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SSgt. Walter T. Vaughn
557th BS/387th BG

The 387th BG records are very poor and do not include full crew manifests for their missions so a full mission list is not possible to compile for SSgt. Vaughn.

The only way a crew members progress can be measured is by the award of each Air Medal and Oak Leaf Cluster, these were awarded for each 5 completed missions, those in the records for SSgt Vaughn are as follows, (bear in mind that the dates shown are the date of the award and not the date upon which each batch of 5 missions was completed, there usually being a delay before the actual announcement of the award):

June 29, 1944                 IX BC Gen Order No 115                            Air Medal

???                                  Missing from the records                               Oak Leaf Cluster to AM

August 15, 1944             IX BC G.O. No 155                                      2nd OLC to AM

August 26, 1944             IX BC G.O. No 165                                      3rd OLC

September 4, 1944        IX BC G.O. No 172                                       4th OLC

September 30, 1944      IX BD G.O. No 6                                           5th and 6th OLC

October 3, 1944             IX BD G.O. No 9                                          7th OLC

October 26, 1944           IX BD G.O. No 23                                        8th OLC

November 22, 1944       IX BD G.O. No 33                                         9th OLC

December 22, 1944       IX BD G.O. No 46                                         10th OLC

January 13, 1945            IX BD G.O. No 6                                          11th OLC

April 24, 1945                IX BD G.O. No 56                                        Distinguished Flying Cross

So from the above we can determine that SSgt. Vaughn completed at least 60 missions but no more than 64 missions. The award of the DFC was for “Extraordinary Heroism in Aerial Flight” up until April 1944 this was awarded for the completion of 25 missions but it was felt that this devalued the award and after that date a person had to have performed some form of achievement in flight to receive the award, this had to be ratified by board of enquiry so hence the delay in the actual award until April. Sadly the citations for such awards are not included in the records so for what action/achievement or the date it referred to is not recorded.

What I do know is that SSgt. Vaughn was a part of the crew led by 2Lt. (later 1LTt.) George A. Seipp as pilot, 2Lt. James P. Render as copilot, with Sgt. Raymond W. Allard or Sgt. Blair as radio operator and SSgt. Robert F. Davis as Armorer/Gunner.

This crew most likely arrived at Sta 162 Chipping Ongar in May 1944 as a replacement crew.

Whilst a crew roster for each mission is not included in the Group records I can list the missions that Lt. Seipp flew as a first pilot and that SSgt. Vaughn possibly flew on most of these missions, but there is no guarantee that he did, so this information must be used with caution as it cannot be verified:

I can only find 55 missions with 2Lt. Seipp (later 1Lt.) listed as first pilot, we know through the award of 12 OLCs to his AM he flew at least 65 mission so 10 have not been identified but there are a number of missions in the records for which not even the first pilot’s name is not so he might have flown on some of these missions.

Lt Seipp’s mission missions flown are shown as detailed below, but I must stress there is no guarantee that SSgt Vaughn was on these missions:

(those shown in italics did not count toward a tour as they were aborted)

Key to target abbreviations:

Br = Bridge, C/C = Communications Center (usually a defended crossroads or village), C/D = Coastal Defences, D/A = Defended Area, F/D = Fuel Dump, M/T = Motor Transport Depot, M/Y = Marshalling Yard, Rd/J = Road Junction, Road Br = Road Br,  RR/G = Railroad mounted gun, S/P = Strongpoint, T/C = Troop Concentration, V-1 Site = V-weapon launching site,

Date                   Target                               Aircraft Flown                                            Notes

May 31               Bennecourt Rd Br           41-31714 KS-K “Keller’s Killer”

June 3                 Etaples C/D                    41-31707 KS-R “Five by Fives”

June 6                 Beau Guillot C/D             41-31672 KS-Q “Worry Wart", Abort – Lost formation in cloud

June 7                 Rennes Br                       42-95869 TQ-F “Front Burner II”, 559 BS aircraft

June 7                 Villedieu M/Y                  41-31717 KS-B “Ollie L”

June 8                 Foret de Grimbosq           42-107809 KS-N, Recalled weather

June 10              St Lo RR/G & Br              41-35248 KS-S “Ruffles”

June 10              Bretteville Rd & Br           41-31611 KS-T “Sweatin 2nd”

June 13              Domfront F/D                   41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

June 14              Ambrieres  Rd/J                41-31690 KS-L “Lucky Lou”

June 18              Rennes M/Y                     41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

June 20              Lambus V-1 Site               41-31672 KS-Q “Worry Wart”

June 23              Remainsil V-1 Site            41-31717 KS-B “Ollie L”

June 25              Foret de Senonches F/D   41-31707 KS-R “Five by Fives”

June 25              Foret d’ Ecouves F/D        41-31707 KS-R “Five by Fives’

June 30              Villers Bocage                  41-31707 KS-R “Five by Fives”

July 6                  Doullens Citadel              41-31717 KS-B “Ollie L”

July 16                St Lo D/A                       41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

July 16                Foret de la Guerche F/D  41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

July 18                Demouville D/A               41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

July 19                Tours RR Br                     41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

July 21                387th BG moves from Sta 162 Chipping Ongar to Sta 452 Stoney Cross

July 23                Serquigny RR Br              41-31691 KS-H “ Capes Gremlin Chaser”

July 25                St Lo T/C                         41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

July 26                Marigny D/A                    41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

July 28                Bouth RR Br                     41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

July 28                Foret de Senonches F/D   41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

July 30                Caumont D/A                   41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

August 4             St. Remi sur Avre RR Br   42-96276 KS-N “Miss BeHavin”

August 5            Briollay RR Br                   41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”, Formation recalled, no escort

August 5             Briollay RR Br                  41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

August 12          Corbeil Fuel Depot           41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

August 16          Anizy Le Chateau Br         41-31714 KS-K “Keller’s Killer”

August 17          Beaumont le Roger Br      42-96309 KS-G “Shirley D”

August 27          387th BG moves to A-15 Maupertus, France

September 6      Brest S/P’s                       41-31672 KS-Q “Worry Wart”

September 12    Siegfried Line S/Ps           41-31718 KS-O “El Capitan” (Aborted lost power)

September 16   Metz S/Ps                         41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

September 18   387th BG moves to A-39 Chateaudun, France

September 28   Foret de Parroy T/C         41-31720 KS-Z “Ole Smokey”

September 29   Euskirchen M/Y                41-35248 KS-S “Ruffles”

October 3          Duren Ammo/D               41-31799 KS-F “Eaglet”

October 8          Erkelenz Town                 41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

October 12        Camp de Bitche D/A        41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

October 28        387th BG moves to A-71 Clastres, France

November 4      Eschweiler G/P                 41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

November 17    Weisweiler T/C                 41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

November 19    Merzig S/Ps                      41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

November 25    Kaiserlautern Ammo/D     41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

November 30    Zweibrucken Depot          41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

December 6       Mariaweiller D/A             41-31799 KS-F “Eaglet”

December 9       Dellfeld RR Sidings          41-31799 KS-F “Eaglet”

December 23     Mayen RR Br.                  41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

December 23     Prum C/C                         41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

December 24     Nideggen C/C                  41-31717 KS-B “Ollie L”

December 27     Nonnweiller RR Br           41-31871 KS-X “Dottie”

January 2           Badmunster RR Br           41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

January 16         Erkelenz C/C                    41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

January 22         Dasburg Rd Br                  41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

February 6         Rosbach RR Br                 41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser”

February 6         Berg Gladbach M/T          41-31720 KS-Z “Ole Smokey”

February 8         Materborn D/A                 44-67924 KS-L “Dixie Darling”

February 9         Viersen C/C                      44-67924 KS-L “Dixie Darling”

From the above we can see that 1Lt. Seipp flew many missions in aircraft 41-31691 KS-H “Capes Gremlin Chaser” so it may be considered as “his” aircraft whilst serving with the Group.

Alan Crouchman

Left to Right: Render, Seipp, Vaughn, Blair and Davis

Left to Right: Davis, Render, Seipp, Vaughn and Allard

"Capes Gremlin Chaser" with "Baby Bumps II"

Left to Right: Standing, Seipp, Vaughn, Render; Kneeling, Davis, Allard

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