Sterling P. Hoch
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Lt. Hoch and Lt Garton in France (probably Peronne) in January, 1945. | Lt. and Mrs (Evelyn) Hoch, and Lt. and Mrs. (Betty) Garton holding son Doug in Dodge City, Kansas where they shared a house as instructor pilots. |
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Bomb arming pins from 1st mission (April 22, 1944) and D-Day mission (lists crew on the tag) |
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Lt. Hoch and crew standing from left: Lt. Hoch (pilot),
Ed Hammack (eng.), |
Date |
Mission # |
Commentary |
16-Apr 1944 |
Ready for first mission briefing scrubbed |
19-Apr 1944 |
Diversionary mission 2 tons bombs didnt drop |
22-Apr 1944 |
1 |
Box 2 #2-C flight lots of flak; none for me |
23-Apr 1944 |
2 |
Coastal gun position at Benerville, France |
26-Apr 1944 |
3 |
Up at 3:30AM, but never crossed channel. Back up at 9:00PM. Penetrated Belgium, but didnt drop meals far apart. |
30-Apr 1944 |
4 |
Lots of flak got a few holes. Engine trouble back over France by self. Detonation blew gates from carburetor. |
1-May 1944 |
5 |
Several delays long mission and rough turbulence minimum flak |
5-May 1944 |
Scheduled for long one scrubbed just before take-off |
6-May 1944 |
Alerted but not briefed because of foul weather. |
8-May 1944 |
6 |
Rough mission flak close. George Hoffman shot down over France. |
9-May 1944 |
7 |
Not too rough, but a bombardier killed. |
13-May 1944 |
8 |
Mission in AM. Colonel Woods navigator killed. Another briefing late afternoon scrubbed before take-off. |
15-May 1944 |
9 |
On mission to bomb airfield heavy clouds returned with bombs. |
18-May 1944 |
Leonard Jackson flew in (in P-51). Has an enemy ship to his credit. |
19-May 1944 |
10 |
Short mission target-shore guns |
20-May 1944 |
11 |
Late evening mission heavy clouds made 3 runs returned with bombs. |
22-May 1944 |
Scheduled, but cancelled before take-off. |
23-May 1944 |
AM mission 11 miles from Germany scrubbed before take-off. PM milk run scrubbed because of weather. |
24-May 1944 |
Was scheduled for AM, but never got off. |
27-May 1944 |
12 |
Late mission returned at 10:30, bed after midnight. Light flak. (Le Manoir RR bridge) |
28-May 1944 |
13 |
Long mission 11 miles from Germany. Hit bridge; no fighters. Another long one scheduled for evening, almost to Paris, but plans changed. (Maissons La Fitte RR bridge) |
29-May 1944 |
Was scheduled to fly, but called off. |
30-May 1944 |
Scheduled for PM flight, but was called off. |
31-May 1944 |
14 |
Went on a long mission hit bridge. Plane returned with new left engine. (Rouen highway bridge) |
1-Jun 1944 |
15 |
Early mission scrubbed bad weather. Later mission (same target Le Harve) carried out despite bad weather. Very rough engine cut out. Pulled off target at 350 mph. |
2-Jun 1944 |
Started on a short one, but aborted when engine started to cut out after take-off |
3-Jun 1944 |
Scheduled for second mission of the day, but only one was flown. |
4-Jun 1944 |
Scheduled for two missions, but none were flown. |
5-Jun 1944 |
Up at 4:30 scheduled for 2 missions. First 3 hour delay, take off through heavy clouds, flew to Channel and returned to base. Second one scrubbed. |
6-Jun 1944 |
16 |
Up at 1:00AM (D-Day). Briefing at 2:00AM take off after 4:00AM. Bad weather zero hour 6:30AM. Hit target at 6:20. (Les Dunes de Verreville) 5,300 ships in channel guns flashing some ships sinking, others on fire. Engine cut out over target. One of our planes in formation ahead of us blew up. Just a big red flash. Was scheduled for second mission, but was cancelled. |
9-Jun 1944 |
Scheduled to fly rain all day scrubbed. |
10-Jun 1944 |
17 |
Up at 3:30AM much indecision. Briefing finally at 10:30AM. Hit beachhead gun emplacement, only a few hundred yards from our own lines. Still hundreds of ships in the channel. |
11-Jun 1944 |
18 |
Mission to Cherbourg Peninsula again. Several layers of clouds. Made several passes at target and returned with bombs. (St. Lo road junctions) |
12-Jun 1944 |
In briefing room from 3:45PM to 8:00PM no mission ever came in from headquarters. |
13-Jun 1944 |
19 |
Up at 5:30AM mission scrubbed. Alerted again in PM. Waited around until 8:00PM takeoff. Returned at 11:00PM. |
14-Jun 1944 |
20 |
Got us out of bed for 10:30 briefing sat around until almost 6:00PM. Took off at 6:30PM returned 9:30PM. Saw first dog fight 1 ME109 vs. 4 P-51s. (Chartres RR bridge) |
16-Jun 1944 |
Scheduled for morning mission, but was scrubbed. Had to hang around for PM mission. Finally, called briefing at 6:30PM, but scrubbed again. |
17-Jun 1944 |
21 |
Scheduled for AM, but was scrubbed. Briefing at 6:00PM, takeoff at 7:40PM returned at 11:40PM. Capt. Armbruster ran out of gas and crash landed. A 599th plane crashed on field and burned up. Doubt if anyone survived. |
23-Jun 1944 |
22 |
Briefing at 8:15AM mission scrubbed. Another briefing at 6:30PM. Shortest mission in ages only 2:35. Returned at 10:50PM. |
24-Jun 1944 |
Didnt fly today, thank goodness. Those that did had a rough one to Paris; quite a few didnt get back. |
26-Jun 1944 |
Up at 4:30AM, briefing at 5:30AM mission scrubbed. Bad weather, heavy clouds, rain. |
29-Jun 1944 |
Bad weather continues. Fifth day of alert and no flying. |
30-Jun 1944 |
Briefing at 1:30PM, but Pathfinder replaced us. |
3-Jul 1944 |
Still raining no mission |
5-Jul 1944 |
Briefing at 6:00AM 1½ hour delay, then scrubbed. Another briefing at 6:15PM, scrubbed at 6:20PM. |
6-Jul 1944 |
23 |
Up at 4:30AM flew first mission in two weeks. Flak heavy one piece almost hit our gas tank. (Dol-Rennes RR Line) |
7-Jul 1944 |
Up at 4:00AM one hour delay, then scrubbed at 8:00AM. |
10-Jul 1944 |
Went to south England to pick up plane with only crew chief as crew not ready yet. Had tea at English Field. |
12-Jul 1944 |
Up for mission in AM scrubbed. Flew test hop, discovered oil leak. Three more briefings in PM. Released at 7:00PM. |
14-Jul 1944 |
Up at 4:30AM three one-hour delays, then scrubbed. Another briefing at 5:00PM cancelled at 6:50PM. |
15-Jul 1944 |
24 |
Governor control problem in AM mission didnt take off. Flew 4½ hour mission in PM lots of flak. Longest mission to date. Had engine trouble less than 50% power between both engines. Couldnt keep up with formation flew by ourselves, kept losing altitude. Flew over Pas de Calais at several hundred feet, flak and tracers all around us. Reported down in channel searches by plane, helicopters and ships. Flew at tree top levels back to base. Called in for emergency landing had to wait for rest of formation to land. All running out of gas. Planes crash landed couple of miles short of runway. Several crashes and burning on field. Had to wait until runway cleared. |
18-Jul 1944 |
25 |
Lots of flak today had approximately 7 holes in first 24 missions, and got about 10 today. Tough and long. (Cherisy RR bridge) |
19-Jul 1944 |
26 |
Up at 4:00AM mission scrubbed just before take-off. Another long mission in evening milk run. (La Possonniere RR bridge) |
20-Jul 1944 |
Flew to Earls Colne to pick up secret papers. |
21-Jul 1944 |
Flew to B-17 base with Hayes to see Hayes friend. |
22-Jul 1944 |
Had briefing at 5:00PM scrubbed at 5:30PM. |
23-Jul 1944 |
Briefing at 8:00AM, but was replaced for Pathfinder. |
24-Jul 1944 |
27 |
Briefing at 11:00AM scrubbed at noon. Another mission in PM. Take off 6:00PM. Left engine hit by flak on fire. Made single engine emergency landing on strip in France. (3,500 foot runway) |
25-Jul 1944 |
Hitch hiked within three miles of front. Spent some time with eight-inch artillery. Back to England on C-47 late PM. |
29-Jul 1944 |
Brother came to visit. |
30-Jul 1944 |
28 |
Flew afternoon mission in B-26F light flak. |
31-Jul 1944 |
29 |
Split time on mission with Julius. (Mayenne RR Viaduct) |
1-Aug 1944 |
30 |
Up at 4:00AM mission scrubbed at 5:30AM. Flew long mission in PM. Saw three enemy fighters. One shot down, also one of our B-26s. Another B-26 all shot up, but returned to base. (Le Ponts de Ce RR bridge) |
3-Aug 1944 |
31 |
Mission in PM. One of our ships crashed after another chewed its tail off. Other ship spun, but recovered. (Li Laigle La Trinte de Reville RR-highway intersection) |
5-Aug 1944 |
Moved to Hurn in South England. All planes over loaded (all tail heavy see picture on this date in Bridge Busters book). Many planes crashed, and some burned. |
7-Aug 1944 |
32 |
Flew mission in number 4 position. |
8-Aug 1944 |
33 |
First day in which I flew two missions. Both had window ships, but no flak. Both were expected to be rough, but were milk runs. First was four hours. |
34 |
Second was two hours and twenty minutes. |
9-Aug 1944 |
Scheduled for mission. Almost ready to taxi out when discovered that cowl flaps didnt work. Did not fly. |
11-Aug 1944 |
35 |
Very rough mission. Low ceiling at take-off. Encountered some rain. Heavy flak. Over four hour mission. |
13-Aug 1944 |
36 |
Afternoon mission. Not much flak. (Corbiel marshalling yard) |
14-Aug 1944 |
37 |
Another milk run today. |
15-Aug 1944 |
38 |
On milk run to St. Malo. Invasion of Southern France today. |
16-Aug 1944 |
Scheduled, but scrubbed when taxiing out. 100th group mission. |
17-Aug 1944 |
39 |
Took off late came back through heavy overcast 300 to 500 foot ceiling. |
24-Aug 1944 |
Briefing in AM, but mission scrubbed just before starting engines. |
25-Aug 1944 |
40 |
Mission to Brest. Expected it to be rough. Several bursts directly in front of us, but no hits. |
26-Aug 1944 |
41 |
Morning mission, lots of flak. Briefing dive away from target to left. King led us over and to right into biggest concentration. Had one hit on windshield, plus four or five others. Other fives planes in flight crash landed. |
28-Aug 1944 |
42 |
Up at 6:00AM, mission scheduled at 8:30AM. Heavy clouds at 5,000 ft. Flew mission in evening. |
3-Sep 1944 |
Brief at 9:00AM. Started engines, then delayed. Another briefing in PM never took off. |
4-Sep 1944 |
Out to planes in AM, returned for dinner. Back to planes again, returned for supper. On way to planes again in evening, mission scrubbed. |
5-Sep 1944 |
43 |
To planes late AM, then back for dinner. To planes again several delays, then back for supper. Finally, flew to Brest in evening. |
6-Sep 1944 |
44 |
Up at 5:00AM easy flight to Brest. |
8-Sep 1944 |
On alert all day, but never flew. |
19-Sep 1944 |
45 |
First mission over Germany. Some flak in bomb run. Not flying my ship had not hits. Capt. Evans was flying my plane, and wheels collapsed on landing came in on belly. |
20-Sep 1944 |
46 |
Second flight over Germany milk run. Blew up a marshalling yard. |
22-Sep 1944 |
AM briefing scrubbed after engines started. |
25-Sep 1944 |
Up at 5:15AM for briefing one hour delay. Boarded planes, then scrubbed. |
28-Sep 1944 |
47 |
Flew mission today in messed up formation around target. Brought bombs back. |
29-Sep 1944 |
48 |
Mission in PM. Heavy clouds at 4,000 feet. Lots of flak, but inaccurate. (Bitburg barracks area) |
1-Oct 1944 |
Scheduled, but mission scrubbed before we got to briefing. |
2-Oct 1944 |
49 |
6:30AM briefing milk run. Brought bombs back. |
14-Oct 1944 |
Scheduled, but never reached briefing stage. |
15-Oct 1944 |
Up at 4:30AM. Several delays, then mission scrubbed. Was to have been out deepest penetration into Germany (35 minutes from Berlin). |
16-Oct 1944 |
Scheduled, but scrubbed before briefing. |
19-Oct 1944 |
UP at 6:30AM mission scrubbed before briefing. Another briefing scheduled at noon, but never took place. |
20-Oct 1944 |
50 |
Flew number 50 today, as window. Dropping aluminum foil. To Holland. |
21-Oct 1944 |
Two briefings, but scrubbed before take-off. |
22-Oct 1944 |
Scheduled briefing, scrubbed again. |
23-Oct 1944 |
Pathfinder mission scrubbed after briefing. |
29-Oct 1944 |
51 |
Scheduled as spare. A screwed-up takeoff due to holes in taxi strip. Was German base, never completely repaired after out take over. Never caught up to formation. Returned to field, and skidded off end of wet runway. No damage. |
30-Oct 1944 |
Up at 6:00AM. Briefing for deep penetration into Germany. One hour delay, then scrubbed. |
4-Nov 1944 |
Scheduled for mission, but scratched for Pathfinder. |
5-Nov 1944 |
52 |
Up at 5:30AM. Briefing at 7:00AM, mission scrubbed, then briefing for Pathfinder. Formation had lots of trouble going up through heavy clouds. |
9-Nov 1944 |
53 |
Flew mission in AM, returned with bombs. Flew through snow storms. Ice on windows. Got stuck in mud. |
54 |
Without dinner, flew Pathfinder mission returned with bombs. |
11-Nov 1944 |
55 |
Pathfinder mission in AM. Milk run, although it was heavily defended. Used window. |
16-Nov 1944 |
Briefing for our largest mission (54 ship formation) to aid big offensive. Several planes had taken off when mission was scrubbed. |