4/03
Sheltan, Ernest E., 559BS, 387BG, see Roy Long 7/27/04
Shepard, Robert (pilot see Frank P. Carrozza) 344BG -- 7/26/00
Shepard, Ronald F. (KIA 3/18/45, B26 #42-96160, Billy Willy V) 598BS, 397BG
12/18/02, 2/22/03, 7/22/04
Sherman, Dawn Finnell (possibly daughter of Donald Oliver Finnell) 9/7/02
Sherman, Jeff (son of Robert M. Sherman) 2/3/00
Sherman, Leonard Len (engineer) Engineering & Modification Sqdn, Langford
Lodge, N. Ireland 6/29/03
Sherman, Rick (son of Robert W. Sherman) 10/14/02
Sherman, Robert M. (bombardier-navigator) 556BS, 387BG & 1st Pathfinder Sq
Sherman, Robert W. (togglier) 443BS, 320BG 10/14/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Sherrill, Orvel, 596BS, 397BG, see Geral W. Vath 1/14/02
Shettles, James A. (Great squadron tragedy) see Trevor Allen data on Lester E.
Barton 9/5/02, 6/22/04
Shields, Max (co-pilot) 319BG? 9/3/02
Shields, Robert Louis, 387BG, submit by daughter: Sandy Parks 2/1/03
Shinners, Una (Production Co-ordinator/Researcher, Flashback Television) re
D-Day 8/8/02
Shipley, Earl (engineer-gunner) 438BS, 319BG, se Clyde Decker 3/27/03
Shivel, W. L. (co-pilot) 456BS, 323BG 12/24/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Shoemaker, Phil (pilot, Little Pink Panties, B26 #42-107841) 573BS, 391BG, see
Walter Greer 10/12/03
Shoffstall, Jack C. (bombardier) 432BS, 17BG, see Willard O. Wales 7/11/03
Shopes, Joe (pilot) 95BS, 17BG, see Max Petrisek Pete 9/5/02
Short, Al (nephew of Donald Short) 10/1/02, 11/2/02, 2/5/03
Short, Donald (KIA 8/7/44 in crash) 585BS, 394BG 9/5/02, 10/1/02, 11/2/02,
2/5/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Short, Francis A. (ground crew) 450BS, 322BG 12/22/03, compliment to b26.com
Shorter, Chuck (aviation advocate) 9/14/00
Shouse, Joe, 387BG 3/21/00
Shreves, Forrest E. (radio-gunner) 391BG, see Clark A. Tavener 6/1/04
Shucosky, Ed (son of Edward W. Shucosky) -- 10/6/02
Shucosky, Edward W. (photographer) 456BS, 323BG 10-6-02
Shumway (pilot) 22BG, see Vernon R. Morris 4/30/04
Shweder, Howard (Front Burner II) 387BG, see Mathew J. Pusateri 1/15/04
Sibley, Randy (advocate re Clark A. Tavener) 6/1/04
Sicker, J. P. (armorer-gunner) 456BS, 323BG 12/24/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Sidener, Martin R. Marty (Class 44A) 34BS, 17BG, see Joe Kasper 2/1/03,
Sieck, Francis (tail gunner, Lil Jan & Bluebeard) 451BS, 322BG & 597BS, 387BG
Siegel, Bernard, see Jay E. Pitre 4/1/03
Siegel, Phil. (stepson of Donald M. Welberg) 8/12/03, 3/20/04
Sikes, Sammy (grandson of William L. Crouch) 6/18/04
Silver, Merton J. (B-26 respondent to Ernie Cusano inquiry, Class 43D) 558BS,
387BG also 1st Pathfinder Squadron 7/3/99, 6/10/01
Simec (radio-gunner, see Walter R. Walker) 9/14/01
Simler, George B. (pilot) 451BS, 322BG 8/13/02, 12/25/02
Simmons, Charles K. (armorer, Dottie, B26 #41-31871) 557BS, 387BG 9/27/04 [Trevor
Allen data]
Simmons, David J. (pilot, Class 44D) 495BS, 344BG 3/20/02
Simmons, Gary D. (seeks data on 394BG @ Ardmore AAF, Oklahoma) 4/5/03,
12/18/03, 4/19/04
Simmons, Harold (tail gunner) 497BS, 344BG 7/28/01
Simon, Mickaёl (France) re memorial Magneville, Normandy, 6/10/44 crash, B26
#42-107574, Herman L. Burdette, pilot 6/2/03
Simpson, Charles M., 574BS, 391BG 1/30/03
Simpson, Dale, 21BG, Guam 10/21/02
Simpson, Jack R. (compliment on b26.com) 1/28/03
Simpson, John G. (Air Executive Officer, killed in crash 7/19-20/44 (advocate R.
B. Kirkconnell assists son of John G. Simpson) aircrew listed separately
1/19/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Simpson, Leo K. (instrument specialist & crew chief, Fuber & Patsy) 444BS, 320BG
3/7/04, 11/13/04
Singer, Sam (bombardier-navigator) 595BS, 394BG, see Loοc Chaumont & Jacky Emery
2/27/04, 3/2/04
Singhass, Cloyd (Cloyed) H. H (bombardier-navigator, The Three Bears, see
Grouped Data) 344BG 12/8/01
Singleton (Chrisco) Jeanne (daughter of Everett Chrisco) 11/12/03
Sisson, John M. (navigator, B-26G #43-34120) 10/18/00
Sitchenko, Leonard J. (top turret gunner, 68 missions) 391BG, 572BS? 11/15/03
Skarison, Vernal M., 478BS, 336BG, fatality 10/29/42, see Emory D. Barton
Skeen (pilot, Lieutenant Skeen and his Flying Machine) 558BS, 387BG, see William
S. Green 7/4/03
Skinner, James H. (radio-navigator, Mild & Bitter) 552BS, 322BG, Daily Hampshire
Gazette, Jul 26, 1944, submit by nephew: John H. Beach 11/15/04, 12/23/04
Skipper, Charles B. (pilot) 559BS, 387BG 2/9/04, 8/24/04
Small, Ward C., 574BS, 391BG, see Jap Troup 9/6/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Smartt, Jerry (son of Wade C. Smartt) 6/30/03
Smartt, Wade C. (gunner Italian campaign) unit?, submit by son: Jery Smartt
Smigla, Frank H. (aircrew, Mistletoe, B26 #41-18303) 319BG 9/23/04 [A.
Johannessen data]
Smilie, Bo (son of Parker Smilie) re 455BS, 323BG 7/25/03, 11/25/03
Smilie, Parker (bombardier, Dragon Wagon) 455BS, 323BG 7/25/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Smith, Barry G. (advocate of Chris Stier) 9/15/02
Smith, Clyde E. (co-pilot) 344BG, posted by his grandson 2/1/04
Smith, Edwin (co-pilot, B-26G #43-34120) 10/18/00
Smith, Gayle L (group operations officer) 387BG 11/28/04
Smith, Harry G. (co-pilot) see Arthur Roy Kuntz 4/12/02
Smith, James E. (gunner, 82 missions, Feudin Wagon & Shop Worn Angel) 495BS,
344BG 7/20/02
Smith, Janice (Troup) (daughter of Jay Troup) -- 0/6/03
Smith, Kenneth (son of Kenneth E. Smith, Jr.) 1/21/04
Smith, Kenneth E., Jr. (radio operator) submit by son: Kenneth Smith 1/21/04
Smith, Louis N. (engineer) 432BS, 17BG, see Willard O. Wales 7/11/03
Smith, Mike (webmaster of b26.com, cited throughout index, special compliments)
6/4/02, 8/16/02, 9/30/02, 12/27/02, 5/27/03, 8/13/03
Smith, P. J. (focus of crash of B26 #40-1475 on Keller Peak in the San
Bernardino Mountains associated with historian David Schmidt) 33BS, 22BG
5/6/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Smith, Peter, 1st Pathfinder Sqdn, see Kelly Corsette 6/7/02
Smith, Quinn G. (bombardier-navigator) 496BS, 344BG 3/17/04
Smith, Raymond B. (pilot, B26 #42-95854) see Clarence Erickson 7/23/04
Smith, Richard F. (advocate re Cloyd Singhass) 12/8/01, 9/20/03 [D. Donato
Smith, Roger G. (a fraternity brother who flew B26s in Africa, search for by Bob
Destiche) 10/13/02
Smith, Ryan (CO 586th Flight test Sqdn) tracing lineage of unit 3/26/04
Smith, Ryan (great nephew of James P. Negri) 4/21/03
Smith, Syd (son of Sydney P. Smith) 10/7/02
Smith, Sydney P. (flew B26s out of N. Africa, 557BS, 320BG, later killed in B-47
crash) 10/7/02
Smith, William I. (navigator - crew of Darrell R. Lindsey) 585BS, 394BG
Smithwick, John (advocate re Clifton R. Freeman, his mothers cousin) 7/27/03,
Smolen, Edwin J. (pilot, B-26G #43-34120, crashed Stornaway airdrome, Isle of
Lewis, Jun 24, 1944) 10/18/00
Snokelburg, George (Great Squadron tragedy) 6/22/04
Snow, Parker (pilot Class 4A) 575BS, 391BG 1/20/04
Snyder (tail gunner) 554BS, 386BG, see Harold Michelson 5/13/03
Sofinski, Richard P. (radio operator) see Arthur Roy Kuntz 4/12/02
Southworth, Joan (niece of Mark Irwin) 4/3/03, 4/10/03
Spagnolo, Anthony (mechanic on B-26 #296-144 X2-C) 596BS, 397BG 7/4/01
Spangler, R. S. (co-pilot) 574BS, 391BG, see Domitilio Lucero 12/31/02,
3/20/03, [Trevor Allen data]
Spann, Conny (nephew/niece? of Robert Bob Wingblade) 6/17/01
Spector, Shaldon (co-pilot, POW) see Martin Harter 12/6/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Speed, Worth M. (captured in 1945) 443BS, 320BG 6/15/01
Spence, Lane E. (pilot) 95BS, 17BG, see Joseph Newton Armstrong 11/24/02,
10/15/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Spencer, Robert B. (pilot, POW) 554BS, 396BG, see Dayton B. Mitstifer 2/20/03
Sperry Harry Charles (co-pilot, 599BS, 397BG 10/12/04, 11/28/04
Spitzer, Norman (flight surgeon) 34BS, 17BG 10/27/00
Spranger, Frank (nose art, e.g. My Aching Back) 394BG 10/31/02
Stach, Paul S. (pilot, B26 #41-31961 TU-W) 455BS, 323BG 5/31/02 [Trevor Allen
Stanfield, John (Col US Army, nephew of Lloyd B. Stanfield) 4/24/04
Stanfield, Lloyd B. (pilot, Sam Cram, B26 #42-95840) 574BS, 391BG, crew listed
independently 4/24/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Stangle, Donald M. (pilot, B26 #43-34221, lost 12/23/44) 598BG, see Arthur E.
Coyne 2/24/03
Stanley, William, II, 450BS, 322BG 8/22/03
Stanley, William Z., III (son of William Stanley, II) 8/22/03
Stanton, Cliff (co-pilot) 49BS, 322BG 7/8/03
Starry, George (co-pilot) 555BS, 386BG, see Roy Dale Voorhees 7/14/03
Statz, Bill (posting on grandfathers brother Normal L. Harvey) 10/10/03
Stavely, William Thomas (crew chief) 3/19/00
Stear, Kenneth J., 391BG, see Raymond Read 10/14/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Steele, John H. (Ordnance Officer) 322BG 8/11/04
Steele, Michael J. (son of John H. Steele) 8/11/04
Stephens, Howard (bombardier) 572BS, 391BG, see Albert L. Luddeke 11/12/03,
Stephens, Jack (son of Thurman I. Stephens) 12/14/02
Stephens, James C. (pilot) see Peter Matey 3/22/03
Stephens, Thurman I. (mechanic, Mississippi Mudcat & Suzy Bee) 559BS, 387BG
Stephensen, Mont Fermore (pilot, Sqdn CO, Draggin Lady No. 3, shot down
12/23/44), 599BS, 397BG, crew listed by name, see Hermann-Josef Stolz 5/5/02,
5/7/02, 12/17/03
Stephenson, Elbert C. (pilot) 442BS, 320BG, see Howard W. Young Bob 9/30/02
Sterngold, Myron Whitey (Idiots Delight) 451BS, 322BG 12/21/02, 5/27/03 [Trevor
Allen date]
Sterngold, Susan (daughter of Myron Whitey Sterngold) 12/21/02, 5/27/03
Stevens, Howard L. (copilot) 391BG, see Albert L. Luddeke 9/15/04
Stevens, John (artist) 11/12/01
Stevens, John, 34BS, 17BG, submit by daughter: Andrea Ryon 1/14/03
Stevenson, Michael L. (compliment to Mike Smith for b26.com) 2/3/03
Steward, Charles C. (co-pilot, Front Burner II) 387BG, see Mathew J. Pusateri
Steward, John R. (bombardier) 95BS, 17BG, see Joseph Newton Armstrong 11/24/02
Stewart, John E. (son of Robert R. Stewart) 9/16/02
Stewart, John H., see Ray Harwood 1/7/03
Stewart, Robert R. (co-pilot, The Jerk, later B47 wing CO in SAC & of H53B -
Jolly Green in Vietnam) 9/16/02
Stewart, S. F. (engineer-gunner) 344BG, see Dale Linebaugh 8/23/02 [Trevor
Stewart, William R. (co-pilot) 558BS, 397BG, see Howard G. Miller, Jr. 6/27/02
Stanfield, Lloyd B. (pilot, Sam Cran, B26 #42-95840) 574BS, 391BG, submit by
nephew: John Stanfield, crew listed separately 4/24/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Stier, Chris (pilot) 440BS?, 320BG? 9/15/02
Stiles, Diane Byrd (daughter of Andrew F. Byrd) 7/28/03, 8/12/03
Stillman, Col. (fatal 322BG mission) see Clyde D. Willis 3/17/03
Stoll, Milton P. (radio-gunner) 595BS, 394BG, see Loοc Chaumont & Jacky Emery
2/27/04, 3/2/04
Stolz, Hermann-Josef (German historian re Mont Fermore Stephenson & crew)
Stone, Jack C. (co-pilot) 573BS, 391BG, see Philip S. Walter, see Leonard S.
Lang 9/8/03, 4/23/04
Story, Neil (son-in-law of Kate Malcolm) 9/3/02
Stough (bombardier-navigator, see Walter R. Walker) 9/14/01
Straika (Strzalka?), Chester F. (pilot, KIA 11/28/44, B26 #43-34431) 452BS,
322BG, aircrew listed separately - - 5/31/04 [Trevor Allen & M. Enlow data]
Strasburger, Harry L. (radio operator) 442BS, 320BG, see Howard W. Young Bob
Stratton, Earl (pilot, 56 missions, ORileys Daughter) 320BG, submit by nephew:
Herb Stratton 1/13/03
Stratton, Herb (nephew of Earl Stratton) 1/13/03
Stratton, Jim, 95BS, 17BG 2/21/04
Street, Cliff (navigator) 555BS, 386BG, see Roy Dale Voorhees 7/14/03
Sturm, Robert P., 387BG, see Richard Kunne 2/3/02
Stube, Joseph (radio-gunner) see Martin Harter 12/6/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Stuckey, Bill, 386BG?, see Chester P. Klier 6/25/03
Stuckey, Kenneth, M. (nephew of Matthew Thomas Stuckey) see Chester P. Klier
6/23/03, 6/25/03
Stuckey, Matthew Thomas (tail gunner, 51 missions) 555BS, 386BG 6/23/03
Stuckey, William C. Bill (pilot, Class 44I) 587BS, 394BG 3/5/02
Stuber, Andy (Martins Miscarriage) 319BG 12/10/01
Sudbury, Auldin D., 323BG? 8/23/03
Sugerman, Irving, 344BG, see Tom Bond 2/4/03
Sugarman, Doug (son of Leo J. Sugarman) 1/7/03
Sugarman, Leo J. (radio-gunner, B26 #43-34464) 442BS, 320BG 1/7/03 [Trevor
Sulkin, Joseph (pilot, Alaska?, seeking data on J. Blaise, B25 pilot, crashed on
iceberg) 2/18/01
Sullivan, Leroy R. (pilot) 391BG, see Lloyd B. Stanfield 4/24/04
Summers, W. J. (armorer-gunner) see Colin Wingrave 9/25/04
Sutter, Robin (tail gunner, 55 missions, Lady be good, OlPappy, Weary Lena,
Francis, Dragon Lady) 52BS, 322BG 8/20/01
Sutherland, James, 455BS, 323BG, see Marvin Kuieck 3/14/03
Suway, Paul Victor, 386BG 6/20/03
Suway, David (son of Paul Victor Suway) 6/20/03
Swalewll, Ward C. (radio-gunner, MIA over Belgium, 23 Dec 1944) 599BS, 397BG
Swan, Jane M. (advocate re James E Smith) 7/20/02
Swan, Jesse R. 323BG? 8/23/03
Swan John R., 599BS, 397BG 11/26/02
Swanson, Franklin E., 554BS, 386BG 12/1/03 [C.Klier data]
Sweeney, James Michael Mike (pilot, 68 missions) 451BS, 322BG 8/17/01,
12/23/01, 4/3/02
Sweet, Harold (MIA, B26 #42-96224) 585BS, 394BG, submit by nephew: William Thon,
see Trevor Allen data 3/21/03, 6/14/04
Swenson, Bryan R. (son of Howard Swenson) 6/8/03
Swenson, Howard (pilot) 397BG, submit by son Bryan R. Swenson, see also John
Foldy submit 5/13/03, 6/8/03
Switzer, Marilyn Reed (daughter of Grier Davis) 6/5/04
Syverson, Clemens L. (co-pilot), see Robert R. Nehmer -- 2/9/04
Tabacco, Vincent J. (bombardier) 444BS, 320BG 8/13/04
Tackett, June D. (sister of Arthur Horton, Jr. (B29), her mothers brother is
Clyde Thomas Daily, Arkansas Traveler) 6/1/03
Tallichet, David (pilot) see George R. L. C. Lee -- 6/24/02
Tamplin, James H. (engineer) 598BS, 397BG, see Ronald F. Shepard 2/22/03,
Tannehill, Vic (author) 10/14/02
Taplin, Kenneth L. (armorer-gunner, The Three Bears) see Richard F. Smith
Tarapchack, Andrew (pilot, B26 #41-31868, Do It Too), see Robert J. Destiche
3/4/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Tarlavsky, Michael (U.S. Army, killed 8/12/04, Najaf, Iraq) 7th Annual Warrior
Relay Run 8/21/04
Tate, Samuel T. (radio-gunner, The Three Bears) see Richard F. Smith 9/20/03
[D. Donato data]
Tate, Thomas (night recon, Super Snoop) 654BS, 25BG 12/7/02 [Trevor Allen data on
22BG, 73 & 77BS]
Tatum, Hardie Raymond (Big Boy) 442BS, 320BG, aircraft lost 4/25/43 3/1/03 [Trevor
Allen data]
Tavener, Clark A. (pilot, Miss Laid, Fifinella, MIA 12/23/44), 575BS, 391BG,
submits by nephew: Jim Harrison and Randy Ssibley, extensive detail provided,
airew listed separately 6/1/04, 9/18/04
Taylor, Cecil (armorer-gunner, see Michael Joseph Donahoe) 7/16/01
Taylor, Robert Bobby (pilot, KIA, 33rd mission, 1/25/45) 588BS, 387BG, see
Edward A. Kennedy 5/30/00, 1/21/04
Teltschick, rank (Avon Park) see John James Bickley 2/23/03
Templeton, John W. (engineer-gunner, Great squadron tragedy) 451BS, 322BG, see
Lester E. Barton 5/17/02, 6/22/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Tenne, Ed (son of Gary Tenne) 8/26/04
Tenne, Gary (tail gunner) 95BS, 17BG, submit by son: Ed Tenne, see Don Wilson
8/11/04, 8/26/04
Tenold, Leslie A. (pilot, Operations Officer, 59 missions, Class 42G) 451BS,
322BG 3/2/04, 8/2/04
Tensi, Cam (bombardier, navigator) 95BS, 17BG, see Max Petrisek Pete 9/5/02
Terwilliger, Kenneth (co-pilot) 397BG?, see William L. Crouch 6/18/04
Tharp, Harold F. (armorer-gunner, Jabbos Sky King 2nd) 497BS, 344BG 8/23/02
[Trevor Allen data]
Tharpe, Gordon (pilot) 322BG, see James Morgan 2/18/04
Thayer, Russell Pappy (pilot) 10/16/99
Thatcher, Herbert (pilot, commander) 323BG 8/17/01
Theis, Earl I. radio-gunner) 573BS, 391BG, see Raymond Reid, see Philip S.
Walter 10/14/02 [Trevor Allen data], 9/8/03
Tener, Capt. (lead of 36 ship formation) 555BS, 386BG, see Adelard Albert
Rioux 6/14/02 [C. Klier data]
Theobold, Jules S. (tail gunner) 344BG lead on D-Day 8/15/04
Therkeldsen, John (bombardier-navigator) see Martin Harter 12/6/02 [Trevor
Thiede, Alfred A. (refueling operator) 559BS, 387BG, submit by son: Ken Thiede
Thiele, Nick (Squadron Leader, RAAF) seeks data on B26 crash near Gin Gin,
Queensland) 12/5/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Thomas, A. L. (Russell J. Calvert crew) 391BG, see Steve Bree 10/5/03 [D.
Donato data]
Thomas, Karl E. (internee) 17BG, see Juan Carlos Salgado 3/18/03
Thomas, Matthew (re B-26 photo) 4/19/04
Thomas, Thelberth H. (co-pilot, The Three Bears) see Richard F. Smith 9/20/03
[D. Donato data]
Thomas, Jack (roommate of Robert Bob Wingate, see) 6/17/01
Thompson, Lt. (pilot) 555BS, 386BG, see Adelard Albert Rioux 6/14/02 [C.
Klier data]
Thompson, Arnold (brother to Bernard Thompson, contributor re Robert R. Nehmer
of 2/9/04) 4/17/02, 2/9/04
Thompson, Burl (68 missions, Tabasco) 556BS, 387BG 2/4/00
Thompson, Bernard (50 missions, ground liaison in France) 559BS, 387BG 4/15/02
Thompson, Clyde (roommate of Robert Bob Wingate, see) 6/17/01
Thompson, John (advocate re Melvin W. Craig) 1/6/03
Thompson, John (advocate re Oran Begwin) 9/6/03
Thompson, John (advocate re overseas routes) 2/24/03 [clarification by Trevor
Thompson, June (advocate of Gran Vernon Corder) 8/11/02
Thompson, Ken (son of Burl Thompson) 2/4/00
Thompson, Lewis O. (radio-gunner, B26 #42-95981) see Colin Wingrave 9/25/04
Thompson, Tommy (navigator) 440BS, 319BG 2/16/01
Thoms, Jim (65 missions, retired as Major with 26 years service) 597BS, 397BG
Thon, William (nephew of Harold Sweet) 6/14/04
Thore, Jodi L. (granddaughter of Harold F. Tharp) 8/2/02
Thorn, David H. (pilot, Skeeter, B26 #42-95802) 573BS, 391BG, see Russell J.
Calvert & Steve Bree 4/19/02, 10/5/03 [D. Donato data]
Thorn, Ed (Class 43-6) 572BS, 391BG 6/19/01
Thornbrough (pilot, attack of Japanese fleet off Dutch Harbor), see Howard
Jaycox 3/9/04
Thornton, Maj. (pilot) 386BG, see Ralph D. Wilson, C. Klier data 11/9/03
Thornton, W. C. (GEE navigator) 599BS, 397BG, see Matteo LaMuraglia 7/9/2002
Thorwarth, Louis G. (engineer-gunner, shot down on 23rd mission, RAF)
479/449BS?, 322BG 11/16/02, 12/29/02
Tibbetts, Paul (pilot of Enola Gay) 11/22/01, 1/28/03
Tierney, William W. (see Alan Crouchman & Richard Kunne) 11/19/01, 2/3/02
Tinelli, Frank (crew chief, Jeanie) 37BS, 17BG 4/23/03
Tiller, 2Lt (bombardier-navigator, 4F, shot down 2/16/45) 386BG, see Rubin
Kichen 2/9/03
Tilery, Patrick (compliment re b26.com) 3/23/04
Tilton, Billy, see Winnifred Dean Porter 5/30/03
Timms, Gary (Assistant Manager of a County Historical Society on West Coast) re
Ray Wiliamson, response by C. Klier 4/1/04
Tise, Stephen (seeks data on grandfather not named) 1/10/04
Tkac, John (co-pilot) 69BS, 38BG, see Merv Neis 7/29/04
Todd, Ralph, Jr. (flew The Hump, King Size & Rush Order) uncertain unit
Toffer, Marvin Eugene (pilot) 441BS, 320BG 6/26/02
Toler, D. (advocate) 397BG 4/24/01
Tonello, Odorico (Italy) see James Logsdon & Carol Long -- 3/2/04
Toth, Julius L., 451BS, 322BG, see James W. Lemmond 12/7/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Towns, Don, 320BS 11/30/00, 7/8/01
Townsend, Barry B. (pilot, Operations Officer) 587BS, 394BG 10/24/03
Townsend, Delmar Drice (bombardier & photographer) 17BG 8/16/02, 3/8/03
Townsend, George E. (pilot) 451BS, 322BG 8/18/02
Townsend, Nathan (grandson of Barry B. Townsend) 10/25/03
Townsend, Wallace D. (son of Delmar Drive Townsend) 8/16/02, 3/8/03
Traez, Edward F., 558BS, 387BG, see Mickaёl 4/21/03
Trapp, C. B. (armorer-gunner) 574BS, 391BG, see Domitilio Lucero 12/31/02 [Trevor
Allen data]
Trapp, J. T., 37BS, 17BG, see Leo Green 4/21/03
Triantafellu, N. (radio operator) 386BG, see Chester P. Klier 2/25/04
Tribble, Ashley (compliment on b26.com web site) 10/5/04
Tripp, James, 558BS, 387BG, see Mickaёl 4/21/03
Trites, Maurice, see Winnifred Dean Porter 5/30/03
Trochesset, James V. (crew chief, B26 #41-17626) 478BS, 336BG 4/23/03 [Trevor
Tromburg, Owen (Martin employee at Omaha plant) 6/11/04
Troup, Howard (son of Jay S. Troup) 2/8-01
Troup, Jay S. (radio operator, shot down in Battle of the Bulge, POW) 574BS,
391BG 2/8/01, 9/6/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Truman, Harlow (MIA, B26 #42-9224) see Trevor Allen data 3/21/03
Truman, Harry (U.S. President) see Nels Cassano 3//3/04
Tucker, E. N. (co-author: Per Noctem Per Diem, 24 Sqdn SAAF ) 10/10/04
Tulipane, Silvio J. (MIA) see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Tully, Laura (daughter of William E. Tully, Jr., Sonny) extensive account of
father 10/6/02
Tully, William E., Jr. Sonny (Li-Li-Marlene) 558BS, 387BG 10/6/02
Turner (radio operator) 522BS, 386BG, se Tibbs Golladay 4/2/04
Turner, Chester M., 3rd CCRC, 3rd R & T Sqd, see Robin R. 9/8/04
Turner, Jack, (pilot) 599BS, 397G 3/28/01
Turner, Louis Franklin (Battery B, 985th Field Artillery Battalion, II Corps,
Fifth Army) discusses the Ruptured Duck 3/20/04
Turner, Richard (Chairman of Boxted Airfield Historical Group, England)
Turner, Wesley (mechanic & crew chief) 69BS, 22BG 12/20/03
Turner, William M. (bombardier, B26 #43-34410, shot down 2/22/45) see Jack D.
Loftin 9/19/04
Tyson, Jesse (pilot) 598BS, 397BG 1/25/01
Tyson, Richard F. (flight engineer-top turret gunner) 456BS, 323BG 5/17/03
Ubassy, Louis (French railroad man re Mayen bombing) submitted by daughter:
Elaine M. Ubassy 11/15/03
Underwood (navigator) 320BG, see William Marshall OHara 9/17/04
Underwood (tail gunner) 522BS, 386BG, see Tibbs Golladay 4/2/04
Underwood, Jan (daughter of Albert F. Norman) 12/7/01
Underwood, John (historical account of Charles Lindbergh and more) 8/5/04 [Trevor
Allen data]
United States Army, Central Identification Laboratory, Certificate of
Appreciation for immeasurable support of CILHI 12/17/03 & general data @
5/14/03 (Gwen)
Valleau, A. J., 451BS, 322BG 8/13/02
Van Antwerp, Anthony Gore (Flying Dutchman #726) 453BS, 323BG 9/18/01
Van Camp, Clair F. (radio operator) Ferry Command, submit by niece: Lou Ann Van
Camp Young 3/3/03
Van Marter, Bill (son of William Howard Van Marter) 7/13/03
Van Marter, William Howard Van or Howie (pilot, Lady Halitosis) 443BS, 320BG
Vance, Harold R., 451BS, 322BG, see James W. Lemmond 12/7/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Vance, Reginald F. C. (pilot, Group CO) 344BG 10/3/02, 1/25/04, 4/19/04
Vandegift, Jack E. (lost 5/17/43) 42BS, 322BG 6/22/04
Vandegift, William G. (brother of Jack E. Vandegift) 6/22/04
Vandervorte, Derwood (co-pilot) 496BS, 344BG, see William E. Heichel 1/7/02
Vargo, Raymond M. 391BG, see Roland Boyd Bonner 2/1/03
Vath, Gerald W. (bombardier-navigator) 596BS, 397BG 1/14/02
Vatistas, Nick Greek(tail gunner) 34BS, 17BG, submit by son: Pete 9/19/03
Vaughan, Benjamin (aircraft mechanic, Buzzin Huzzy & The Buckeye Battle Cry, B26
#41-31820) 456BS, 323BG 9/16/02, 3/2/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Vaughan, James Jim (crew chief) 558BS, 387BG, submit by son: Kent Vaughan
Vaughan, John W., 323BG? 8/23/03
Vaughan, Kent (son of James Vaughan) 1/18/04
Veale, B. M. (engineer-gunner) 495BS, 344BG, see Gran Vernon Corder 8/11/02
Velthouse, John J. (gunner) 573BS, 391BG, see Robert C. Myers 8/6/03
Vermette, Arthur J. (Dottie & Dannie Boy 2) see W. Fred Fox, Jr. 11/15/04,
11/18/04 [C. Klier data]
Vermillion, William F. (MIA) se Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Verney, Spencer (grandson of Russell Pappy Thayer) 10/16/99
Versalato, Giuseppe (Italian historian) 11/26/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Viebrock, Theodore C. (co-pilot) 444BS, 320BG, crash of 11/13/44, see Sylvie
Monin-Badey 12/4/03
Vignochi, Connie (daughter of Raymond Vignochi) 12/27/03, 12/31/03
Vignochi, Raymond (tail gunner, Red Dog Wop, Stinkin Clinkin, B26 #41-34713)
454BS, 323BG 12/27/03, 12/31/03
Villelli, Joe A. (bombardier) 442BS, 320BG, see Leo J. Sugarman 1/7/03
Villines, Colin O. (co-pilot, Battle of Midway) 12/6/02
Vincent, Donald E. (pilot) see Chester P. Klier 5/8/02
Vincent, William E. Blink (pilot, Class 43H, 65 missions, later A26
instructor) 587BS, 394G 3/20/03, 6/29/04
Vincent, William E. III (son of Vincent William E.) 3-20-03, 6/29/04
Vine, Warren S., see Leo J. Sugarman 1/7/03
Vital, Tony (Jill Flitter, B26 #41-34857) 12/18/03, 12/26/03 [R. Bozych data]
Volles, R. R. (armorer-gunner) 453BS, 323BG 8/29/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Volter, Dr. & Mrs David (search for family data re James Fischer) 4/20/02
Voorhees, Ray Dale (pilot) 555BS, 386BG & Ninth Air Defense Command (France),
aircrew listed separately 7/14/01
Voormis, W. E., 394BG, see Hermann Paul Brueggeman 2/14/04
Waddoups, Betty Gibbens (daughter-in-law of George H. Gibbens, Jr.) 10/17/03
Wade, Jesse (74 or 76 missions) a search for his crew -- listed by last name
only see Grouped Data, 432BS, 17BG 6/17/01, 12/21/03
Wade, M (father, name not stated, was a B26/A26 gunner) 17BG, in Korea 5/11/00
Wade, Maurice (son of Jesse Wade) 6/17/01, 12/21/03
Wade, Warren (witness to loss of Mathew Pusateri) 2/7/04
Wade, Warren R. (pilot, B26 severely damaged 12/23/44) 559BS, 322BG 1/1/04
Wager (bombardier) 320BG, see William Marshall OHara 9/17/04
Wagner, Cecil (advocate) 2/19/01
Wagner, Joseph (drowned in ditching of B26) see Lee W. Rice 11/19/02 [Trevor
Waid, Jack (9th Station Complement Squadron) 127/00
Walberg, Donald M. (bombardier-navigator) submit by stepson: Phil Siegel
Walbert, Theodore J. (pilot) 453BS, 323BG 8/29/02 [Trevor Allen]
Walch, Lynn (researcher re 5/24/44, crash of 438BS B26 8/2/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Wales, Willard O. (co-pilot, Class 44G, sent to B24, re-routed to B26) 432BS,
17BG, aircrew listed separately (9/22/03, graveside service, Vacaville Elmire
Cemetery) 7/11/03, 9/19/03
Walish, George (23 missions) 558BS, 387BG 6/14/00
Walish, George & Geralyn (children of George Walish) 6-14/00
Walker, Hugh (pilot, historian, Class 43A, 54 missions) 449BS/572BS, 391BG
3/20/01, 10/26/02, 3/13/04, 10/08/04
Walker, J. (engineer-gunner) 453BS, 323BG 8/29/02
Walker, Jimmie O. (son-in-law of Thomas Tate) 12/7/02
Walker, Kit (nephew of Leo Walker) 3/31/02
Walker, Leo (mechanic, N. Africa) 3/31/02
Walker, Leo Flight Engineer of the famous Zero 4, B26 submit by nephew: MSgt
Ken Sweetser 4/29/03
Walker, R. L., see Dale Linebaugh 8/23/02
Walker, Walter R. (engineer-gunner, nose #B 01), 442BS, 320BG 9/14/01
Wall, Clarence E. (pilot, B26 #41-17790, landed in Holland, captured by Lufwaffe)
7/28/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Wallace, Eugene Gene (pilot, evaded Japanese for 10 months) 22BG? 10/27/03
Wallace, Roland E. Wally (turret gunner, mascot was Red Devil) 555BS, 386BG
Waller, Chris (father flew with RAF 39 Sqdn of Balkan Air Force) 3/7/00,
Walley, Joseph (armorer-gunner) 34BS, 17BG 9/3/01 [Trevor Allen data]
Walmsley, Bernard Seth (navigator-gunner, KIA 13/6/43 in French Morocco) 477BS?
Walmsley, Philip Bernard (nephew of Bernard Seth Walmsley) 2/6/02
Walsh, Nicholas F. (radio-waist gunner) 12BS?, 17BG 3/26/02
Walsh, Sean (Charles Keller Jeep owner, London) 6/6/02
Walter, Philip S. (pilot) 573BS, 391BG, crew listed separately 9/8/03
Walter, Philip Samuel, 391BG, submit by grandson: Mark Aguirre 1/10/04 [Trevor
Allen data]
Walter, Philip S. Jr. (son of Philip S. Walter) 9/8/03
Walters, Buzz (navigator) 598BS, 397BG 12/4/00
Walters, Thomas F. (bombardier) 574BS, 391BG 9/29/99, 11/11/99
Walton, A. L. (radio-gunner) 456BS, 323BG 12/24/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Wanner, Heather (9 years old, wants info on grandfather: Robert S. Wanner)
Wanner, Robert S. (pilot) 455BS, 323BG & 344BG 5/31/44
Ward (armorer-gunner, see Walter R. Walker) 9-14-01
Ward, Albert M. (pilot, England) submit by wife: Fay M. Ward 3/15/03
Ward, Don (advocate re Harry E. Pence) 11/22/01
Ward, Fay M. (wife of Albert M. Ward) 3/15/03
Ward, George Lester (radio operator-gunner, Lucky Strike) 599BS, 397BG 3/1/01
Ward, Jeannette (researching Erik Christiansen, KIS 12/23/44) 8/14/03
Ward, Reuben (grandson of George Lester Ward) 3/1/01
Wardlaw, Susie (Stuber) (daughter of Andy Stuber) 12/10/01
Ware, Lee R., flew very first Marauder combat mission against Rabaul, 19BS,
22BG 6/23/03
Ware, Ron (son of Lee R. Ware) 6/23/03
Warf, Paul E. (pilot) see Arthur E. Briggs 11/4/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Warner, Wayne (advocate re Crusaders) 6/4/04
Warren, Haarley R., see Flourney L. Choate, Jr. & Gerald Davies 2/23/02 [Trevor
Allen data]
Warrington, Charles W. (pilot) see Edward C. Jastremski 5/28/04
Washburn, Harry (Shes Got it), 438BS, 319BG 10/14/02 [Trevor Allen data also
cover the B26 at the Dayton Museum]
Wasilewski, David (son of Stanley P. Wasilwski) 6/2/03
Wasilewski, Stanley P. (bombardier), query by son: David Wasilewski 6/2/03
Wassell, Frank E. (pilot) see Arthur Roy Kuntz 4/12/02
Watson, Harry H., see Mont Fermore Stephsonsen 5/7/02
Watson, Henry Robert (tail gunner) 452BS, 322BG 4/13/03
Watson, Lawrence (Great squadron tragedy) 6/22/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Weade, Jan Crecelius (daughter of Charles Chris Crecelius) 10/21/03
Weakley, Allison (grandchild of Grier Davis) 4/12/04
Weatherhold (bombardier-navigator) 522BS, 386BG, see Tibbs Golladay 4/2/04
Weaver, Leroy Richard (gunner) 495BS, 344BG 10/6/00
Webb, Cami-Sue (Chrisco) (granddaughter of brother of Evertt Chrisco) 3/29/04
Webb, David W. (pilot) 454BS, 323BG, see Raymond Vignochi 12/6/02, 12/31/03
[Trevor Allen data]
Webb, Walt (advocate re James Riley Rector) 12/10/03
Webb, Walter N. (advocate re cousin Edwin E. Scranton) 2/20/03
Weber, Larry (nephew of Vernon Ray Morris) 11/9/02, 4/30/04
Webster, Gral (CO 42nd Bomb Wing) 7/29/04
Week, John (co-pilot) see Peter Matey 3/22/03
Weeks, Kermit (B26 restorer) 6/24/02
Weeks, Tom (instructor pilot @ Del Rio) 1/6/03
Wefel, Ralph M. (radio operator-gunner, 26 missions) 455BS, 323BG 2/24/01,
7/17/01, 2/27/02, 6/6/03, 11/22/04
Welberg (see Wolberg), Donald M. 8/12/03, 3/20/04
Wells (co-pilot, see Walter R. Walker) 9/14/01
Wells, Albert Wayne (pilot, Shootin In), 556BS, 387BG 6/12/00
Wells, James C., Sr. (co-pilot, Frannies Fanny) 442/444BS?, 320BG, aircrew
listed separately 9/17/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Wells, Joe (nephew of Albert Wayne Wells) 6/12/00
Weltzin (Maj.) (Operations staff) 397BG, see Fred Goldberg 3/7/04
Wenborg, G. H. (co-pilot) 598BS, 397BG, see Howard M. Stangle 2/24/03
Wentz, Homer T. (pilot, Yankee Guerilla) 555BS, 386BG, submit by
daughter-in-law: Kathy Wentz 1/18/04, 1/26/04 [C. Klier data]
Wentz, Kathy (daughter-in-law of Homer T. Wentz) 1/18/04
Wentz, Robert (engineergunner, 65 missions, Lak-A-Nookie & Sleepy Time Gal)
495BS, 344BG 12/11/01
Werner, D. L. (co-pilot) 599BS, 397BG, see Matteo LaMurgalia 7/9/02
West, Allen S. (gunner) see Robert R. Nehmer 2/9/04
West, O. T. (armorer-gunner) 397BG 12/6/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Westheimer, David (navigator, Class 42-4, B26 & B24, Sitting It Out story)
98BS, 344BG 9/17/03, 12/23/03
Westholm, Robert L. (advocate inquiry) 4/25/02, 10/17/02]
Westran, J. D. (engineer-gunner) 455BS, 323BG, see Paul J. Stach 5/31/02 [Trevor
Allen data]
Wetzel, Shirley (family of Hulbert Hugh Robertson) 6/4/04
Wharton, 2Lt (co-pilot) 391BG, see Roland Boyd Bonner (may be same as John O.
Wharton) 2/1/03
Wharton, John O. (aircrew) 574BS, 391BG 9/29/99, 11/11/99
Wheeler, James W., see Ray E. Pitre 4/1/03
Whitaker, John (son of Orla Whitaker) 12/15/00
Whitaker, Orla (flight engineer) 456BS, 323BG 12/15/00
Whitby, Harry Emerson (engineer-gunner, B-26 #135423) 28BG or 73BG 11/8/00
Whitby, William (son of Harry Emerson Whitby) 11/8/00
White, Frank (Class 43A, 69 missions) 552BS, 386BG 3/1/01
White, Jim (son of Paul J. White, Jr.) 5/28/02
White, Paul J., Jr. (pilot, Tunisia & N. Africa) 432BS, 17BG 5/28/02
White, Robert C. (POW) 455BS, 323BG, see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
White, Walter E. (pilot, B26 #41-34800) 320BG 11/13/02 [Trevor Allen data]
White, William R. (pilot, The Three Bears, B26 #42-95810, aircrew listed
separately) 572BS, 391BG, see Richard F. Smith 9/20/03 [D. Donato data]
Whitler, L. C. (co-pilot) 495BS, 344BG, see Gran Vernon Corder 8/11/02 [Trevor
Allen data]
Whitmire, Truett K. TK (Baby Dutch) 596BS, 397BG 11/17/01
Whittle, Richard H. (author) re Idiots Delight 11/17/03
Whyte, Charles L. (MIA) see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/o4
Wiebking, Eugene E., 574BS, 391BG, see Jay Troup, -- 9/6/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Wierney, Anthony NMI (tail gunner see Robert L. Holliday) 573BS, 391BG
Wilbur, Jim (nephew of John P. Martinson) 1/11/04
Wilcox, W. B., 17BG, see Donald L. Gilbert 6/26/03
Wiley, Harold W., 451BS, 322BG 8/13/02
Wilhelms, Joy (radio-gunner, KIA) 432BS, 17BG, see Willard O. Wales 7/11/03
Wilkes, Jess, see Kenneth A. Schell 12/27/04
Wilkinson, Joe (duty clerk) 455BS, 323BG 8/17/01
Wilkinson, Patrick H. (bombardier) 391BG, see Clark A. Tavener 6/1/04, 9/18/04
Willard, L. T. (pilot, crash in Australia) see Nick Thiele 12/5/03
Willcox, Grover C., Jr. (pilot, Texas Terror) 323BG 10/4/01
Willen, Jack, 451BS, 322BG 8/13/02
Willeson, E., Jr. (pilot) 599BS, 397BG, see Matteo LaMuraglia 7/9/02
Willett, Don (family advocate re Ralph Willett) 5/24/02
Willett, Ralph (Ralf) A. (see Alan Crouchman & Richard Kunne) 558BS, 387BG
11/19/01, 2/3/02
Williams, Billy F. (Class 16-42, bombardier, shot down May 8, 1944, POW Stalag
Luft 3 &7) 573BS, 391BG 6/1/01
Williams, Campbell H., 89th Air Service Squadron, England & France 3/4/01
Williams, D. R. (pilot) 453BS, 323BG 8/29/02
Williams, David (El Diablo, B26 #41-18122), 450BS, 322BG 12/30/03
Williams, David (England, film-maker) 1/30/04
Williams, Harry, see Dale Linebaugh 8/23/02
Williams, Herb (bombardier) 587BS, 394BG, see Albert T. Lively 9/15/04
Williams, Jack (son-in-law of George Robison) 6/03/01
Williams, R. B. (GEE operator) 598BS, 397BG, see Donald M. Stangle 2/24/03
Williams, Robert B. (radio-gunner, North Africa) 10/11/01
Williams, Robert P. (radio-gunner) 391BG, see Edward C. Jastremski 5/28/04
Williams, Russell L., 556BS, 386BG 2/11/01
Williams, S. (radio-gunner) 344BG, see Dale Linebaugh 8/23/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Williamson, Ellis J. (engineer-gunner, Blind Date, B26 #43-34139, shot down
12/23/44) 11/17/03
Wiliamson, Ray (shot down 11/5/43) 553BS, 386BG, submit by Gary Timms which see
Williamson, Sam (pilot) 556BS 10/1/99
Willingham, Hoyt B. (radio operator) 598BS, 397BG, see Ronald F. Shepard
2/2/03, 7/22/04
Willingham, Tom (seeking data on Lane E. Spence -- for father) 10/15/03
Willis, Clyde D. (radio-gunner, fatal 322BG mission) 452BS, 322BG 3/17/03
Willoughby, Earl (Class 43B) 477BS, 335BG & 432BS, 17BG 8/11/02, 12/6/02,
1/12/04, 2/12/04
Wilmeth, Howad A. (instructor pilot) Scotty (So Sorry) 8/26/02, 3/18/03
Wilshire, Gary S. (nephew of John R. Wilshire) 11/5/02
Wilshire, John R. (pilot) 553BS, 386BG, 11/5/02
Wilson, Bill (cousin of Rufus N. Wilson) 6/16/03
Wilson, Don (pilot) 17BG, long submission 8/11/04
Wilson, Eugene V. (line chief & inspector, 25th M. R. & R., attached to 397BG)
315BS, 21BG 7/3/99, 4/14/02
Wilson, Fred B. (bombardier) 322BG, see Chester F. Straika 5/31/04
Wilson, Harold E. (bombardier, togglier) 598BS, 397BG, see Ronald F. Shepard
2/22/03, 7/22/04
Wilson, Harry R. (ball turret gunner, B-17G, query on b26 turret gun) 7/16/02
Wilson, Kenneth A. (grandson of Edward J. Kleysteuber) 9/3/01
Wilson, Ralph D. (began as S/Sgt pilot, 69 B26 missions, Stardust B25 #134937,
50 T6 missions in Korea) 555BS, 386BG, see Grouped Data 11/9/03 [C. Klier
data, Buzz-N-Bitch], 1/19/04, 3/6/04
Wilson, Robert (bombardier) see Howard Wilmeth 3/18/03
Wilson, Robert (pilot, Terre Haute Tornado) 344BG, see Steve Wilson 1/9/03
Wilson, Rufus N. (pilot, died in Germany?) 6/16/03
Wingblade, Robert Bob (pilot, died en route from Ascension Island to Roberts
Field, Liberia) 6/17/01
Wingrave, Colin (Thamesdale Aviation Museum, Coalhouse Fort, East Tilbury) seeks
data on two 344BG 3/8/44 crashed aircraft & crews crew data listed separately
Winnifred, Dean Porter (flight engineer) 478BS, 336BG 5/30/03
Winstead (CO of 336BG) 11/3/99
Winstell, Hal (son of Henry C. Winstell) 12/9/04
Winstell, Henry C. (crew chief, Skeleton Duck, B26 #118056), submit by son: Hal
Winstell 12/9/04
Wireless, Mark Irwin (gunner) MAAF, submit by niece: Joan 4/10/03
Wise, Peter (1st Pathfinder Sqdn) see Kelly Corsette 6/7/02
Wiseman, Dick (pilot) 17BG, see Harold Dorsen 2/2/03
Wishard, William Bill, son of William Henry Wishard III 12/31/04
Wishard, William Henry, III (pilot), submit by son: William Bill Wishard
Wisniewski, Joseph (son of Raymond Wisniewski) 11/11/02
Wisniewski, Raymond J. (flight crew) 319BG 11/11/02
Wisotsky, Leonard (engineer-top turret gunner, 65 missions, C.O.D.) 599BS,
397BG, see Matteo LaMuraglia 7/9/02, 6/1/03 see Mike Sheldon
Wittig, Frank (Great squadron tragedy) 6/22/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Witty, Robert W. Bob (pilot, CO) 344BG lead on D-Day 1/23/00, 9/14/01,
8/24/03, 2/8/04, 8/15/04
Wolberg (Welberg), Donald M. (bombardier-navigator, shot down in April 45)
Wolf, Charles H. (pilot, Class 44B, B26 & B25; transition to A26 and Far East;
recalled in Korea War (182FS, 136FG & 35FS, 8FG) 439BS, 319BG 2/27/03 (see
Edward Kresan) 2/7/03, 3/9/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Wolf, Richard O. (pilot) 452BS, 322BG, see Jack P. Vandegift 6/22/04
Wolfe, G. R. (combat passenger) 12/24/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Wolfe, Ralph 12/22/03
Wolff, George, 585BS, 394BG, see Herschel E. Palmer 12/6/04
Wolstencroft, Peter (son of Henry Robert Watson) 4/13/03
Wood, Jeremy (grandson of John D. Daly) 4/30/04
Wood, Steve (grandson of George Brienza) 11/12/00
Woodrum, Henry Woody (pilot, Shopworn Angel) 495BS, 344BG, see Bill Royal
Woods, P. L. (pilot) 574BS, 391BG, see Domitilio Lucero 12/31/02, 1/9/03,
3/20/03, 12/23/03 [Trevor Allen data]
Woods, Paul R. (pilot, B26 #42-197720, mission of 12/23/44, may be same as
Woods, P. L.) [Trevor Allen data] 10/7/04
Woody, Sgt (engineer-gunner, 4F, shot down 2/16/45) 386BG, see Rubin Kichen
Woolf, Ralph B. (pilot, Class 44C, Secretary & Treasurer of 320BG Assoc) 442BS/
320BG 3/20/01, 4/8/01, 2/14/02
Woolridge, Ashley E., CO 319BG 2/27/03, 9/24/03
Wooten, Bruce (nose artist, Misty Lady, Patty Lou, Bosco, crew chief) 8th Tow
Target 11/11/00
Wooten, Paul (son of Bruce Wooten) 11/11/00
Work, Slyvia (daughter of Herchel E. Palmer) 12/6/04
Worrell, Thomas W. (co-pilot, B26 #42-95981) see Colin Wingrave 9/25/04
Wright, Lester (refer to Nancy Jones entry) 10/14/00
Wyatt, Lloyd, 478BS, 336G, fatality 10/29/42, see Emory D. Barton 8/10/03
Wylam, Joseph Thomas (flight instructor, Del Rio) 5/9/02
Wylam, William A. (brother of Joseph Thomas Wylam) 5/9/02
Wylie, Richard E. (radio-gunner crew of Darrell R. Lindsey) 585BS, 394BG
Wyman, Charles (tail gunner) 557BS, 387G 4/26/03
Wynne, Joseph W. (Flight engineer) 391BG, see Clark A. Tavener 6/1/04, 9/18/04
Yahrmarkt, Walter Jack (bombardier-navigator, killed in crash 5/21/43) 572BS,
391BG, submit by nephew:David J. Page 3/3/04 [Trevor Allen data]
Yanko, Peter J. (radio operator) 95BS, 17BG, see Joseph Newton Armstrong
Yarwood, Flt. Sgt. RAF (KIA 21/2/43) 70 OTU 2/7/02
Yates, Jack (pilot, Squadron CO) 437BS, 319BG 1/29/03
Yates, Jim (son of Jack Yates) 1/29/03
Yeager, Bill Subsonic (pilot) see John Underwood 8/5/04
Yaeger, Chuck (pilot) see John Underwood 8/5/06
Yeslin, A (armorer-gunner) 397BG 12/6/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Yohannan, Frank, 444BS, 320BG, crash of 11/13/44, see Sylvie Monin-Badey
Yost, Fred C. (turret gunner, Krannies Cradle or Kreihls Kradle) aircrew
included at Zeemer, 596BS, 397BG 11/17/01
Young, Barnett B. Skip (author The Story of the Crusaders) 386BG 6/24/04
Young, Bob (nephew of Howard W. Young Bob) 9/30/02, 12/18/02, 12/27/02
Young, Howard W. (engineer-gunner, MIA, B26 #42-95763) 442BS, 320BG 12/18/02,
Young, Leonard R., 596BS, 397BG, see George W. Vath 1/14/02, 3/20/02
Young, Lou Ann Van Camp (niece of Clair F. Van Camp) 3/2/03
Young, Warren E. (engineer-gunner) 37BS, 17BG 1/22/02
Youngblood, Sara Willcox (sister of Grover C. Willcox, Jr.) 10/4/01
Zagorski, Casmir (crew member on B26 #296-194, Barbara Ann) 554BS, 386BG
Zale, Edward J. (armorer) 497BS, 344BG -- 10/3/02
Zeller, Roger (B26 #41-31603) 319BG 11/24/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Zeman, C. F. (radio-gunner) 397BG 12/6/02 [Trevor Allen data]
Zemke, see Rainer Kliemann 9/28/04
Zimmerman, Bill (pilot of Kiziyo Pofoth 2nd, B26 #41-331799) 10/7/02
Zinkgraf, Robert Bob (son of Robert C. Zinkgraf) 7/16/03
Zinkgraf, Robert C. (engineer-gunner, 35 missions) 451BS, 322BG 7/16/03
Zipperstain, Irving J. (radio-gunner) 573BS, 391BG, see Philip S. Walter
Zitnyar, Sgt (radio-gunner, 4F, shot down 2/16/45) 386BG, see Rubin Kichen
Zuniga, Salvador J. (radio operator) 497BS, 344BG 10/3/02
Zuranski, Ralph C. (bombardier, 35 missions) 574BS, 391BG 10/11/03 [D. Donato
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(Note: John Moench made the index of the website. The amount of work hours John put into making this document is truly remarkable. The site index is not complete because John Moench passed away on April 3, 2013. The index will be updated periodically.)
Updated: January 15, 2025