Clifford Lang Brokaw
555th Bomb Squadron, 386th Bomb Group
This photo is labeled Glass Hat, Shreveport’s Finest Cocktail Lounge. Shreveport
is home to Barksdale AFB which has a Marauder connection.
The dog is Mrs. Mary Orr Brokaw's beloved cocker spaniel, Blackie. To the right of the
dog is Mr. and Mrs. Brokaw.
Clifford Lang Brokaw
Milford O.
"Moe" Elling, Clifford L. "Cliff" Brokaw, "Toby" Underwood,
Clarence E. "Cy" Cyford, Andy P. "Andy" Bonnicksen,
"Sambo" Sampson
What eventually happened to this plane?
41-31624, 386BG 555BS "LORETTA YOUNG" Code YA-S Mission Nos. 80
20 May 44 crashed, engine failure on take off
Capt. Phillip Tenor
Clifford Lang Brokaw, 2nd from right
What ever happened to this plane? 41-34948 386BG 555BS "MISS MURIEL", Code YA-K,
Mission No. 19
3 Oct 43 gear retracted while still on the ground at Great Dunmow, salvaged
Lt. Paul Bartolain
Clifford Brokaw is seated, 3rd from left
Headquarters Fort Ritchie
Whatever happened to this plane?
41-31625 386BG 555BS "HELL'S FURY" YA-R 26 MARC 1413 13 Dec 43 direct flak hit inboard left engine, burst into
flames from this point to rear, left wing broke off at root, soon after
right wing broke off,the fuselage disintegrating. Pilot blown out of
aircraft when it exploded. |
41-31614 386BG 555BS "HELLS A POPPIN" Code: YA-X Mission
Nos. 14 |
"One of my classmates in a concentrated face, except it's a real shot flying
formation. We don't fly too close in these ships.
If you look close you can see one of the 2000 HP engines ticking along. Sorry I
don't have a picture of myself, other arm is on throttles.
41-31624 386BG 555BS LORETTA YOUNG YA-S 80