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Typical 18 Plane Formation of the Twin-Engine Martin B-26 "Marauder" Medium Bomber

formation.jpg (13371 bytes)

Top: 11,000 Ft. Formation Lead Plane; A = Lead Plane;
B = Alternative Lead Planes with Full Crew and Norden Bombsight

Left Side: Low Flight - 10,500 Ft.   Right Side: High Flight 11,500 ft.

Normally, two-thirds of all planes carry no regular Navigator and no bombsight.  These "wing planes" are those not designated as either a Lead Plane or an alternate Lead Plane.  Such planes usually carried a Bombardier-Navigator or Togglier.

Typical Bomb Load Per A/C
2 - 2000 lbs. General Purpose
4 - 1000 lbs. General Purpose
8 - 0500 lbs. General Purpose
20-0250 lbs. General Purpose
30-0100 lbs. General Purpose
30-0100 lbs. Incendiary
18-0260 lbs. Fragmentary

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