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June 22, 1985

The President:
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:

I recently became aware of a report published in the January 31, 1985 issue of the Congressional Record. It stated that an 80 year old Belgian woman, Anne Brusselmans had been denied a permit to live with her widowed daughter and a 16 year old grandson because neither is a citizen of the U.S.A.

Anne Brusselsman was a genuine heroine during World War Two—helping downed allied airmen evade the German occupation forces. At one time she had 54 airmen stashed away in Brussels, Belgium; in the very midst of enemy troops. If she had been caught helping only one airman, it would have earned her a quick trip in front of a firing squad. This woman who risked her life many times on our behalf from the early 1940’s until the British Forces liberated Brussels in late summer of 1944.

Enclosed you will find a 25 page story which I wrote concerning the 110th air combat mission flown by the 386th Bomb Group. The date was February 22, 1944. I witnessed two of our aircraft shot down just after we released our bombs. Eight of the fliers were my former squadron mates. Several days later Anne Brusselmans was able to aid a number of them!

For her work with the Underground movement, Anne Brusselmans was awarded the Member Of The British Empire by a grateful British Government. She received The Medal Of Freedom with Silver Palm from General of the Army, Dwight D. Eisenhower, being only one of fourteen Europeans given the medal.

All the 80-year old widow wishes, is to live out her remaining years with her daughter in the sunshine of Florida. In a letter from Montreal, she wrote to me saying, "Canadian winter is for the birds!" With the power of your high office won’t you please intervene, so this true heroine can live in our country!

Very truly yours,

Chester P. Klier
Historian, 386th Bomb Group

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