Captain Ray Williamson
386th Bomb Group, 553rd Bomb Squadron

Final Resting Place
Normandy American Cemetery
B - 7 - 33
- Date:
- 4/1/2004
- Time:
- 1:09 PM
- Capt. Ray Williamson BombGp: 386th Squadron: 553
Years: n/a Class: ? Location: ? Comments: My name is Gary Timms, Assistant Manager of a
County Historical Museum on the West Coast. Trying to find out any info. We had a gift at
our museum. It was brought in by a lady who said she received it from a friend that had
passed a way and didn't know what to do with it. Here goes. It was some pictures, a letter
and a letter from the "War Department". The letter was written Nov 5, 1943
and postmarked 11/6/43, from Capt Ray Williamson, his last letter home. The letter from
the War Dept. states that he was shot down 11/5/43 over France. Does anyone know what
happened, the name of the aircraft, crew members or any other info. We would either like
to find relatives or at least make a display with more info. Other info with this is plane
crashed near Inglevert, France and Capt. Williamson was buried at Marquise, France. The
War Dept. letter was dated 7/9/46 Gary Timms
- Mission #38: November 5, 1943 -
Mimoyecques Rocket Site - by Chester Klier, 386th BG Historian
- Saturday, April 3, 2004, 7:24 AM
Response: Incredible...Thank you very very much. Gary
- Monday, April 19, 2004, 5:35 PM
Dedication page added