Ivan J. Breaux, top row, forth from left with most gunners from 6
Begin top #1 is R.W. Snider; tail gunner #2, radio gunner unknown; #3
unknown; #4 Ivan J. Breaux, tail gunner with Giles;#5 I think to, Cook,
tail gunner; #6 Eddie Kozlowski, tail gunner with #7 R.H. Hickock, radio
gunner with Giles; # 8 and 9, unknown;
In center line #10 unknown
Bottom line #11, 12, unknown;# 13 Hugh D. Laurens, , tail gunner; #14
Kenneth Kuznetzoff, engineer gunner with Giles; # 15 Paul Victor Suway,
tail gunner. # 16 unknown.
Two gunners in crews were one unknown and one was J.C. Magness.
From Ivan Breaux:I want the descendants of the 386ers to see a copy of
our history and here is a
copy of my booklet.
In bottom of list of gunners in picture our Hut,
the 16th person in picture is unknown, and two gunners were not in the
picture; not unknown and last was J.C. Magness." This is changed in
sending the changed with below.....which had sent to you.
Missions with Ivan Breaux. With Pilot Melvin C. Giles, W.E. Baldwin, R.W.
Ludwig, Kenneth Kuznetzof, engineer and R.H. Hickok radio.
Diversion No.3 July 28,1943, over North Sea (Lt. Giles #6 Lead Flight) No
bombs were loaded. 19 planes, no. damaged. 12,000 Ft. altitude. .
Combat Mission #3 Aug. 2, 1943 St. Omer, France (Lt. Giles #3 Position in
High Flight) 14 of 21 planes were damaged, including we. 11,000 ft.
altitude. 3 x 300 Lb and 18 x 100 Lbs. bombs
Combat Mission #4 Aug 9, 1943, Airdrome, St. Omer, France (Lt. Giles #6
Positions in High Flight) 8 x 300 lbs. bombs 11,000 ft.. altitude. Damaged
6 planes from 19 including we.
Combat Mission #5 Aug 15, 1943 Airdrome Woensdrecht, Holland (Lt. Giles #5
Position in Low Flight) 8 x 300 Lb. bombs, 11,000 ft. altitude. No. damage
on planes
Combat Mission #8 Aug. 22, 1943 Airdrome, Beaumont le LeRoger (Lt. Giles
#6 position in Lead Flight) 10 x 300 Lb bombs, 10,000 ft. altitude 5
planes including we, out 18 planes.
Combat Mission #10 Aug. 31, 1943, Supply Dump, Feret D’hesdin, France. (Lt
Giles #5 Position in Low Flight)6 x 500 Lb. bombs, 10,000 ft. altitude.
No. damage.
Combat Mission #12 Sep. 4, 1943 Marshalling yard Lille, France. (Lt. Giles
#6 position in Lead Flight) 10 x 300 Lbs. bombs, 10,200 ft. altitude. 4
planes from 18 planes. We got no damage.
Combat Mission # 13 Sept. 5, 1943 Marshalling Yards Courtrai, Belgium (Lt.
Giles #5 Positions in Low Flight) 6 x 500 Lbs. bombs , 9,000 Lbs.
altitude. 13 planes damages including we, with 18 planes.
Combat Mission #15 Sept. 6, 1943 Marshalling Yard, Serqueux, France. (Lt.
Giles #5 position in Lead Flight 11,000 ft. altitude. 6 x 500 Lbs bombs.
No planes damaged.
Combat Mission # 16 Sept. 7, 1943, Marshall Yard, Lille, France (Lt. Giles
#3 Position in High Flight) no damage 11,000 ft. altitude. 10 - 300Lbs
